Malcom X Thread - He was /ourguy/!

Malcolm X said that white/jew liberal democrats are hypocrites, and he said that they are only using blacks for political reasons...

In this lecture Malcolm X exposes the white/jew liberals....

Malcolm X was a 100% right, and the white/jew liberal Democrats are the same today. Today they are still trying to exploit and use black/latino people for votes. White liberals don't come to the black/latino communities until election time, and then they run to the black church and try to pimp black people out in the name of their "cause".

How do we get the black/latino communities to wake up Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread: you cite one speck of hard evidence&source=bl&ots=CFvwuWScNH&sig=btGF0NgHqDfC0pqOVKY5zv-pbyA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1xO68rbfSAhXGWCYKHQK2Dg4Q6AEIKDAD#v=onepage&q=can you cite one speck of hard evidence&f=false

By giving them a political party that cares for them

And no such part exist in America


I support black nationalists. They want to segregate and acknowledge the Jewish question.

Malcolm X was the best leader that Black Americans had, next to Marcus Garvey. There is definitely an agenda to keep him swept under the rug and MLK glorified like none other

This is why malcolm x is not allowed to be taught in schools, but MLK is allowed.

Fake quote

Yes. Race relations can improve when the races are segregated and their interests are chaired by those whom share their complexion.

Consider me redpilled.

My favourite answer to the question: "are you a white nationalist" is "maybe. but i'm also a black nationalist and a jewish nationalist"

Didn't Malcom call for violence against white people?

>MLK followed the white patriachy concept
>Malcom X actually tried to reach an allience with white nationals and neo-nazis yet that feat isn't recorded.

Trying to make two racial opposites stop fighting > making a speech

He wuz muzlim nd shiet

no it's not.. you cite one speck of hard evidence&source=bl&ots=CFvwuWScNH&sig=btGF0NgHqDfC0pqOVKY5zv-pbyA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1xO68rbfSAhXGWCYKHQK2Dg4Q6AEIKDAD#v=onepage&q=can you cite one speck of hard evidence&f=false

from his book Dismantling America

Malcolm X was a massive Black supremacist and hated white people with a fucking passion and even wanted to militarize blacks for a race war.

You're a fucking dumbass OP.

>hated white people with a passion

Swedistan btfo

He hated white liberals/hypocrites.

No, that's a lie commonly misattributed to him.
He actually changed after his Hajj, and there's nothing wrong honestly with liking your own people more than others.

When Martin Luther King gave his “I Have a Dream” speech during the 1963 March in DC, Malcolm called it the “Farce on Washington.” “Who ever heard of angry revolutionists all harmonizing ‘We Shall Overcome’ … while tripping and swaying along arm-in-arm with the very people they were supposed to be angrily revolting against?” he wrote in his autobiography.

A believer in strict separation of the races, he once even entered into secret negotiations with the KKK. Yet after making a religious pilgrimage to Mecca in April 1964, he began, in his own words, to “reappraise the ‘white man.’” From that point forward, Malcolm moved away from black separatism and wholesale denunciations of whites, and instead embraced a more humanistic approach to fighting oppression.

I could be wrong, but I think he advocated for violence in self defense.

"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery."

I don't think so

Yes he did

The first and only time hanging out with Muslims has made someone more tolerant.
