Is it salvageable or do we need to just let it go?

Is it salvageable or do we need to just let it go?

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Necessary sacrifice.
Must be allowed to burn and suffer as an example and wake up call to all the others.

Sweden is already past the tipping point. A study by the UN indicated that Sweden will be a third world country by 2030. Only the rise of a nationalistic police state can save that country now. A few generations of Swedens tolerance and generousity toward multitudes of poor, hostile and uneducated third world immigrants isn't going to enlighten them to be good citizens

This Leaf knows what's up, don't rake him.

Too far gone, they must be genocided and forever serve as a reminder on how to run ones country.

They've already been invaded. Not even an uprising would fix the situation since the nationalists would get blown the fuck out by the religion of pieces. It's over for Sweden. Next on the list is Germany.

If America is only between 56-60% and could do Trump then Sweden which is in the 80s and has a higher quality population has more than enough time to uncuck itself and do something about it.

How does the rest of the Nordic countries feel? be honest. I was talking to a Dane and he said all this was Germany and Sweden's fault because they actively invited the refugees?

really makes my heart sink. Sweden, the best country to live in in the world with a stable economy, great social welfare, and the best school systems in the world, now a dump in a matter of 2 years.

Sounds like this "sacrifice" bullshit is just a way to trick Sup Forums into supporting the leftists.

definitely fucked, nuke and use as a teaching point

fuck it, let it be a martyr!

You know what makes all the gazelles sit up and take notice of the lions?
When the lions jump the first gazelle who wasn't paying attention.

Yeah, it's really important to not underestimate the damage third worlders can do.

where we ever really holding on user?

What are you talking about? Sweden is doing better than ever. Your country with that orange retard though...

Why not just shoot the lions? The west has had enough "warnings" - it's time to reverse the cuckery. It's already beginning, with Brexit and Trump's election. We need to keep the momentum going.


That would be ideal.
If we could do it without losing Sweden that would be great.
But I'm just saying, some nice carrots like Brexit and Trump can be in one hand.
And then in the other hand we could have a big stick called "The war torn wasteland that was once Ancient Sweden".


why don't you go ahead and try it faggot and see what happens?

I can't here you over the sound of all the tolerance and diversity.

Yes it can be saved. I love Sweden but it's the kikes and liberals who have done this to them.

The world is far less stable since Obama made the decision to put Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.

i hope they don't send those people into war

let it go and let it be a lesson our grandchildren never forget. cuckery gets you NOWHERE

Sounds to me like you actually just want to kill them regardless.

Post your nose.

Is it true, that the Swedish military's primary objective is to ensure that in the event of a war the native Swedish men don't rise up to stop their women being bred by Arabs/Blacks/Russians?

Yeah whatever Hone.


Your danefriend is right, their proclamation of golden refugee is what lured all these people who want gimmedats. It is not surprising though the (((eternal swede))) has always worked towards the destruction of the danes and all we've worked for, I just pray we can save ourselves and norway.