White supremacists Christian males BTFO


My bad, niggas

how the fuck did aaron cut his toe cooking egg plant. your moms description of this makes no sense user

didn't read your thread.

i want to know more about this eggplant incident.

Range ban leafs.

so the high temperature of the eggplant meeting the cold plate caused the plate to crack, and a piece of the plate cut his toe?

It would have to be a really really hot dish and a really, really cold plate. Something doesn't add up.

Did he died?

Did you text Aaron? Is he ok?

Pics of Aaron's toe?



>texting your mom
Fucking sweetie pie

OP where'd you go. I need more info.

I know, I thought it didnt make any sense either. apparently he was cooking something with eggplant, the glass dish he was cooking it in broke and stepped on the broken glass cutting his toe, 7 stitches

You really should respond to your mom more. Obviously she thinks of you a lot and it doesn't take much to just respond "cool" or "thanks" etc. It'd mean a lot to her.

Did he drop the knife cutting the eggplant because of how hot it was? What does the cold dish have to do with his cut toe? I've cut plenty of hot things on cold dishes and never had anything like that happen to me.

Tell uuuuuss

>eggplant story more interesting than shill race baiting

CTR btfo how will David Brock ever recover?


This. This is the answer, OP. Talk to her. She loves you. You came out of her vagina.

Ever stuck a hot glass coffee pot into cold water? Shatters immediately.

I'm guessing it was a really hot eggplant and a really cold dish, resulting in the same effect.

In this pic Arron cooks eggplant

I hope he's ok

Not to mention that "package should be there" means she's likely sending him care packages. Even if she's sending something that he bought/owns, she still cares enough to be constantly tracking it and updating him. And he doesn't even say "thanks."

What does that say about OP? Even niggers show love to their moms.

I demand a screenshot of OP texting his mom saying "Got the package btw, thanks. Love you"


none of that makes any sense

This is now a thread about arrons toe and eggplant

This. Do it, OP. I will drive up there myself if you don't.

This. Show some love towards your mom, you cunt.

You know what, OP? Fuck you. You don't even love your own mother.

I had the same thought... Be nice to your mom, she has done a lot for you I bet.

Do these faggots really not think we're keeping track of this?
They are actively making more enemies for themselves.
I love it. Thanks for the unintentional help, you fucking idiots.
Btw, when this war shit goes down, non-whites are fucking done for.

It's okay jet fuel can't melt big toes



White is right, 14/88

Pretty sure the 19 and counting family isn't on welfare. Unlike niggers.

Oh, thank goodness. I was worried there for a second

who /good son to their mom and dad/ here

I go to see my parents for dinner every week, and go shooting and fishing with my dad whenever I can.

Quads confirm, OP go fuck yourself.

>be leaf
>want to bait those evil raycis on Sup Forums
>go to post obviously retarded bait-pic
>accidentally sent screengrab of text conversation with mother, making Sup Forums concerned for Aaron's wellbeing as well as your relationship with your mother

get on it, OP

Does ur mommy know ur an unpaid CTR shill?

Every time I read bread titles like
> White supremacists Christian cis males BTFO

I know it's either bait or some 18 year old libtard with the most anecdotal argument in the history of comedy.


This. I think she would be concerned

Text your mom back you fucking shitty person

CIA implanted fake memories to hide the abduction

>middle class white people so boring they have conversations with their mom about cutting their toes while cooking eggplant

You may have proved your point OP

I was super angsty and generally a cunt growing up, so I try to make up for it now that I'm an adult and just generally be nice. Buy them gifts, thank them for stuff that they are used to everyone just expecting.

It goes a long way sometimes. You never know when your one random nice thing turned someone's shitty day around.

The white can pay for the needs of all the children. The rest of his points can be refuted by the fact that when white people do it on TLC they are both adults.

OP you go buy your fucking mom some nice goddamned flowers and answer a text once every now and then. People don't last forever.

your good needs have not gone unnoticed user, for thou art blessed with trips

>white supremacist
pick one

Hell yeah. My mom was in the hospital for a month with pneumonia and now she's staying with me till she's recovered. She took care of me growing up, now's my chance to return the love she showed me. OP is a prick.

you're a good son user, i hope your mom gets better soon


No-one cuts their feet cooked aubergine user. I think your brother cut toe is a cry for help user. Your mother's transparent confabulation about not knowing what a cooler is for is a pathetic ruse to try to cover her obvious chronic alcoholism.
I notice your father isn't mentioned in any of this. Do you have a father, did he stick around? Do you and your brother have different dads? Your mother probably doesn't know. Are you mixed race user? I want to get to the bottom of why your family is so dysfunctional.

this is a good thread

>that subtle name change

As opposed to a 17 year old black teenager shooting 2 people to death when he robs a liquor store?

I'll stick with boring.


Thanks, she's getting better everyday.

It makes me feel like a secret tripfag superhero. You're the first to remark on it.

being a member of the hero community of good sons, its my duty to acknowledge greatness

Got us good OP, faggot. Fuck Aaron and fuck eggplants.

You can find the time to make shit bait threads but not send a simple thank you to your mother? You are an ungrateful little fucking nigger and should be ashamed of yourself.

I can see my secret identity is safe with you. I must take my leave now user, the internet fight again degeneracy and cuckoldry is never won.

my night's patrol is only beginning lad; stay vigilant

My dad brakes dishes like this all the fucking time. I think he should stop cooking when he's drunk.


This thread was shit from the start. This is now a Pajeet hate thread before it gets pruned or deleted.

Not gonna lie former white person here it's fucking hilarious watching us crash and burn but in all seriousness we can't let ourselves get a hold of the nuclear codes


It was technically legal to kill a Mormon in Missouri until the mid '70s

Who got the get?

>>I figured out those new coolers...
>Child texts mother about a revelation they had
>No fucks given.

Based Mom...or is it bastard child?
Which way does this go?

I'm pretty sure me and my bro's feet are cursed.

My mom lost one her sewing needles in the carpet.
I step on it and it breaks in half.
Pretty sure half is stuck in my foot but no one believes me.
2 days and pain wasn't going away, pain wasn't severe very tolerable.
Go to urgent care and get it cut out on the spot.

Other times I'm always stepping on broken glass when I'm walking barefoot around the same spots everyone else in the house is.
But I'm the only one getting glassed.

My brother is randomly slips down the stairs.
I'm always telling my bro about them stairs.

No that's mother to child. Child doesn't give a fuck about what she found on her daily outing to the supermarket

This is levels of mind fuckery I have yet to encounter. Is this a real person? Are you being serious? Is it a joke? Kek young user, Kek

Urgent Care is nice. It's like Mc-ER. Apparently it's mostly in Texas.
I drive by like 4+ on my 8 mile drive to work.

I'm not sure if my brother knows about the meme, but my sister has seen it before and we always get a hardy chuckle when we see him slip.
Whenever I hear thud in the house and yell out "I told you about them stairs".
Most of the time I do, he did slip.

My little brother doesn't talk much, so the only thing about his feet that get fucked I can figure out is his shoes fall apart in less than 6 months.
Little asshole won't go running with me because his shoes suck, but won't pick out new shoes for me to buy him.

I like how OP just completely confirms he's a worthless, degenerate piece of shit who would rather make shill threads than thank his mom or even give her the time of day.

You dont deseve to breathe faggot, and guess what? Pretty soon you wont be.

WTF leaf. I wanted to give you guys a chance but you keep fucking blowing it

Bastard child then.

WTF I love razor-sharp eggplant now

Learn to respond to your mother you fucking reject.