>White people attack some black kids birthday party, yelling racial slurs, point guns at them
>get arrested
>cry in court
>Sup Forums rushes to their defense
literally DINDU NUFFIN
>White people attack some black kids birthday party, yelling racial slurs, point guns at them
>get arrested
>cry in court
>Sup Forums rushes to their defense
literally DINDU NUFFIN
proof that they did do something?
they apologized for doing it, the mother saying it wasn't who she really was inside, kind of makes it obvious
their own fucking confession faggot leaf
You seem upset Le'monjello. Did ya nigga step on dem shoes you stole?
Did ya hoe love it and sukk his dik?
shoop da woop nigggaaaaaaa
Why would they be happy about a ludicrous sentence? You think if you had your life over the chopping board you would be a badass? Fuck off.
Sup Forums dindu nuffin, he a good board
There's video of the whole thing, they were driving around in trucks waving weapons and shouting at black people.
i wouldnt fucking threaten some black kids with shotguns in the first place at their birthday party for no reason. if you're gonna do shit like that, own it.
but im sure you dont know anything about basic
humanity kangaroo nigger
it feels punitive, meant to set an example, but whatever, you shouldn't be allowed to just drive around screaming and waving your gun at people. We wouldn't want dindu's doing this to us.
Feel bad that woman got 15 years.
Also their banished from their county after they serve their term. I've never heard of anything like that.
Sucks. Glad nobody got actually hurt because of their stupid antics
>prevent them for leaving for, like ,ever
>then send them far away
Fuck, just send them to a tropical island or something right away.
The should be punished. But the damage is punitive at this point. Murders get less time in some circumstances.
that's what they get for not shooting and being tards about it.
Sup Forums defends every white criminal, no matter what. every white shitter on Sup Forums still to this day defends ethan couch.
>16 year old white boy steals father's truck
>drives to liquor store
>steals a case of beer
>gets super fucking drunk (had a blood alcohol level of 0.24, three times the legal level of an adult)
>goes drunken joyriding, speeding in residential area
>hits and kills 4 people who were helping someone with their busted car
>injures his 2 passengers, completely paralyzing 1
>defense attorney claims he has "affluenza" - his family is so rich that he cannot tell the difference between right and wrong
>judge agrees, gives him probation
>no punishment whatsoever is still too harsh for the rich white boy, so he and his mother flee to mexico
>get caught in mexico playing beer pong, extradited back to US
>sentence adjusted to 2 years in jail total, for everything
>Sup Forums defends him
aww poor whitey crybabies
They will be paroled in 2 years..
>nigger kills someone
>10 years or so
>obviously drunk retard yells and threatens a birthday party
>20 years
and niggers think criminal justice is against them
They didn't attack anyone
Literally their tire went flat because some dindu threw a beer bottle at their truck
Then when they went out to fix their tire they got surrounded by dindus. They never even brandished their weapons. In the videos "NOT ONE" nignog claims they pointed guns at them. Only afterwards once the SPLC took up the case did anyone mentioning "pointing guns and threatening"
hundreds of black people called the police because they thought "waving a confederate flag is illegal"
that alone was what the judge based the sentences on (despite it being entirely legal)
Shouldn't have brandished the weapon. White trash gonna white trash.
They didn't brandish anything
dumb black nignogger
>15 years for driving around yelling the word nigger
So this is what freedom feels like
the punishment is waaay out of proportion with the crime
if they get a decent lawyer these people are set for life
a jewish lawyer that is
> disorderly conduct
> 20 year sentence
> murderer gets 7 years
> rapist gets 3 years
Obviously politically motivated to make an example out of whitey
Thank you, friend. Nobody watches the video, they just repeat this ridiculous story. The cops told them to drive away at the end, no weapons were seen. Then the fucking SPLC caught wind of it and "gathered witnesses" and went to the DA demanding prosecution. The whole thing is a sham.
but they DIDN'T do anything
>They didn't attack anyone
Doesn't matter. These faggots should get buttfucked in prison. You do not fuck around with pointing weapons at people.
No, if someones playing with matches around gasoline the get fire. This makes no sense and the only thing hurt was feelings.
They didn't point weapons at anyone, retard.
Can they leave your heavy handed shithole of a country after that?
There are crimes, and then there are crimes of epidemic proportions. Cherry picking rare crimes, and ignoring high crimes, just makes you shills look the fool. On the bright side, it does afford the intrepid autist, the opportunity, to administer the redpill, to whom ever may be lurking over your shoulder. Thanks,
brock turner got 6 months and was out of jail in 3 months. statutory minimum for his crimes (sexual assault of an intoxicated person, sexual assault of an unconscious person, assault with intent to rape) is 2 years.
brock turner is a conservashit hero for raping a woman and getting away with it
they didn't brandish weapons at anyone
no one in a single video claimed they did
only AFTER the SPLC got involved did anyone claim weapons were drawn.
the trucks had only gone to the side of the road to fix a flat and got surrounded.
