Tfw all I want is to live in a 100% white country and be left alone

>tfw all I want is to live in a 100% white country and be left alone
Why can't I have this?

move to maine

As always the Jews.

>t. frog

If you're being left alone it doesn't matter if there are nonwhites in your country.

Just keep running, goy.

Eventually it will work, goy.

I was astonished by the numbers of mudslimes when I visited Paris. I thought it would be like a beautiful white paradise that I had seen in movies and read about in books. When I got there I realized I couldn't have been further from reality.

maybe if you keep crying about it it'll magicly happen.

or you can go out and do something about it. there's tens of thousands of like-minded people wanting to do the same thing.

anything is possible user. you just have to try and truly believe you can do it.

exterminate those mud monkeys please

>mfw I'm black and and I also want a 100% country


Go to Belarus enjoy your shithole


get tens of thousands of like-minded people and it'll magically happen

How about you just get a high paying job and move to a rich suburb. I'm noticing how most racists are just butt-hurt poor white trash who think just because they are white, they think this country is their inheritance.


that's racist yo

and Shekel McShekelstein would never allow it.

Because you were born into a vast empire you dum dum.

>vilified and terrorized by shitskins since birth

Pick 1


This. It's always the low income and uneducated whites who have a problem with this. they act as if the upper class will welcome them with open arms just because they are white

You will still being an autist and unemployed.

Lel you insecure faggots literally cannot express a political opinion without some kind of insult. Like women

Because niggers and nigger lovers. Until we root out these ticks, you can forget it.

>8 billion people
>left alone
Fuck off and grow up idealist scum

>they think this country is their inheritance.
How is it not? Poor Europeans made almost everything good about this country.

if you are going to be left alone, why does it matter if you live in a 100% white country?

Yes, but a country doesn't owe you anything. Work for your shit. What's it with "nationalists" and their socialist mind set?

We shall continue global warming until a good chunk of the Antarctic is melted. Then we shall make it a white wonderland full of purity and bliss.

It's the truth. you're not owed anything just for being white and that includes minatory free neighborhoods


Large portions of this country are already 100% White. You could move to a small, Midwestern town or something. Noone is stopping you.

huh usually I catch those mistakes lol. meant it to be minority*

Hey mon! lets a go daggering.

look at this angry nig nog.

Most high end suburbs arent white either. They're filled with Princes of shitskin Oil Baron's and poo in the loo's and nba basketball players with their 10 custom made Lincoln Escalades parked in front.

Because you fought for Jews and with Communism, burger.

That's what I try to goddamn do you dumb piece of shit. It doesn't matter if Ilive in a tiny white suburb if when I leave it there are only beaners chinks and niggers.

>nba basketball players with their 10 custom made Lincoln Escalades parked in front.

not true at all. often times they live in gated off areas with other sports players.

You're the faggots that can't wait 5 years before invading another country

>white people can't have their own countries
By alone I mean that the government will just stop harassing white people. I applaud the effort though, Chaim.

Goymany al-Eurabia also can't wait five more years for the final solution to the German question anymore now

You're not owed anything for being black, yet they get gibsmedats galore.

>being so poor you have to interact with races you don't like.

Living in a white country is overrated. Id like to live in a european colony in africa as a white man and own slaves. Thats the most redpilled way to live.

You're telling yourself that,you should be asking when.

I wish I had your problems.


>yet they get gibsmedats galore

I'm in favor of getting rid of that too. Both kinds of entitlement are wrong.

You guys are acting like (((diversity))) won't affect you. It will.

>Criticizing anyone

You gotta work for it goym

Do you need me to spell shit out for you, weeb? I live in a fully white neighborhood. That doesn't mean jack shit if everywhere outside it is flooded with subhumans.

>Wants free shit for being white
Fuck off socialist scum. What the fuck is this shit.

People living among their own and taking care of their own...Shits crazy i tell ya

>100% white country

Even the white woman's womb isn't white anymore and ocassionally gets its walls painted with black semen. Yer fucked white boi


>state paternalism

>he's using a anime picture!
>better use this spongebob picture to show how much of a child he is

>It will

nothing does if you have the money.

I will be long dead before it changes.
but you enjoy living with a bunch of niggers and spic while i live my life in a beautiful white utopia

Not if your government is actually working for its people

fuck off commie

>being so poor you can't move to any of our other 90% and above white states

Fuck off socialist scum.

wypipo aren't allowed to stay away from non-whites anymore
there's no fucking good reason for this whatsoever and i will never get over it


lol suburbs are for poorfags, cityliving is choice. Just need to exterminate the groids


Nothing wrong with national socialism

What fuck is this twitter shit doing here.

>there's no fucking good reason for this whatsoever and i will never get over it
Called class mobility and anti discrimination laws. You can't make a "white only" suburb anymore.

>he thinks natsoc is socialism
More like corporatism, it's stills statist cuckery but it isn't socialist bullshit.

GTFO state leech. Nobody owes you anything for something you didn't work for.

kek, stay frosty.

Been to Lewiston much?

You can call it whatever you want (it is not hitlers natsoc), but it has worked relatively ok for us in Funland.

I live really comfy in a remote town 3 miles from germany, most rapefugees live around 50 miles from me. 10gbps fiber to the home connection and 5k a month, life's comfy.

>can't make a "white only" suburb anymore.
why the fuck not
i wan't to live with people that look and act the same as me. it's human nature. every race on earth has this option except for whites. you can't defend that.

>want to be alone in a white community
>all the jobs are in cities with high minority populations


You may want to join the SJW crowd if you want segregation back, they are pushing for "X only" spaces, maybe this expand from college campus to suburbs?

>why the fuck not
Told you, anti discrimination laws. Private business can no longer discriminate based on race. inb4 "BUT WHYYY!?" If you don't understand that not everyone agrees with every thing you think correct you may be a child.



>socialism has worked
Nice oxymoron, now get in the helicopter.

We may never know.

Iceland beckons m8

Move to the Faroe Islands.


That's like blaming the mosquito for biting you. No the reason is you live next to the swamp and the jew put the swamp there.
