Who did it?

What exactly happened on that autumn day in Dallas?

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Ted Cruz knows. His father told him. that wasnt Trump bullshit. That was Trump hitting back at the deep state.

CIA, obviously.

Sponge Bob Squarepants

Back and to the left.

bush senior and the cuba crew

Lee Harvey Oswald was going pigeon hunting and forgot the safety was off



if you have a whole day to spare...

(((They))) had him killed

The Grassy Knoll


our government did it



It was those two lookers on the grassy knol.


the mob did it because of casinos in cuba.

Douglas Bazata along with at least 3 others (including LHO, who was the fall man) shot and killed JFK


Read "JFK and the Unspeakable." JFK was a Cold Warrior, but the CIA tried to trick him into starting WWIII during Bay of Pigs. JFK realized they were batshit crazy and tried to negotiage peace with Kruschev. So CIA killed him, specifically the part tasked with assassinating Castro. They already were geared up for that sort of thing senpai

>not having seen the full video from the grassy knoll

you normies are adorable with your conspiracy theories. Maybe when you see it for yourselves you'll understand, but probably not

>grassy knoll

lol nice one. cia did their job well.

Prob not active CIA, just people like the Dulles brothers arranging things.

Who cares?

He tried going up against MJ12 by releasing documents regarding aliens. Bad mistake, hombre.



He was, just a man with nothing to lose
slightly bored and extremely confused

He, steadied his rifle with the target in the Center

Was it kino?

skull and bones, obviously

>Son dies while in office
>Lose all hope
>Decide fuck it, I'm going to expose all the phonies in this shit hole government
>Start fucking with everyone's piece of the cake.
>Get Lincolned by a (((lone))) gunman

Anglos keeping the irish down

head clown lmao

JFK was trying to get rid of the Federal Reserve and the kil

It was a mob hit.

Lee Harvey dindu nuffin

((they)) did

Jfk didnt want to give millions to israel in the form of military aid, didnt want to sell us weapons and dint want to sell atomic bombs (((They))) got rid of him so all this could be possible.

i have always assumed it was a mob hit. i'm a filthy casual when it comes to the jfk conspiracy, though.

from investment watch blog:
"Photos of George H W Bush in Front of Dallas Book Depository the day of JFK Assassination"

That fucking shilock nose. Disgusting.

Wasn't his father in bed with mafia? I think JFK didn't do something the mob wanted and got him hit

>Oswald misses the first shot
>this alerts Secret Service convertible behind JFK
>Secret Service guy takes out rifle with safety off
>stands up and starts looking up
>Oswald's second shot hits JFK through neck
>JFK slumps over
>both cars start accelerating
>Secret Service guy loses balance
>accidentally squeezes out a round
>by dumb luck, blows a hole in JFK's dome
>Oswald shot him in neck and he was probably gonna die anyway
>and so the great cover up begins and exists to this day


No I think it was active CIA, but not like the whole thing. Probably a Dulles affiliated faction though.

I don't doubt the mob was involved via their connections over mutual interest in the Cuba situation. The oil men from Texas were definitely tied up in LBJ and were part of the situation. LBJ was obviously the prime piece as VP and as a major player but he was not the prime mover. It was more of a spontaneous order of JFKs enemies. FBI also had to be involved and sure enough Hoover had the motivation and was tight with LBJ.

LBJ, was a sociopath and ego maniac and his entire political career (box 13 scandal) had been nothing but crooked doings that would make the Clinton's blush, most of which are public record.

When you go to presidential homes, the person is usually humanized. When I went to LBJ ranch, I said "this guy was a psycho." What with the Bobby baker scandal brewing his time was short and he was indeed desperate. But how could an opportunist miss a chance not just to make his problems go away, but to become the most powerful man in the world?

Oswald wanted to go to Cuba and he had been declined. I suspect CIA posing as a KGB or Castro op. told him they reconsidered after the General Walker shot, but that he had to prove himself for real by doing something big... and look it turns out the pres is going by your place of work next week, Lee, take a shot and we will extract you etc. etc.. I imagine LHO fires the first two shots, and is trying to line up a third one when he sees the president's head explode through his scope. He would know instantly he was a patsy, hence his thoroughly unexplainable behavior after the incident. I suspect the shot came from DalTex building. The only way to get away with more than one shooter is if the bullets from one of the shooters is ever recovered. Just like the third bullet which completely fragmented unlike what is characteristic of that round and what we saw from the other bullets.