I don't even support the south and I think the confederacy was dumb. But the black people had no right to gang up and intimidate a bunch of people on the side of the road fixing a fucking tire.
35 year sentence for that is excessive, sounds like white privilege
Wonder what those 4 BLACK teens will get for their criminal actions against an autistic WHITE teen. I assume 1 day in jail.
sounds like justice being served finally
>The Nig nogs didn't beat the shit out of the red necks
Honestly suprised. The guys broke no crimes beyond maybe some shoe horned disturbing the peace charge. But the rules of 'talk shit get hit' demand they should have at least gotten a beating.
1) Police were on the scene at the time and no arrests were made on the scene, no mention of the brandishing of weapons was made by anyone at the time, only that weapons were in the vehicles. (Murica, to be expected).
2) Charges were only laid MANY DAYS LATER, and only AFTER the (((SPLC))) spent money and time going out and "finding witnesses" who THEY THEN BROUGHT to police to "report what they saw"
3) The couple was indited by GRAND JURY in a 45% BLACK county. No DA would have brought this case to court on the merit of the evidence, they needed a Grand Jury stacked with dindus to make it happen.
3) The only "evidence" they did anything other than pull over and get harassed by rabid dindus is that the SPLC farmed witnesses said so. The "phone video" provided again by SPLC lawyers who went out to find it, conveniently only contains post-incident footage of dindus yelling. Either no one was recording during the incident, or the SPLC coached the "witnesses" they brought forward to get rid of previous videos. Really could be either.
RECAP: These people were convicted with the only evidence being "witnesses" who did not come forward at the time, but only many days after they were "discovered" by (((SPLC))) activist lawyers with a political agenda, who brought them forward and represented them after a period of "talking to" (re; coaching) them about what to say and do when reporting "what they saw" to police.
They were indited by a GRAND JURY in a largely black county based on muh feels and only "eyewitness testimony".
They were subsequently given more jail time than most black robbers, rapists, murderers, etc., on the basis of "muh bigotry" allegedly for what? Telling a nigger to go fuck themselves and pulling a gun? Even if we believe this nonsense happened as the (((SPLC))) provided "witnesses" claim, is it really deserving of this?
They cried, said sorry @ sentencing try and get reduced sentences, but cucking never works. Fuck Niggers!
Yeah, there's always more to the story and quite often the roles of the "bully" are flipped when it gets to the mainstream. Almost as if they're trying to protect the strong.
Comparing threats to actual rape, black people literally threaten white people on video and are not jailed. Double standard. As for brock turner he will get what he deserves one day, some lady will cut his cock off and no court will feel bad for him.
2 years of hard hard rape by the blackest of black inmates.
Meanwhile niggers have killed 20 Whites in the month of Feb alone.
No one deserves 20 years in jail for being a turbotard and yelling mean words. In yurop, Merkel will arrest you 1-7 year(s) for deny the holocaust...
Sometimes i'm glad of living in a shithole
anyway, how many years will get related pic for this?
You literally don't know the meaning of the word.
Itt: r/the_donald believing Jewish media
Watch the videos they didn't brandish any guns and niggers lie all the time "hands up don't shoot", the entire Trayvon Martin case. They also went to grand jury in a 45% black area. They were pretty much fucked from the start.
Exactly. Somehow someway all of these black people at a kids birthday party weren't filming anything until after the police showed up and sent the white people away for not committing a crime
The nogs would've got their asses beat, that's why they didn't attack
Good post, leaf. You don't get raked today.
And meanwhile they're getting BLACKED every day and night until the day that it looks like they might get released and then killed.
>no big deal
>american education
>Group celebrating flag day, flying lots of flags include confed battle flag from vehicles
>Believe in history not hate, clearly state they don't agree with slavery, racism, etc
>Group includes blacks and hispanics
>Passing through bad neighborhood
>Nigger through something at a vehicle
>Vehicle swerves, hits curb, busts tire
>Vehicles stop to fix tire, nigs start to nog
>Chimpout and screaming commence, cops show up
>Lots of nigs videotaping
>Cops keep things from going crazy till tire is fixed and vehicles fuck off. No problems.
>Southern Poverty Law center jew lawyers smell a case
>Get grand jury in heavily black area to indite
>Lawyers coach black witnesses
>All video footage from before the cops show up suddenly can't be found
>Nogs now claiming the whites shouted nigger and threatened them with a gun. Never told cops this before.
>Nogs contradict their testimony to cops in court.
