Red pill me on Homosexuality

Is it permanent? Is it environmental? Are you really born with it? Is it just a phase?

Just wondering.. Think I might be gay..

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Let me help you out. Yes. You are gay.

the fendipitous eggmen are returning soon

So there's no reversal? I had no choice?

The only way to fix gay is to kill yourself

Or become a celibate gay, dedicate your life to the study of abstract mathematics, and serve as a eunuch-like intellectual asset

Read the sticky before trying to make another thread, you absolute faggot.

What kind of porn do you watch? Crave dicks? Put things up your butt?

homosexuality apparently appears in nature. there is not, however, a reasonable explanation for why animals engage in this. the only reason i can think of is that aside from, say, birds and insects for the most part, it's very difficult for us to determine whether or not an animal is male or female unless we check for the D. it is possible that animals are essentially fucking traps consciously and trying to imagine it's a female member of the species, doing this shit recreationally.

i think i know someone who can help you

mostly gay porn.. yeah, yeah..

I honestly think homosexuality is God's way of stopping the spread of other bad genes.

Nigga, you gay.

What does a post punk must-have have to do with the gays?

Being homosexual means you were born with a ''defect'' since you'd rather insert your dong-a-long in men's butts instead of hot vaginas

It's obviously a flaw and you're a lesser man, since homosexuals can't reproduce (on paper yes, but you know what I mean).

I think Lord Raiden Spence might be able to help, as I don't see anything to ''un-gay'' someone without some sort of shock therapy or chemical treatment for a gay brain

There are reversal. They are known as electro shock therapy. Contrary to popular belief, EST is not painful. And, it will convert you to a normal state ie. heterosexuality. What EST is designed to do is dissociate homosexual behavior and thoughts as pleasant and associate heterosexuality as pleasant.

If it gets you hard own it. Otherwise you'll end up scared of your own sexuality like SJWs and Feminazis. AFAIK it's not something that can be changed. But if you get hard you can still fuck a woman so you can hide in the closet.

it's pretty gay

Because animals are primal. Their urge to copulate suggests that they hunker down with any submissive mate.

>Think I might be gay..
no you're not.

Probably a combination of genetic predisposition, hormal exposure, and environmental factors influencing gene expression.

just so you know, in "Disorder" he said "I've been waiting for a guide (not guy) to come and take me by the hand... Feel the pleasures of a normal (not another) man" it's not about being gay.

but i have great genes, my entire family looks pretty great and is healthy, all my siblings etc.

how? there's no changing it? what can i do?

how so?

what genetic predisposition?

There really isn't anything wrong about being gay. Just don't be a sjw who pushes it on to people. Or you could use it to red pill other potential sjw's.

Just be cool and people will respect you.


yeah. i just used it as an img because i had the discography playing.

This. Don't act like a faggot, and no one will treat you like one.

I used to like rainbows before gay cunts ruined them for me

depends on what kind of gay you think you might be
>i jack off to dudes
nothing wrong with that bro, you were probably just born that way
>i jack off to traps and trannies and put them on a pedestal
lmao you're jailhouse gay just fucking kill yourself

don't worry though you'll be over it once you realize how putrid traps really are

We need to take it back

I've been waiting for a guy to come and take me by the hand.

These sensations make me feel the pleasures of another man.

No idea, they've never found a smoking gun "gay gene" but since gene expression can change in a person's life time and any single gene codes for a multitude of traits there could be a genetic factor despite the failure to pin it down thus far.


There's one flying high right opposite a church in my town, surprised some based Polish immigrant hasn't torn it down yet.

It's a good ass album. Also, just act like you always have and nothing will change. You don't have to hide it, but you also don't have to make it obvious. Despite about half the people here's opinion, no one in real life will care. It's not that big a deal. This my 2 cents.

the part of your brain with sexual attraction is smaller than average male. transgender is like super tiny in comparison. forget what it is called but some dude in 90s found it and the liberals flipped a shit.

>but i have great genes, my entire family looks pretty great and is healthy, all my siblings etc.
You are a mutation. The bad kind.
>there's no changing it? what can i do?
Fuck if I know. You sure you weren't molested and have a dad?

Scuse me while I kiss this guy

Is that a Joy Division album cover?

I'm gay, and deep down believe it is environmental.


Looks like you need to call up Mike "a shock a day keeps the gay away" Pence.