The irony is so many people think they get it, but Occam's Razor, baby. Communists killed him. And when they did, it began the turn that led the left to where they are today. That is the red pill.

I took a college class taught by the historical consultant for the movie JFK. He claimed that it was the CIA/LBJ so they could continue the war in Vietnam, Kennedy was going to pull out and the military industry would've never gotten trillions of dollars to bomb a bunch of gooks for ten years.

Pepe the frog did it.

From the storm drain. It's so obvious now.

based pic

The Oliver Stone movie is a fucking joke that has done its part to undermine any interesting conspiracy theories. That blundering fuck from Louisiana that Kostner tried to aggrandize, preemted any serious legal analysis by presenting the most easily disprovable of the available conspiracies.

Having said that I do agree it was the CIA/LBJ plus some other groups as well.

Kill shot did not come from grassy knoll, though a shot was fired from it, anyways you're larping


Everyone listen to this man.
Rational explanation trumps any bs theory.


>plus some other groups as well
Israel started to take off around that time. Those groups also killed Patton because he was powerful and was redpilled hard by the end of the war.

this one, his head exploded because it was a hollowpoint round

It was all Jackie, in the video you can see the shot came from a downward angle and she dropped something in between the seat and trunk when jumping out of the car, she also should've been paralyzed in fear, not squirming around like a worm on steroids

Kennedy announced shortly before his assassination that he wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve... you know the company that prints all of the USA's money

This is all you need to know

>What exactly happened on that autumn day in Dallas?
Lee Harvey Oswald and the secrecy service guy shot and killed JFK

>George HW Bush was in Dallas the previous day attending a conference; he was involved in CIA
>He allegedly left Dallas the day before JFK was murked
>He called the FBI with an odd tip (on record)
>HW Bush was a good friend of the oil man George Sergius de Mohrenschildt, who was the handler of both Oswald and Oswald's wife, whom briefly lived with him and his wife
>Mohrenschildt later wrote a frantic letter to HW Bush, asking for help, regarding pressure and threats about Dallas hit job (on record)
>HW Bush did not respond
>Mohrenschildt allegedly committed suicide at his Florida estate
>HW Bush is the only living US president to *not know/remember* where he was on day of assassination

Want more info: read 'Family of Secrets' by Russ Baker, a mindblowing read

Fun Fact: HW Bush was good friend of Hinckley family, and was scheduled to dine with a few family members around the day the black sheep Hinckley son shot Reagan

A coup was executed to perfection, sweeping into office the man responsible for roughly 80% of the problems with this country today.
>government backed home loans for people who don't pay back loans.

>After visiting these two places you can easily see how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had boundless ambition for his country, which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.

Prelude to Leadership (The Post-War diary of John F. Kennedy). Pages 73–74.

Bill Cooper says he was told that the Secret Service agent driving the car was in on it, which is why the car made no change in speed or attempt to maneuver evassively. 3 shots and a maximum of 200 meters, you definitely hear that shit.


I've never got into the Israel stuff but in talking about the mob, who was as rabid about the Cuba situation as he CIA was, and just like the CIA, the Kennedies were currently trying hard to go after both of those groups. The key thing though is that the mob and CIA were absolutely working together closely in Cuba. Also unlike today the CIA was fragmented into secretive factions, some of which were actually capable of truly clandestine operations. Since then their ability to act secretively has been somewhat stripped.

Also the oil men behind LBJ were probably as responsible as anyone in terms of facilitating the whole thing and controlling it. That Dallas cohort was really the true power behind a lot of it that occurred. Although I guess we must assume John Connally wasn't involved.

Also the FBI would have had to be involved. No FBI conspiracy, no cover up.


I didn't care for the movie either, he was published got writing a book about the inconsistencies between the story we're told and what actually happened. Hollywood just probably picked him up as a consultant to fact check historical events in the movie, I don't think he was writing scenes or influencing Stone.

Though I do remember he made us buy this 1000 page unpublished book from him full of newspaper clippings and police reports etc. Basically he found evidence that the media wrote the story before the assassination actually happened, like 4 or 5 national newspapers said JFK went to the wrong hospital in Dallas after he was shot

Idk but it's pretty strange how that video was filmed in color in this timeline.

