I'm trying to redpill a black friend on where the Egyptians are from

I'm trying to redpill a black friend on where the Egyptians are from.

He's literally saying Egyptisan were kangz n shiet, and I know it's a well known meme here, but school me on how to present to him that blacks weren't kangz.

Various jewgle searches keep saying they were Sub-Saharan African.

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W_ W_ _ _A_ Z

Fill in the blanks, Sup Forums.

Well you're both wrong because Egypt has had negroid dynasties, Egyptian (semitic) dynasties and Greek dynasties. And Egyptian culture as we know it spread right down into the negroid areas and there are pyramids in Sudan.

Just stop talking to him entirely. He'll get the hint.

Ask him the simple question "so what happened?"

So they were natives in the African continent.

Where did the niggers come from then? Aren't they descendants from apes?

I want to call him a nigger and get it over with but I'd rather school 1 nigger properly and let the truth spread.

They don't know. This guy is from Nigeria so I assume back home they say they're royalty cuz they wuz kangz.

We Wuz Nagz n sheeeeiiitttt

There was a Nubian dynasty however most Egyptians were of the Greco-Summerian descent with a splash of Hittite and 'Sea people' thrown into the mix.

So how do I simplify it for this nigger?

Hahaha Kangz you say?

We wuz dick washers and sheeeeeeit

Ask him what's a COPT. Those are the only true Egyptians. That's what Egyptians were called in the old world.

Everyone else was Kangz. Ask him if the black Egyptians Kangz were from Nshied.

Show him this


>redpill a black friend
>black friend


>I'm trying to redpill a black friend
>black friend

Its not possible. Kangz comes from a mix of emotion and ignorance. They won't listen to reason because its not compatible with their version of the truth and if you try, they will just see it as you attempting to take something from them in addition to their kangdomz. Its a comforting meme that they allow for themselves even though most have an idea of what the truth is. Negroes weren't Ancient Egyptian though they did have their own empires on the same continent. 2bh I find blacks have a better understanding of Ancient Egypt's philosophy and religion than whites do. They weren't kangz but they were closer to those kangz than european whites are, so go bang your head against that wall if you want to

Quick rundown on that webm?

Does this look like a nog to you? What about modern day egyptians? Are they nogs?

The people that these kang douches cling to are Nubians. That's pretty much it.

tried to steal copper wire, probably paid with his life

The Kingdom of Kush (yes, really) was a black Nubian empire. They ruled Egypt as the 25th dynasty until they were BTFO by Assyrians.

Yes, there were black people in Egypt, and yes, for about one century Egypt's rulers were black. The rest of Egypt was not.

It's the famous gypsy webm. The gypsy tried to steal copper wire from an industrial electrical unit and had probably a third of his weight seared off

Niggers were imported from Angola and other places among the east coast of Africa. Egypt is northwest. Multiple countries, borders and miles are in between nigger land and farao civilization.

To put things into perspective as to how stupid your friends claim is. People in Greece (Macedon) and Yugoslavia (FYROM) are having an endless dispute about who wuz Greek and Alexanders and shieet. And they fucking share a border, both held ancient Macedonian territory, contributed Byzantium emperors and harbored immigration streams that set up shot around the Hellenic peninsula (Sparta and Messenia for example). And yet to this day one wuz Greek and other wuz Slav or Turkroach.

Even though up to three countries divide the northern peninsula from Slav origin countries like Poland way up north. Even though an entire inland sea divides the southern peninsula with Turkey. Despite all of this, these people cannot find it in themselves to agree on anything.

Yet in between this ridiculous scaffold between neighbors and millennia long kindred we have Tyrone claiming to have been Pharaohs of a land hundreds of kilometers away from his ancestral land. The foundation of his claim: the Egyptians kinda sorta looked tanned.

Holy fuck if that's not the definition of nigger stupidity then I don't know. Your friend is a literal retard and contributie of nothing for stealing another foreign people ancestry just to feel some sense of pride.

No wonder blacks walk about 'muh dick'. They know they've done fuck all in this time and they can't deal with it.

Show him a map. Point out the Sahara. Point out the sub-Saharan part. Point out Egypt.

Jesus Christ.

That's like saying Romans and Americans are Greeks because they have Greek pillars and styled monuments.

Also afaik Egypt only had one small negroid dynasty and those Negroids were closer to what we consider present day north Africans than what are literal niggers from Cameroon.

The ancient Egyptians look brown in most artwork from the period. But not Arab brown like what is common today since the Arabian Muslims hadn't conquered Egypt. They were brown like how the Greeks are and how many Italians are, tan, yet still white.

So Egyptians wuz white?

If they were white, so are Syrians, Arabs, Mesopotamians, and Jews

More or less this


> We were once pharaohs and such

Ok buddy

that was a great show

I mean, there were some sophisticated sub-saharan kingdoms. Ethiopia and Songhai come to mind. At least in the case of Songhai, a lot of their power and sophistication came from their trade and access to human resources from the greater Islamic world.

Egyptians weren't really... Part of their thing. The northern coast of Africa, genetically speaking, has more in common with the inhabitants of Judea. The main ethnic group that dominated Carthage was believed to have founded Carthage after an exodus from Judea.

Merimde culture was dominant in early pre dynastic Egypt. They inhabited Lower Egypt (the north). This group shows links to the Levant.

In Upper Egypt (the south) there was the Badarian and then the Naqada cultures/peoples which seemed to have been closer to Nubians.

Quite frankly, Egypt is situated at the hub of Africa and Asia. The Nile is very significant source of water in a massive desert. Egypt likely had various ethnicities represented amongst its population, however shades of browns and blacks were certainly most common.

They were shitskins, to put it plainly.

>Egyptisan were kangz n shiet

The term is Pharaoh.

this. Not to rub it in with the dick washing, but hieroglyphs clearly make a distinction in their skin tone with black people. Egypt is Northern Africa, close to Sicily and Calabria. They were (and still are) tan coloured.

>Angola and other places among the east coast of Africa. Egypt is northwest.

The problem is with "WE" part. There is absolutely 0 chance any Amerinig who came here as a slave is of Nubian or Ethiopian descent, or any sophisticated nigs, even some sort of local tribal KANG's dynasty is fairly unlikely.

Bottomline, I would argue against the principle as a whole. KANGZ shit doesn't make you a better or more respectable person, and it's pretty ridiculous when other people do it.

It is fairly obvious, that classical Egypt was at the apex of its' power under (((semitic))) dynasty and culture.

ask him to explain this.