Ontario Thread
No stinky francophones allowed.
Ontario Thread
No stinky francophones allowed.
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Ottawa is the worst city in Ontario just by virtue of being so close to Quebec.
remember: you are not being monitored
>Business leaders march for Diversity !
Why aren't the balloons different colours ?
With Trudeau in power you can bet everything we type here is being monitored directly by RCMP/CSIS types after that muslim-killing false flag in Quebec.
Ta province est a chier esti d'anglo de marde
t. Pierre
I'd honestly rather live with a bunch of French baguettes than all the fucking Muslims we have in Toronto. Just wait until the spring/summer when the mass rapes start happening.
Allez chier bande de tapettes!
>t. Jacques Cousteau
What's worse? the laffs or the snes?
How do you feel about so many immigrants coming to Toronto?
Your women look like fucked up pigs mixed with whales.
its funny and kinda scary how rcmp are actually here trying to bait/honeypot some autists.
Nuke Canada.
Well having an opinion is not illegal so the government can flush our tax dollars down the toilet having trained employees watch people on this website shit post and jack off to anime dick girls.
BUCKLE UP BOYS. 2017 is going to be one hell of a ride.
Business is booming. Go to any town with little to no immigrants and shops are closing up left and right. Immigrants are good for business.
It's okay. The more time they spend here the quicker they'll convert.
"Hate speech" is illegal. You could probably get charged just by spreading holocaust revisionism on here.
She's a gay feminist, I'm surprised they didn't stone her to death. If anybody objected they would be cast out as violent Islamophobes.
Most immigration is bad for business. Not that it matters, anyway. You don't make decisions about your government solely based on economics.
Ontario a shit
>13% tax
>high as fuck energy costs
>no jobs
>liberals in for well over a decade
>E testing for vehicles
>401 busiest highway in NA
>too many fucking people in the GTA
>Toronto is a cesspool
>housing bubble anywhere near Toronto
Northern Ontario is neat though
Get out if you can
t. former Ontarian
>Most immigration is bad for business
said no one ever.
Ontario residents.
If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you move to?
Said loads of economists. Go read a paper, mate.
What do you do for work in Northern Ontario? Trap Lynx and harvest maple syrup?
Pulp mills were doing OK (not great) but enough to sustain me while I lived there.
Otherwise its the typical gov. job, trucking, mechanic etc.
Why would you move from Kebabland to Hongcouver?
Any other Windsorites in here, or at least from the county?
I live in a small city that's 95% white and all the shops are closing up because no one is buying anything. The only places doing good are Mcdonalds, Timhortons, Walmart, etc. The city needs immigrants in order for other business to thrive.
it's a nice place, I went on vacation there a few years ago, it's a shame you can't buy any houses there because of the terrible housing market
519 - Gretzkyland reporting.
keynes pls go
You fucking idiot... typical working class immigrants aren't going to change that. They're going to buy all their shit where it's cheapest (Walmart) just like everybody else.
Another 519 in here
It sounds like you need people in your city, not immigrants. If your city can't sustain itself then you should have promoted child rearing instead of degeneracy.
In your case you should move to a new city.
No country requires immigrants to function.
Who /Ottawa/ here?
who 613
I see I'm too late to inb4 frogs
Immigrants aren't necessarily cheap with their money retard. Most people that shop at Walmart are white. More people = more business doing better, it's quite a simple concept.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ GET IN THIS THREAD NOW ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
>^ ^ ^ ^ ^ GET IN THIS THREAD NOW ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ GET IN THIS THREAD NOW ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
>Nigger City
I live in Forest Hill which is nice, but one step outside its heated sidewalks and it's fucking Sweden out there.
so you have a town in which people clearly aren't making money and you think you will get more money by dumping a bunch of immigrants in it?
The reason why big cities are big is because of immigrants. The population in my city is small and because of this certain companies refuse to open shop here, such as The Bay and Toys R' Us.
are you a communist or do you really have this poor an understanding of economics and basic social function?
>The reason why big cities are big is because of immigrants.
You mean "the reason why cities are shitty..."
white birthrate is too low and a large percentage of Canadians are seniors. These are the main reasons as to why immigration is necessary.
>You mean "the reason why cities are shitty..."
I used to think like this but then I found out that small towns suck. The only good thing about small towns is cheap houses.
>everyones a senior
>no one can get a job
>import more labour
10/10 keynes would be proud
>Ontario residents.
>If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you move to?
Ontario is fine. It's Toronto that is shit.
If it had to be a different country, I'd choose America. Some place like Montana, with strong gun rights.
fucking hell.
I live in Toronto and constantly thinking .where do the white people go and stay here?
I ain't a jew so I can't really go more north in Toronto
>I used to think like this but then I found out that small towns suck. The only good thing about small towns is cheap houses.
The good thing about small towns is the lack of ethnic diversity.
Montana is the future refuge of American whites. Good choice.
>I live in Toronto and constantly thinking .where do the white people go and stay here?
I think they are all hiding in Panera Bread locations across the city.
Half a million francophones in Ontario with another million declaring it to be their mother tongue.
Probably rename it to the armpit of Ontario thread, soon to be reunited with the Chinese homeland.
I always loved Mississauga. I miss the Square one mall.
I hate the CBC
Pure trash
BC here. We would appreciate if you guys would stop ruining canada. Thank you
maybe if these old fucks just accepted death like most of humanity has since the begining of time we wouldnt have to import the 3rd world to keep the bubble from popping
Brampton niggas hello
This used to be my beautiful neighborhood and now niggers are going around killing each other in it.
Ayy Barhaven reporting in
Ausfag in St. Thomas, what's up you dirty canuck fucks.
also, fuck Quebexicans amiright?
If they dont ruin it you will
kys chink
Hey!!! What about those that works hard to level up into versatile francophones, those who exercise commitment to expanding their minds and becoming more Canadian than anyone else around?
Damn that's a pretty big lawn
>Ausfag in St. Thomas,
lol wtf??
lol theyve always been here; they're half the shitposters.
the quebec false flag was to motivate m103 and some other shit, increase spying etc.
friendly reminder