Sup Forums

>Sup Forums
>unironically shilling a pro-israeli jew-lover
>supporting the presidential jew

remember when Sup Forums had standards?

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Sup Forums never had standards you fucking newfag.

at least back in the day we knew the jew when we saw it

wtf I'm voting for hillary now

US is Israel's little bitch.
Of course he is going to bow down before his kike overlord, just as any other candidate would.

Don't say "jews". We use "deep state" now.

I'm just laughing at you for taking things posted on Sup Forums as fact!

Back in the day you sucked dick.
Dick sucking was all you knew. You are a faggot.
You will always be a faggot.

Sup Forums are the jews now
the old jews are irrelevant
we won, they lost

>globalist Jew =\= based Zionist nationalist Jew
>not realizing other groups also have multiple factions