Powerful stuff Sup Forums
Guess we should have open boarders now
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No borders?
Then the chaos of Mexico and the ME would be in our nation.
No thanks.
Superman is literally the work of 2 Jews who fantasized about what it was like for them, superior and special foreigners, to enter a host land and blend in with the masses and do what they thought was necessary to make their new society a better place for them.
Superman is a literal subversive kike.
I'm not joking.
Superman is an illegal allien
>superman is a refugee
>bvs is trumps capeshit
pick one retards
Superman, what next? Is Ronald McDonald gonna tell us to take in illegal immigrants too?
Honestly immigration, legal or not, hasn't really been that much of a problem in the past
it's just that obama was a fucking moron and instead of trying to improve the middle east to keep less sandniggers out of the country he just sent drones and now everybody is getting raped by terrorist
It's BORDERS you mong.
If the statue of liberty is in the background, isnt superman just tearing down some dudes wall in new york?
Superman became a citizen of the United States. He did not force anyone to speak Kryptonian. He did not force his Kryptonian beliefs on anyone. He embraced the United States, He fights a never ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way!
Truth, Justice, and the AMERICAN way
From Superman Wikipedia
>The character often attacks and terrorizes wife beaters, profiteers, lynch mobs, and gangsters in a rough manner and with a looser moral code than audiences today might be used to.
>terrorizes wife beaters,
So he'd beat up muslims...
our guy.
except he's told other aliens to fuck off all the time
An illegal alien, he has to go back
BTW - New York needs a wall around too like in Escape From New York
Based user - same for Captain Israel - listen to the podcast of Dr.Duke
>superman disassembles the wall to keep freedom inside
>relocates it to border with mexico in 2 hours
fund this movie
YEAH, 1.
We didn't get the whole lot of them and when more do come, they try to take over our planet!
oh my dar god is that real?
Why are most liberal arguments backed by cartoons or fiction?
What about that time he nuked the Senate?
Because they have the reading and understanding level of kids or teenagers.
Marvel's token Jew is actually Magento, Stan Leibowitz's slap at Meir Kahane and other Jews not afraid to fight would-be Jew-killers.
Shit, Magneto even had a mutant homeland going on another planet for a while.
trump is tearing down a wall by building one
>It's BORDERS you mong.
Superman is dangerous as fuck.
The moment he goes rogue, the planet is fucked unless either The Flash or Batman pulls something off.
8 gorgilion sad frog paintings about le Trump.
>meme magic is real
1 anti-Wall painting
>Sup Forums gets all niggery
What about Ultraman?
Yeah, we should. Borders are a thing of the past and just get in the way of progress.
A nation with no borders isn't a nation. Forgot who said that.
T. The Plot From Batman Vs. Superman
Shut up
That was a Sea Wall he just smashed...
The only thing hold back the Atlantic Ocean from drowning New York City
>get in the way of progress
progress to what exactly ? a country overrun with murderers & rapists ?
It has nothing to do with the fucking movie.The Dark Knight Returns touched on it; and it's well known Batman has a contingency system for shit like this in general.
All I know is that before Trump, Burger King coupons were in English and Spanish (Spanish in same size font). Now they're English only.
> press 1 for English
> press 2 for krypton
Didn't happen did it.
Superman isn't illegal. He was adopted by the Kents, you mongs.
Wow that's problematic. I hope they've since changed that terrible slogan since the backwater days.
>implying Superman wouldn't support American sovereignty
This cucking of our beloved superheroes has got to stop.
>a refugee
how appropriate liberals can't tell the difference between fact and fiction
I don't see the alt-right using fictional characters to support their ideologies.
You haven't read DC lately have you?
I made a thing (OC).
Superman didn't come in and start insisting that Americans should speak Kryptonian, and instead of whining about being oppressed by whitey, he fully assimilated and became a paragon of American virtue.
>only exposure to comics is via movies
You're such a fucking faggot kill yourself.
He's an orphan adopted by US citizens.
Fuck that edgy no talent Scottish cunt
>liberals living vicariously through fiction
>meanwhile the world keeps turning
Checks out.
Supercuck is ayy lmao
Lex Luthor literally did nothing wrong.