Caused by a strong domineering woman feminizing her son. Every faggot I have met comes from single mother homes. The only one that parents were together used to talk about how his mom would dress him as a girl when he was 5. Basically look at the ultra rich and ultra poor and see how many faggots they produce. If it was genetic then the same rates of faggotry would come from those groups however they do not. Faggots come mainly from suburban middle class areas.

Being curious is common but seriously, would you rather snuggle with a nice smelling woman or a sweaty guy?

Yes. Go fuck men, and don't be a fag.

Your theory makes sense, blacks are more likely to be gay and they're also more likely to come from single parent households.

didnt get molested and im not black so..

i had a somewhat dominant mother but dont think she really feminized me. we have constantly had arguments since i was ten.

honestly, a guy i think..

Watching gay porn, pounding own ass, and craving dick is a strong indicator.
I think it's mutation, in your case. Or modern society, or a multitude of things combined.
Now you have to go.

Be honest about yourself. Apart from the sexual aspect, what do you feel for other guys? Do you want to incorporate something from them in you?

Its a mental Illness like all fetishes and deviant behavior.

growing up never thought about really having a wife i think. i remember some weird memory of some neighbor girl (at 5-6 years old) saying she wouldnt marry me or something when she grew up and i felt indifferent about it.

kinda think about having a boyfriend..

>Think I might be gay.

Don't engage in buttsex before you are 100%. That shit is going to feminize you, and before you know it, you'll be repressing the gay lisp.

>kinda think about having a boyfriend

Why not just close male friends. Friendships are longer lasting than relationships.

You don't sound really gay. I think you watched too much porn and are really lonely.

i am pretty lonely, problem is i still have the feelings even after i quit porn for a while

but i do have 2 really close male friendships i've had for a while.

>tfw gf is bi
Is this degenerate

Describe your feelings.

As a eternally in the closet bi guy I can tell. That hetero and homo attraction are inherently different, that is why some can feel both. Saying that "love is love" is extremely naive.

Just remember, whenever you finish your transition to super faggot, that we, the white people need to have kids in order to sustain our civilization. If not, you will be fucked by islam. So respect us.

>redpill me on X

Do you actually believe this or it's ironic shitposting?

idk, pretty hard to describe.

like wanting someone to hold you at night or be dominant with you. just like someone who is more similar to myself if you get it?

This is what you are talking about:,8599,1815538,00.html

> Researcher was gay, btw


truly ebin

Dude gays don't want to be women or crossdress, these two things have nothing to do with sexual attraction. The only thing I played with when I was a kid was fucking legos and building trains.

That sounds pretty gay.

Just don't engage in buttsex before you are 100% sure (best if you never do). Getting fucked will irreversibly change you.

Faggot the only thing you have to ask yourself is if you ever feel attracted to other males (assuming you are male), then yes, you a homo, do you feel attracted also to females? then you are bisexual. The end, stop going on circles around the question.

Sounds to me like you are 10 and still really confused.

Homosexuality is the final redpill that frees you from the cuntocracy and endless pursuit of women's approval.

>b-b-b-but the future of the white race?
You're still fertile you idiot. Go sire some bastards and your duty is done.

It's a fetish, a kink, just like any other sexual preference. You aren't born with it and you don't consciously choose it; you can't change it on a whim but you can condition yourself into or out of it.
Deriving sexual pleasure from men, women, children, animals, tile patterns, feet, fictional characters, its all the same shit.

Cute boys > trans

He's an American, he has the intellectual maturity of a 10 year old by default.

If it were a fetish homosexuals would still feel attracted to the opposite sex. Sexual attraction and paraphilias work differently.

says the australian

I notice that lesbians always have some sort of history of family abuse, someone sexually assaulted them when they were younger or they're really ugly.

So, imho, it's a coping mechanism, at least for women.

I would fuck this cat girl.

what about for men?

>can't even punctuate properly
You're launching a great defence of yourself.

I'm in the same position OP. I can't tell if I'm just really lonely or actually closeted. Feels like I want to be with a guy, as if girls are somewhat just not attractive. It's weird as fuck to explain.


personally as a fag i think it might be a combination of both environmental and a very common genetic mutation. it's weird though because i've never been sexually abused and grew up with both parents, yet i am sexually and romantically attracted to masculine men

you don't have to deal with retarded women, too, so homosexuality is master race

lol go fuck a wombat dude.

You're welcome.

>environmental and a very common genetic mutation
Basically epigenetics. Which is what science is pointing to, sadly nobody cares about researching this thing because it's kinda pointless, what are we gonna do once we find the source? Then there's a whole new debate.