>Prosecutor throws book at whites, goes after them for "terrorism" without any proof they threatened anyone.
>White Guilt Judge says he thinks it's appropriate because of their racial hatred, says it was hate crime, even through state has no hate crime laws
>Literally coached niggers word vs the whites, but obvious that it's bullshit because they never mentioned it to the cops.
>Whites get slammed even though they committed no crime.
>"Hurr durr Sup Forums will always defend whites.
It's "Hands up, don't shoot" all over again and sets a terrible precedent. The judge fudged the meaning and intent behind anti terrorism laws because the state doesn't have hate speech laws. Whites are now legally second class citizens.
Don't forget the pos judge that used anti gang laws that aren't even applied to the actual gangs that the law was written to be used on
Stop ruining pepe with that filth.
They brandished guns, while screaming threats. It's a pretty big no, no. Nigger tier really.
And since when is that a fucking crime?
How did the judge justify a 35 year sentence for this? It's insane.
Did they have prior warrants or something?
Blacks have historically gotten far more than 10 fucking years. niggas get life sentence for drugs, fuck off
They didn't brandish guns, there is no proof of this. Only testimony in court, not even at the event
>I have no proof
>let me cite questionable sources
They fucked up, and deserve to rot.
Dont do the crime if you cant do the time.
In all gods people.
Fuck the niggers race war now. 1488.
>being mean gets you more time than murder
>niggas get life sentence for drugs
Maybe if they're repeat offenders with a rap sheet a mile long.
they literally admitted and the police found their guns. fucking retard shill
Fuck off shareblue
Several testimonies from multiple sources, not just the party. It adds up.
Beer pong is illegal in Mexico?
>white people
The guns in their trucks that they didn't brandish. They didn't admit to brandishing. The man trusting the like media is calling me a shill. Please leave r/the_donald
>fucking retard shill
>posts hillary pepe
For possession with intent to distribute on their third strike law.
Which was created and passed by Bill Clinton.
Because he loves baseball and 3 strikes and you're out.
I don't support this.
Its a fucking kids bday party.
The sentence seem very brutal though considering people who rape or murder have been known to get out in like 3-5 years.
I in no way support these people because they are white or something. There are plenty of shitty white people that I don't like.
If this couple wanted to make some kind of statement then why didnt they go into the hood and do this to some gangbangers?
Its like Dylan Roof. He wants to make some kind of political statement and push for a race war but goes into a church with old women who are kind to him and pray with him...then he shoots them.
These people are failures.
There were multiple sources for hands up don't shoot and we now how that went. Niggers lie
>gopro on chest
totally not wearing that for reactions
I think this couple are garbage for doing what they did but yeah. That sentence is politically motivated 100%. Its almost half a lifetime.
wow. is this really what real life Sup Forums intelligentsia looks like ?
>testimony from multiple sources, not just those at the party who saw what happened or the actual video
No one's defending their actions.
People criticizing the severity of the judge's sentence.
This 100%. Faggot shills and plebbit chodes are repeating complete lies. These two literally did not do anything. The police let them go. It wasn't until the turbo kike SPLC got involved that the shotgun story materilized.
Hopefully this abortion of justice is appealed.
I read something earlier saying that the trucks drove up onto the lawn itself and they all got out with guns
Straight from the (((SPLC's))) site:
>SPLC investigated the 2015 incident and presented witnesses and video evidence to the Douglasville, Georgia, district attorney.
>presented witnesses and video evidence
>the SPLC
The niggers giving testimony were coached by Jews. These people are innocent.
I'm sure you did.
>fingerbanging a drunk slut who was making out with you
Also how come a white swimmer is the only college athlete to ever go to jail for rape? Didn't the entire Baylor football team rape every girl at that school, yet they're black so nothing will happen.
"Hands up don't shoot." Dats wut he sayd. Iz swears ya anhuh.
>posting the edited version
Brandishing a weapon like a gun is. It's a misdemeanor in states like Georgia and a felony in California.
keep crying whitey your tears are delicious
Your meme sums up my opinion of /pol tonight
>Also their banished from their county after they serve their term.
The fuck? That seems cruel and unusual. What if they can't afford to relocate?
dang i cant believe people are still so misinformed about the brock turner case
Exactly this. Fucking absurd and it's doubly triggering to see our man Trump kow tow to the blacks while idiocy like this is still happening.
Holy shit, it's every thread man
MAGA my friend and prosper
>Defending sociopaths
They deserve to rot in jail. Terrorizing an eight year old and his family during his birthday party deserves a heavy penalty. Fuck them.
The fuck is shareblue..
This is fucked if true.
The Georgia state law defines it as a street gang.
Street gangs are bad.