When are you going to swallow the hardest truth out there...The truth that...
We are not truly alive.
You, me, everyone. None of are really 'alive' non of us are fully conscious beings. We are basically programmable organic computers that absorb the knowledge we are giving construct the world based on that. We react to stimuli in predictable ways. We have set patterns on how we do our daily routines. If someone says something to you, your brain will think of a canned response based the person and the statement given before. Even me typing this post right is just a product of my upbringing and programmed thought patterns. Sure I could stop posting right now but, it is all within normal operations.
We are not alive, we are not conscious beings, we do not have true free will.
I'm god though. You're all just projections of my imagination. So is my body and everything that happens. Solipsism is truth. I know because I invented it.
Mason Wood
When I smoke enough meth I really feel alive idk what red pills are how much are they
Levi Walker
Memetics can make it appear this way at times. >Watch Cubs game >They're getting their shit pushed in >Dad says he gives them 1.6% chance of winning >They actually do win >Check Sup Forums that night >Nate Silver giving Trump 1.6% chance of winning
That was the moment that I knew it was happening. The election night was more of a formality than anything to me after that moment. Your entire life is memetics, and you have to know how to use it to your advantage and notice the patterns.
Parker Lopez
To be alive
requires the idea of "aliveness"
the idea of aliveness is defined by those that are alive
Joshua Rodriguez
You don't need to apologize, since you biological computerized brain said that.
Memes are invented by the biological computerized brain
Matthew Lee
Not good enough. Studies have shown that our brain makes a decision for "ourselves" before we even think about it.
Luke Cook
t - jews and brown people
Sebastian Cook
Nice programmed response. Going to call me a shill next? I don't hate you, because it is like hating a strawman.