Who are worse Sup Forums??
White race best race
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If it's 99%, sand niggers, if it's 100%, jews. If even a dozen survive, the jews will be fucking us all over again within a century.
Jews by far.
Remove them, and everything else will sort itself out naturally.
Jews and Mexicans are being sorted out by Trump.
Blacks will change once they're welfare is gone.
Arabs will always Arab. Execute them
i guess if you get rid of jews the rest follow by induction
I'm gonna go with..this one.
>Jews - Scientists n sheeit
>Sand niggers - literally no redeeming features
>Niggers - Funny
>Mexican - Wall
Sand niggers
Are you some kind of Abo ?
What a silly question, the answer can only be jews. Heck if i could pick two, i'd pick the jews twice, just to make sure.
Does this make me white?
Hold on Shlomo, we know this trick.
The fact that they list jewish under European makes the whole thing a farce to begin with.
>0.1% Mongolian
0.1% masterrace. Well.. at least something..
nigs easily, jews are at least educated
>tfw by official statistics, whites commit over double the amount of rapes that blacks do
>[spoiler]Whites (incl. Hispanics)[/spoiler]
anyone who doesn't say jews is straight out of reddit. all these things are the symptoms. jews are the cause
Jews. they're literally the devil
>All these idiots falling for a bait, controled opposition thread.
Ignorant teenagers, fuck off.
gas the kikes.
This is the best proof of fpbp i have ever seen
>are being sorted out by Trump
I have the best goyim, don't I folks? Just the best, most tremendous goyim
remove sandniggers
>by official statistics blacks only commit rape at a little over 3x as much as whites
>tfw the average lefties are so dumb that they can be fooled simply by comparing total numbers instead of percentages
the others are the same species as humans; they can change the genetics of their shit-genes by breeding with whites.
the nigs are not human! no matter how many times you breed with them. their sub-saharan/ violent gene is there
it is like the dogs and the wolves!
you can not breed out the wild out of a wolf in less than 5-10 generation (even after that, you'll get one very wild dog in the offerings somewhere)
This is the only one from the bunch that isn't actually human
We have had cool Mexican and kike posters, so nigs or muds...
nope, you got nigger in you
whites (the only correct answer)
Jews. Jews are the only reason, other than white liberals, that we have to deal with the rest.
The US is being invaded by Mexicans. If all the Mexicans disappeared, the Jews would find a way to make us invaded by Ooga Boogas or Arabs.
Jews are the cause.
the other 3 are just the effect
Please don't wipe out sand niggers I technically count as one
Jews are not a race, they are a sick racist cult.
remove kebab. the sand niggers of course.
>picking anything else
Trips of Truth
i got 0.1% ashkenazi jewish on mine too. tfw tarnished for life.
without jews, nobody funds the protests that empower the rest of them. gas the kikes.
Why Jews though?
You can't go wrong here but if you go with jews the left loses its control group and monetary backing. If you go with niggers or mexicans you just remove their voting cattle, which are replaceable.
Sand niggers are great because a country needs a good enemy to fight. They're incompetent, ugly, and crazy. Perfect punching bag.
Specifically the Ziocucks.
(((they))) think its their right and duty to manipulate the world
jews is best answer but could you imagine what could be done with africa if you chose niggers?
I would get rid of the kikes. Without the Eternal Jew trying to mix and mash peoples' identities away, all races can live in their own homelands.
Africa for the Africans, Non-Latin America and Europe for the Europeans, etc.
>remove muzzies
slavs, russians especially
Hmmm? Jews.
As much as I hate niggers, they could be enslaved again and could even be talked into it through making it seem cool and tacky like they do with all the shitty cRap music ghetto "culture" that never changes.
the worst is anyone who wouldn't pick the jews
hahahaa holy fuck
If it weren't for them, our blacks wouldn't be even in remotely as bad a shape as they're currently in.
Good goy.
Islam is the only threat the world will have to deal with this century
The others wont be potected then.
>Jews and Mexicans are being sorted out by Trump.
You can't be serious. If anything Jews are sorting out Trump. Trumps daughter Ivanka just popped out a Jew baby. He keeps talking about protecting Isreal. Trump is a Jewish puppet. Wake the fuck up Sup Forums