How do I find a husband Sup Forums???

27 f, I just got out of a 4 year relationship with a betacuck because I realized I wanted kids and he was a fucking child already. Now I'm trying to work on myself because I spent the past few years stifling my unhappiness. Now my ovaries are going to dry up and I forgot how to find a good guy.

Ps. I'm not a total lost cause, I assure you, I have a bio degree and own a home.

please be in london

Whore I hope you die

i'll jack you up, as long as you support me financially while i raise our child

Are you Styx's girlfriend?

It's already too late.

You're stuck with only beta's, alpha's aren't marrying anymore.

>hasn't been bred by a superior black male yet
Found your problem

You forgot to mention that you're fat. That doesn't help things either.
