Libertarian here, why is it that so many nationalists/authoritarians declare things they don't like to be degenerate and offer no other reason than that for hating them?
Libertarian here...
>Libertarian wants Redpill on degenerative things
You'll convert to NatSoc as soon as someone explains it to you.
Degenerate people are STD hosts. They are the source of all bad in humanity. Natural human order makes us altruistic and selfless.
you need me to explain how jerking off all day and not working is degenerate?
because they're 15 and they've just discovered that some things can be "bad"
Because Jesus said so
>liberals or democrats caring about Jesus
thats one tough subject
What if I want the right to a civil society? Go read Hoppe faggot.
Some things aren't inherently violative of the NAP or any other shit like that but have very negative social and cultural consequences in aggregate, like polygamy if practiced on a wide scale.
>you'll convert to NatSoc
I highly doubt that
newfag learn to use the damn site first and yes you will. that's how most of us started. gtfo
The average Sup Forumstard doesn't like to admit it, but most of their views come from their feels.
Look within yourself. You know it to be true.
I'm a kike lmao I'm not gonna become a nazi
learn to use the site like I fucking said
Authoritarians confuse hedonism with degeneracy
Yes. If someone has saved up enough money to feed themselves and they want to sit at home jerking off all day, that is none of my business.
Only collectivists who attach their self-worth to people they've never met care about what other people do.
Full blown, parasitic degenerates are a cancer upon a free society. I am not speaking hyperbole, I mean literal degenerates, people who produce less than they consume, and create generations of offspring that are literally worse than they are. People who promote degeneracy for the sake of 'tearing down the system' and 'deconstructing social norms' are literally trying to destroy civilization.
hedonism is a variety of degenerate.
They usually don't have a better reason, and think that moral decay is something that should obviously and naturally be objectionable. They're not completely wrong, but morals are subjective unless you use something like the Bible or Quran as a reference, and nobody likes a regressive corrupt theocracy. When you take anti degeneracy far enough it turns into a spook and a propaganda tool and you end up with shit like Hitler. People who are all about
>muh degeneracy
either don't realize this, think Hitler literally did nothing wrong, or are extreme religious people who want to force religious legislation on everybody.
lolbertarianism is pretty ok compared to all of that nonsene
thats only because you're a coward and haven't engaged in it
Because they fap to
fellow libertarian here
I have no fucking clue, I think they weren't bullied enough or were bullied too much or have autism or something
Lurk longer and you shouldn't even need to ask.
I think part of the problem is nationalism should exist as a Z axis on the political compass. really the only authoritarian pre-requisites to being a nationalist are support for a strong immigration policy and support for proactive foreign policy.
ppl 14-25 which is a huge chunk of this board are more prone to black and white thinking so the minute they learn globalism = bad they start looking at all kinds of harmless fun as tools of the Marxist-Leninist.
>Most of us
>I represent all of Sup Forums
Fuck off you cancerous stormnigger