No, it's just that having sex with one other person is the norm, so its what influences one's subconscious preferences the most. Sexual attraction and and sexual tendencies are different degrees of the same bias.

Why don't you go fuck another man?

Different since for men it can range from being a submissive effeminate gayness to assertive dominant masculine gayness. Some were abused but some are just fruity from the get go.

Doesn't really matter if it's genetic or environmental - you're just gay.
Just don't go out and be a faggot. Nobody likes a faggot user.

but i think i've been fairly normal most of my life.

biggest thing i could think of is maybe having a really dominant mother? but at the same time i'd always get into arguments and butt heads

Crossdressers and trannies are gay though. There are degrees of faggotry. In fact the one gay friend I had discriminated against trannies saying if he wanted to fuck a woman he would be straight and bitches need to man up if they want to be gay. He also said a black man and a white man sleeping together was not how God intended. Might be why I got along with him.

Any way, thread theme.

Go to /hm/ or open some random gay porn and see if you get a boner to solve your question fag. I think every homo has been at your position at least one time.

Why? Because being straight is what is expected, the norm, no matter how much tolerance bs is pushed, homosexuals will always be around 5% of the population and that's a lonely place to be.

What if it's a guy that cross dresses but fucks women? It happens.

Had too many gay co-workers and friends tell me that it doesn't happen for me to believe that. That might be bi but according to every gay I know, fag and lesbian, they all take the dick.

Required listening for every human being on the planet.



Homosexuality appearing in nature = a dog humping your leg.

Homosexuality is a meme, a religion, a cult.

It's not ACTUALLY a thing. It's not an orientation. It's a fucking fetish.

LIFE doesn't make things that don't reproduce.

Male + Female = Children
Male + Male = No Children
Female + Female = No Children

It's seriously that simple.

Literally everyone that is gay has convinced themselves that they're gay.

......otherwise, I'm all for normalizing pedophilia.

I mean, if they're born that way, and homos are too, then we should (((just be tolerant))).


>think I might be gay
then you know what to do

I have seen this pasta before.

>Homosexuality appearing in nature = a dog humping your leg.
False. Happens in a bunch of mammals.

>LIFE doesn't make things that don't reproduce.
It literally does, infertile people. This absolutist argument is pretty bad.

This confusion comes from the idea that evolution is only about reproduction, it's actually about survival (where reproduction happens to play a really fucking big part). Gays aren't sterile for one, there are some theories like the uncle theory or maybe gays being just cheap genetic waste for conflicts with other tribes, here you can go wild with theories and we will never prove one that's the most likely scenario. Then fetishes and orientation aren't the same thing.

>......otherwise, I'm all for normalizing pedophilia.

t. Pedo.

so i'm stuck then.

Yeah, considering homosexual traits are found in many mammals, proving it's at least partially genetic for human beings.

If you want to be dropped redpills about the actual gay community, i'd suggest signing up for grindr/scruff/VGL on your smartphone.

Most guys are normal people, a lot closeted with just pics of their bodies and not their faces. Occasionally, you'll run into some degenerate who's into pissing/scat etc, but most of the gay guys on dating apps are vanilla.

The shit about gays trying their best to infect people with HIV is just a meme, it's kind of like the cuckolding meme, there's barely anyone into it, but you see a lot of memes about it.

Homo here

I believe it's a choice. I've had sex with women and enjoyed it long before I started to question my sexuality. Then I started to think I was bi until I realized how shitty women usually are and how much better dating men is. Men are also objectively better at sex too.

It probably depends on what kind of person you are, as well as how you were raised.

>didnt get molested

This tells me it's mental thing. You CAN train your brain to be aroused by things that would otherwise be not normal. Your brain literally makes those feelings real.

I'm thinking you're trying to search for label that uniquely fits your situation, but at the same time, provides some form of in-group acceptance. If this is the case, it's not an ideal way to look at it. You can't quite describe what you're attracted to... so what? The more it occupies your active thoughts the more susceptible you will be towards certain behaviors. I think the best advice is NOT to care what other people think. And the need to fit into a category might be ignoring all the possibilites. You could be completely asexual for all we know, but heteronormity/homosexual acceptance in society is pressuring you to assign a label that doesn't make sense.

Good luck.

>biscum thinks it's a choice
No surprise here, you can just fuck whatever you like. Your dick won't stop you.