Kennedy was going to force J Edgar Hoover into retirement from the FBI.

J Edgar Hoover said no.

Israel happwned
He wanted them out of American politics and to investigate their financial corruption and their theft of nuclear technology

>see 9/11

It was a very skilled coup by LBJ, the CIA, and several officials in the Department of Defense.

American advisors very strongly believed that losing Southeast Asia would spell certain doom for the United States. Kennedy managed to drop the ball in Laos and, after the assassination of Diem, he was considering a withdrawal from Vietnam. The Department of Defense wouldn't let this happen, so they conspired with LBJ and disparate CIA cells to have Kennedy removed from the picture. This wasn't some high-up CIA conspiracy from the very top; remember that this was a time when the CIA basically had a carte blanche to do whatever they wanted so long as they didn't get caught. They didn't even need funding from the government - they would run their own businesses and cartels to get all the money they needed.

They probably got Lee Harvey Oswald to believe that he was doing a job for Castro, and then pressured Jack Ruby to finish off Oswald before he could spill the beans.

Prof. Plum, in the study, with the candlestick.

This. Single shooter backed by the CIA. The mob wouldnt help without someone big giving them a nod.

Oh stop, the Jews were barely organized enough to have functioning clandestine services in '63. Plenty of suspects in this hemisphere.

JFK was too great of a president.

We did not deserve him.

Filmed by Zapruder, who attended the same Dallas synagogue as Jack "Ruby" Rubenstein. Zapruder was a 33rd degree Freemason who worked in female apparel. Kinda weird. He also lied under oath about donating proceeds from LIFE for the film to charity, and lied about the amount received.

Gheddafi said it was because of israel too

Do...do we LIKE Fitzgerald?

He wasn't very great. He wasn't that bad though. In fact it was pretty stupid to make the enemies the way he did.

>Take favors from mob to get elected.
>Have your little brother go after them anyways once in office.

And yeah JFK was literally elected because of the mob. He got like 110% turnout in Chicago which won him Illinois which literally was the difference in the election. He owed them and tried to fuck them over.

>right wing retards still think that Illinois flipped the 1960 election
>right wing retards can't do simple math

JFK was the greatest. Only Obama and Based Bill Clinton were greater.

Oh stop. He was still a Kennedy, and probably would have turned out to be a pro-communist drunken disaster like Teddy. He is romanticized by the press and history, but he was barely in office half a term. His brother, the famous mafia prosecutor was actually just taking down the mob bosses that his daddy's mafia faction did not like. Very fine line between mob boss and statesman back then.

>doesn't even bother to change the filename for a shitpost
*claps slowly and begins crying*

Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone when he shot the President from the 6th floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository.

>which won him Illinois which literally was the difference in the election.

Just how fucking retarded are you?

JFK won by 84 EC votes.

Illinois was worth 27.

You sound like a right wing retard.

Do you deny his dad was so thick as thieves with the same mobsters JFK's brother ends up going after?

He literally made his fortune off of the mob.

No one who has actually been to Dealy Plaza and knows even a little bit about guns can seriously believe that there was a shooter on the Grassy knoll.

I did it, and when his head burst open like a watermelon I came all over myself.

They turned a 4 seater into a 6 seater.



>forgetting Internet and cable 24 hour news cycle


The real answer is LBJ but my meme answer for the sake of this thread is that he shot himself.

>He literally made his fortune off of the mob.

No. Joe Sr. made his fortune shorting the stock market in 1929. Then in Hollywood.

That doesn't mean his children were the finest American patriots this country has ever seen.

Jews killed him because he was going to end the fed




Kennedy was a Hawk.

Only people who know nothing of history and attempt to idolize him as some saintly liberal hero think he wasn't a hawk.
1) He ran on the idea that the US was behind Russia on nuclear weapons. The reality was that the US had a major advantage in nuclear weapons.
2) He was a huge proponent of the space race. The primary contractors for those systems were defense contractors.
3) He authorized the largest class of ballistic missile submarines to that point.
4) He was a hawk on Cuba, and contrary to revisionist history after the fact was willing to drop a million tons of fission on a bunch of Cubans.

and he spoke out against secret societies

Oswald from the book depository.

If you think the government that can't collect metadata, spy on a hotel, or use personal computers without someone talking has somehow been completely airtight on the assassination of the fucking president in broad daylight for 50 years, you're delusional.

Sam Giancana