take that you nazi bigots. We will take back pepe, and we will impeach Trump. We ARE the resistence. Fear us.
Were taking pepe back
Other urls found in this thread:
Pepe is eternal. Like the Forth Reich.
have you taken your AIDS medication today?
Good luck with that, chief
Day of the rake soon.
>Fear us.
Fuck off you faggot leaf. I would sarcastically thank you for voting for Trudeau, but everyone knows libcucks don't actually vote...
You can't take back something you never had in the first place.
How much longer until leftism dies out forever?
fun image, Sup Forumsro
>Fear us
>fear someone who posts on a martian frog masturbation forum
The left was the first to declare a cartoon frog a symbol of hate.
Why would i be afraid of masses of pale sickly men who cant lift their own body weight?
Can someone edit this to have pepe punching a nigger?
>take him back
He was never yours in the first place.
He's everyone's.
Hivemind at work
0/10 effort
Thanks user
Good luck
Faggot cuck
lol cuck
Keep up the good work.
Pepe can't be taken back once we have him dumbass
Canacucks as always embarrasing them selfes and their country with ridiculous posts. Kill yourself faggot.
ShareBlue's psyops and attempts at trolling are so bad I can't tell what is actually ShareBlue and what is someone deliberately trying to be a retarded liberal, right now.
Then I see the flag, and I know.
Canada should slip slowly into the ocean and be forgotten, or at least thought of like Atlantis, as a myth.
I always thought that baseball was a roid muscle
Kys, Canadian fagt.
All true pepes report in
How does peepee bring about the end of days?
a. actual giant mega frog eats entire cities and pisses and shits them back out everywhere
b. memetic weaponization where frog memes become potent enough to induce catatonic shock at a mere glance
c. frog-flu pandemic, world obliterating pathogens causing lethal dysentery
>take that you nazi bigots.
That's not Pepe, that's Faggot Frog.
Thanks for animating it argie bro, keep up the good work. Also the roman numeral is blank.
Shit man, I cannot get a break.
Also I fixed this one, if you want to save it.
>TMW random fuckers on a Malaysian crocheting website can drawn pepe more on model than his creator
If niggers can be proud of literally nothing and being enslaved why can't white people be proud of building the west and you know... Europe.
>We are the resistance
Already taken. Also it seems we resisted you cucks and your weak excuse of an Islam and Jew funded Hillary
It´s funny how even in this picture, pepe is racist
This is what you should be resisting.
When will the shills ever learn
How many times do we have to do this dance you eternal newfaggots?
i want to know the source for this please
>wants to impeach Trump
>is canadian
Ha, hahahaha
I like you Argentinanon. Are you the same guy from the /wsg/ thread?
You cant take what we have tainted otherwise you will be guilt of acosiation
so photoshop user came through with this image after all
Thanks man, just cheked the thread there.
I made a few edits on the thread. Fixed some numbers and whatnot
Thanks, do what you want whit them.
I had found other edits and I dont really mind, tho im not for making inflamatory pepes.
I just want you to know that I really appreciate that you went through with creating them. Although my mom, a big tarot enthusiast, was weirded out, her friend was quite fascinated. Just thought you'd like to know
Here's a (you)
get raked syrup nigger
Day of the rake leaf
Why was she weirded out? Theres a fuck ton of tarot versions, I just took the Rider Waite and made them pepes.
Again, thanks, really. It was a pleasent surprise how the board took them, and when I see them posted It makes me a little happy inside. (I try to visit Sup Forums weekly, because if where to go here everyday I will became a jadded fucking nihilist)
The alt-right took pepe because he was infested with normies, even though i myself am part of the left wing, i never want to see him so infested ever again.
Ok have fun with that
She found the frog odd for some reason. Maybe it's because she's still a die hard Hillary fan who probably still associates Pepe with white supremacy in the back of her mind or something.
Either way, you're smart for only coming once in a while. It's a shit storm, but it's the best shit storm I know
Make her watch this.
I'll show it to her in the morn. Thanks again user
Will these new pc friendly pepes affect my pepe portfolio? Its nice to see the ban lifted, but ive put a lot into my pepe collection, many of them high value, ultra rare, limited editions.
>DOW 21000, impeach...
8 more years buddy.