writing an essay on why illegal immigrants should not be allowed to attend my local state school. need some reason, lads.

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Your teacher/professor will give you a bad grade even if you write an exceptionally eloquent essay because of his liberal bias.

Always take the liberal position on matters pertaining to academia until you are out of school.

That's how we win in the long-run. We need to subvert the system by pretending to be one of them.

>Hi Sup Forums do my homework for me

If they are illegal they should be deported, not attend school. Their own presence in the country is an infringement, and instead of correcting it they want to use the taxpayer money on people that should not be in the country in the first place?

This. All my friends still think I'm a fucking marxist, topkek. Never reveal your power level until it's time.


Public schooling is a benefit of your country. If someone is not legally a citizen of your country then they are not entitled to the benefits of the country.

they stink
their skin is too dark
they're illegal
they're raping our women
a lot of them are short & fat
they breed too quickly

They are drug dealers and rapists

To build on my first point:
The problem with open borders with a welfare state is the fact that people can come into the country with no contribution and leech off of the free benefits that the country gives.
By giving illegal immigrants these benefits, you are willingly and unnecessarily putting this problem into effect.

>they aren't paying their fair share of taxes that supports schools
>>muh they pay taxes with fake SS #s argument
>then they are committing a felony
>they have to go back


too late, he already gave me feedback on how to better structure my outline about it. he actually showed us this article by national review nationalreview.com/article/218863/how-get-college-education-jeffrey-hart

tldr it pretty much bashes gender lesbian studies and says how colleges are pretty much just catering to minorities for money. it was really weird bc he definitely looks like a gay liberal. also i'm not white so i think there's a chans lads


post tits

Because they're not legal citizens? They're breaking the law and taking advantage.

>revealing your power level in a school essay

Enjoy the wrath of your teacher and failing

They should go through the student visa process like the mexicans who attend my school so that they have legal status and a way to do campus work or paid internships.

bc their going to lower you schools local/state ranking, bring crime to your area, and drive out worthy businesses

Here are some ideas you can incorporate;
-Crime Rates
-Costs of illegal aliens at the state and federal level
-tax evasion
-division within the US leading to a less united people, racial, ethnic, cultural, etc.
-How (((internationalist's))) push for more illegals so they can make a slave class of illegal aliens to work for them.

And here is my autistic screeching...

Write your fucking paper correctly, use good sources, format it correctly, make good arguments and you will be fine.

I got A's in college for the 2 required English classes I needed to take even though the teacher was blatantly liberal. Make sure to get help from librarians or your teacher to make a good paper. And if you get a bad grade take it to the dean.

I literally have never had issues even with liberal teachers, but I've seen losers on Sup Forums complain that they get bad grades because muh liberal teachers. Then they post their paper and it's a fucking mess. Do not embarrass yourself.

You're taking a great risk revealing power levels like that user. Best of luck to you.


Here's what I use;

"America is already overflowing with poor, homeless, skill less, uneducated people. Wwe don't need more people like that entering the country illigally. Why should they get any benefits? Shouldn't our own homeless, uneducated, un skilled, and poor get priority?"

because they shouldn't be in the country at all like holy fuck why is this even a question

>being honest on a school assignment
Your teacher WILL fuck you

You hav no rite to be on this thread. u fucked up and ur shitposting is simply a somber echo of the legimitacy ur people dreamt of.

u r the descendants of hoodlums, thugs, and ruffians. Now go fuck a kangaroo m8

yeah most *liberal* professors are just mainstream democrats who are sick of sjw crybabies. it's the genderqueerstudies professors who end up on the news that pol fucks u over about

no man the aussie at least made some worthy bold points

>writing an essay on why illegal immigrants should not be allowed to attend my local state school. need some reason, lads.

Because they are in the country illegally!

You got any more pics of evalion?

lets be honest pol the reason why we dont like illegal is because theyre white and from that point we make up more palatable reasons to justify our point

theyre not white*

>no immunizations, no proof of vaccinations.
>often come from 3rd world countries where bad diseases are prevalent that have already been eradicated here
>havent been checked for criminal history
>parents havent been checked for criminal history
>they might be murderers or fugitives of serious crimes
>taking up resources at your local school which is degrading quality of education for people are actual citizens
>illegals arent paying taxes to fund teachers or school they are attending
>why do they deserve free education when everyone else has to pay taxes

>legal immigrants and legal citizens have shittier education as a result of all mentioned problems above
>end up being exposed to violence, disease

how hard is it to fucking understand, the reason for border laws is for the safety and order of our fucking country

Your thesis statement in part could contain:

"Somebody's doing in the raping"

You could focus almost exclusively on how overcrowding in schools affects education and do a decent job. Turns out it's a shitty idea to cram 30 students into a class at a time. Aside from that, illegal students are going to require some accommodation like ESL teachers and translators. That means the school spends more money, money it isn't getting from the parents because they aren't paying taxes.