No amount of President Trump can save our country.
Fucking doomed
My Son Became My Daugher — and Then My Husband Became My Wife
Other urls found in this thread:
There isn't enough electricity in the world!
There's is something wrong in those eyes.
What the fuck
So we do need a wall after all.
all fags must hang
>tfw either could be the tranny
Had the same thought today. There's no hope for recovery. We built everything but the future doesn't belong to us...
It's a family of batshit. So what?
Stop posting clickbait articles.
I can't tell which one is the man.
Hate. If you ignore them they will realize how stupid they are and will try to change
feels bad man. I had to be born a white man just as we lose it all.
Now you're a lesbian with a daughter. Suck it up. Life could be worse!
there is no hope for the human race
reading that article should be enough to blackpill any sane person.
Trump supports lgbt and you faggots were running arround with this Milo faggot on your shield long enough.
We just need to make sure if it doesn't belong to us, it doesn't belong to anyone.
Fuck off with pitching your kike-reality shows here
There has got to be something in the water seriously. This trans explosion is proof of that.
>Brie (((Schwartz)))
Breaking news scientist have coined a new term, The Kardashian-Jenner effect!
At this point we deserve this, I don't even give a fuck anymore.
He isn't fucking joking its plastics.
Bisphenol A induces feminization
Day of the Roof soon
Did you ever wish you were a girl when you were growing up?
I did. I think its normal for a lot of people to explore the idea as part of their mental exploration of society in general by roleplaying the other gender role. This is why you will see very young boys trying on their moms high heels or makeup for example.
The thing is most people grow out of this. Its no kind of indication of anything, its just kids learning by playing.
The problem is that people are essentially being kidnaped by society now and told "oh you're trans heres some hormones" because the narrative is being pushed.
Clearly redditors in this thread
It's pushed on legitimately irl autistic faggots a lot. Trap here and I see feminists come in and try to convince them to join the cause and they get confused and start rattling of genders like they are sonic the hedgehog characters. Out of the 30 people I know as 'trans' I think only myself and 1 other person are legitimate. Really if it wasn't for feminists pushing the gender is a social construct bullshit you would just see these people be normal sonichu fans.
I suggest everyone ignore this thread
After a few years on Sup Forums i've came to the conclusion, often put forth by Germanons that the sooner the US falls from it's current hegemony the better it will be for the white race.
Someone molested the dad and he molested his son.
>tfw pretty certain I'm trans at this point but unsure about transitioning yet
Not all trans are degenerates. Just because we feel this way doesn't mean we're those faggots you see at pride parades. Some of us just want a nice quiet life away from the SJW politics and the public eye to live semi-normal peaceful life.
t. conservative/right wing on most topics but indifferent towards the gays/trans
The vulnerable,retarded and mentally unstable people are, quite obviously, all there is to trans surge.
We never knew how to help them and usually made thing worse, 150 years ago with lobotomy, now chopping dicks off and giving hormones.
which one's the tranny?
>My Son Became My Daugher — and Then My Husband Became My Wife
Sounds like you may want to invest in a lower pressure hoover.
What makes you think you're a tranny?
I'm just gonna assume blonde is the mom
Daily reminder that Sup Forums has an /lgbt/ board.
What kind of person place this on their monitor?
We're going to need a bigger oven.
don't reply to this bait
couldn't pay me to go there
Next step:
>my son became my daughter and then my wife - story of a lesbian mother
>I don't really feel as if what I see in the mirror as truly being "me".
>I feel as if having feminine mannerisms/traits/roles in society would be a better fit for myself.
>I tend to relate more towards women in media.
>I've never really seen myself as masculine at any point in my life.
That's just a few, but something in my life just generally feels off and this sounds like the reason. Both Sup Forums and /lgbt/ tend to agree with my suspicions that I am trans. I think I'm still wrapping my head around it, but before I do anything that can't be undone I'm going to definitely see a psychiatrist for a while to ensure this isn't the result of some underlying issues.
>inb4 someone tells me to neck myself
>There has got to be something in the water seriously. This trans explosion is proof of that.
Perhaps, but I think this behavior is merely a coping mechanism to deal with their sexual inferiority brought on by being effeminate.
This is why it displays itself in multiple forms, homosexuality, transsexuals, non-binary.
These are all ideas created to justify their place in the world.
Jesus fucking christ
Looks more like you are talking yourself into it.
Do manly stuff and lift. Go for a hike.
You'll beat this womanish thing out of you in no time.
Don't do it
What trans-tards don't get is that there is nothing wrong with being a feminine man
Rejecting your physical body is just as bad as rejecting your feminine brain
this x1000. We will not go quietly into the night
Holy shit no one gives a fuck.
Let them jump off a cliff after they get reject by society in a month.
A lot of people don't think they look right in the mirror.
-skinny people thinking they're fat
-attractive people thinking they're ugly.
You simply have deeply rooted self esteem issues that need to be resolved.
Agree with this.
I don't know about the other two but as far as these two:
>I feel as if having feminine mannerisms/traits/roles in society would be a better fit for myself.
>I've never really seen myself as masculine at any point in my life.