>Refugee from a people who destroyed themselves
>Is a productive member of society because he was raised outside their self-destructive culture
This guy might have a point guys
Superman was created by Jews, as was Captain America. Both have previously resigned their US citizenships and become "world citizens". Comics have always been cucked - just at a level that the writer kikes could get away with. They have always pushed the boundaries gently - but pushed nonetheless.
>immigrants are all murderers and rapists!
Classic xenophobic, not to mention racist nonsense. The vast majority of immigrants come to our countries in order to flee from said murderers and rapists, and often are more productive than the natives are, this has been true throughout all history.
>reading comic books in the two thousand and seventeenth year of our lord
Don't encourage their sjw pandering.
> Adopted by American family.
> Grew up in Kansas.
> Wears American flag themed costume.
Somehow, I don't think he'd fit with the protesters waving mexican flags and demanding gibs.
>tfw you realize superman is an illegal alien
In Man of Steel, Superman chose to fight illegal immigration even if it meant the death of his people.
Comic books are for babies, kino is for men.
Yeah but he's white and he speaks English
Thin white DD
>superman breaks wall surrounding New York
I'm confused about this. Why is the statue of liberty there? Isn't it like 4000 miles or something from the wall?. I doubt you can see it from Texas.
superman is piece of shit. He is a total coward and lacks any sense of bravery because he has no reason to be afraid whatsoever. Suoerman is also a false idol and an antichrist figure created by the jews. A picture like this screams globalism propaganda.
Nice argument and sources. Checkmate!
It's opening the door to immigration
Super wtf that cost alot of money
I'm not encouraging it, shitlips. I'm implying that they espouse SJW bullshit.
how will trump ever recover?
Clark is a US citizen since he was adopted by US citizens from a Kansas orphanage. He's not an illegal, he's an American. As an American, he would respect the will of the people and the law of the land, and treat his country with respect, as any good American would. He even shook Luthor's hand when he won the presidency in 2000, and congratulated him as "Mr. President". He would treat Trump with respect and adulation. We're taking Superman from the Jews.
superman assimilated
he was american
the muslims will not
see: pulse nightclub shooting
Can't wait until they make THAT story arc into a movie in a few years.
See, the difference between immigration now and then is:
>mostly brought up on ooga booga music, straight from the ghetto's of America
>brought up by American (((hollywood))) propaganda
>listen to music where white girls are worshipped by black men
>'it's okay to be lazy, the government will look after you' mentality
>"fuck whitey" mentality
>the West is oppressive
>muh identity politics
>they all have the internet now
>look at shitty leftist propaganda sites
>they bring all this mentality to them to the U.S
>strict parents
>beaten if you didn't do the right thing
>had to put in the hard work to earn things
>didn't have a "gibsmedat" mentality
>were more respectful
>didn't see the West as oppressive, but more of a beacon of light
>didn't have a victimhood card
Do you ever stop to wonder why African immigrants from the 1950's behave completely different to the Africans of today? The Africans of today are almost like Basketball Americans.
>not a fan of walls
How about that Fortress of Solitude?
I love to use fictional characters to back up my arguments in the real world
since when is the statue of liberty in the gulf of mexico
Isn't it great when infallible, morally superior characters agree with all your political views?
i didnt know NY was next to the border.
Time to call in Batman
Doesn't BK use halal beef?
Superman is a literal fascist who decides to override the will of the people of a country.
You don't even need Batman at this point. Superman is so exploitable you just need surprise kryptonite.
Why is all comics so infantile, why can't people grow out of it???
yeah hes also got a falsified birth certificate
If gold is really that plentiful for them I really don't see them being turned down much the Uber wealthy have always had shortcuts no matter the opposition
Muslims welcome!!1111
He has to go home.
>tfw Smallville is in Kansas
>tfw Kansas overwhelmingly voted Trump in
they would be turned down because plenty of gold would crash the (((fiat currency))).
(((Super Man)))
>He did not force his Kryptonian beliefs on anyone
>even though he forces his views on whats right and wrong by using his powers
Superman fanatic detected
Lex was right
Gas the kryptonians
If superman were around, we wouldn't need a fucking wall in the first place, holy fucking shit. This retardation knows no bounds.
Plot twist: Superman is destroying the wall to allow an influx of criminals so he can keep his job/maintain good public image. He's doing it for job security.
Is that why Jerry Seinfeld is obsessed with Superman?