Sounds like you're too focused on gender norms/roles/ stereotypes. Few men are true manly men and few women are 100% feminine. It's okay that you're kind of effeminate for a guy. It doesn't make you any less of a man. In addition what said probably wouldn't be a great thing to do for you either.
I hope you're right. This trans thing seems like an awfully expensive way to ruin relationships with your family and get gassed by your political peers.
at least I'm not a nigger or a heroine addict
I'm not committed to anything yet, and as of right now I'm still struggling to figure out my identity and what I really want from life. Hopefully I can make peace with this in a way that doesn't involve dick removal or hormones.
The Trump family are like that as well.
This is just a phase in society. When trans stops being "the new black", people like this won't have the publicity anymore and maybe they'll reconsider their degeneracy. The question is - what will be the next front in the never ending civil rights battle.
You see Mexibro, the wall is for YOUR benefit
>then she gave birth to a woman, who became a hermaphrodite, who larps a an earthworm
>we have nasty sex in a mudpit smashing our testicles againts each others' skin
You will live to see man-made horrors beyond comprehension.
Her flaring SJW narcissism and lack of sexual attraction to her husband have conspired to make this the preferable outcome.
>My vagina has been dead for years, might as well convince my husband and son to become women so my picture can appear on blogs
no dude, its because you've been raised in a pussy way, lemme guess you have no clear father figure?
or your father was a major beta, and you formed mannerism and thinking that of your mother which are very unmasculine and because of that you convinced yourself that you'd be better if you are a woman.
If you watch how alpha males act and try to immitate them, act like them at first it will be awkward as fuck, but after a month or two you will start to form your alpha self and you will no longer feel out of place
Anything can be formed, it just takes time, think about it.
only in america.
and they did all that for their 15 mins of fame.
so fucking disgusting, please (((pol))) make it stop.
trump wins in every front, he's even the T H I C C E S T
dog bless
>>I don't really feel as if what I see in the mirror as truly being "me".
that's because it isn't truly you. The real you is your soul and you've been born into a human machine for the purpose of experiencing this life and to learn things specific to your soul.
I truly think realising the person in the mirror is not the real you is a major step to enlightenment, it doesn't mean you're a girl.
>>I feel as if having feminine mannerisms/traits/roles in society would be a better fit for myself.
No it wouldn't because you're a man. There's an ideal man (tall strong lumberjack type with deep voice etc) but 95%+ of us don't match up to that. It doesn't mean you're not a man.
>>I tend to relate more towards women in media.
maybe it's because you're insecure about not being manly enough, so when you compare yourself to men you feel like you don't match up (which alienates you from them) but with women that insecurity isn't there (because you're not a woman) so you just relate to them based on their opinion.
>>I've never really seen myself as masculine at any point in my life.
most men aren't manly men. I'm not. You are a man though, so why not put effort into being a man instead of putting effort into being a woman (which you'll never be).
I know this stuff must be hard to deal with, but I think you'd be making a mistake.
dat tail
No I didn't.
In other news, marijuana has been legalized in said state recently. What a coincidence.
>no clear father figure?
>or your father was a major beta
nope to both. My father is a good man that worked and took care of us as best he could. and no, he wasn't the distant always at work type of father either. I could be persuaded that I took some traits more from my mother than my father, but that was no fault of my father's.
>Anything can be formed, it just takes time, think about it.
I don't know if I have an alpha bone in my body, but I'll at least give it a shot.
>I know this stuff must be hard to deal with
yeah it is. I know there are other people worse off so I don't want to bitch about all the woe is me crap, but I'm depressed, anxious, confused, and I'm not sleeping well lately.
I'm also having issues focusing on my work because my mind is constantly trying to make sense how I feel and what is going on along with the sleep problems.
I just want to feel "right".
>I think you'd be making a mistake.
I just don't know, and it's tearing me up
This is why democracy is a failure. It encourages the weak and degenerate to spread like a disease.
But NOOOOOOOO, we have to keep it because "muh freedumbs"
Enjoy your downfall, cunts.
Some of your are good hombres, I suppose.
Rome had lead, we have plastics. It's always the fucking water.
its just like you feel awkward doing certain things like going out and talking to women on the street
at first it feels awkward as fk and you eventually might convince yourself that this is not for you, or this is not how you are supposed to meet girls or whatever
but if you keep doing it for a few months it becomes natural and when you think of getting a woman you would just walk to a girl on a street like it was second nature
This is why people get gassed.
> Trickle down mental illnesses
I don't see anything wrong with this. Let people do what they want.
You thought the wall was to keep you out?
mental illness should be treated
Ring-a-ding-ding baby
Got our self a winner
lol i thought they were the father and son that turned tranny
which one is the tranny?
That's a picture of the son and the father.
Mother is not in it.
SRS is the only available treatment for this. It can't cure it, but can alleviate symptoms.
Classic nietzsche based American bro
There isn't enough electricity from all of the sun's energy converted to solar power from space
We can't give up now.
We will have to meme harder than the power we used to aid Trump.
We need to break into a new level of power.
We need a new special attack.
This shit disgust me
What kind of father does this
How can they consider themselves human????
Do they have no soul????
Modernity is the problem not the Jews/blacks whatever
Dissidents should just secede and leave the world to its nihilism.
Amerikaneer free state when?