Geert Wilders thread

Just made a theme song


discuss upcoming election

kek is here



How much of a chance does Geert have to pass his views as laws? Fill us in, netherland posters

wow im having a digits praise kek party





Nigger what are you doing?
Do burgers unironically have interest in Dutch politics?

Islam must be banned

Bro I spent 3 hours making this electro song for you guys. can u at least give me le run down,

maybe share it to some other netherlanders

Theres a serious kek presence in this thread


that kek!

There's pretty much nothing special going on, the usual shilling for Liberal leftist parties like GroenLinks and D66 (both cucked beyond mortal comprehension). Geert is continuing his campaign on the road and will probably become the largest party.
All the cuck parties are currently saying they won't form a coalition with Geert, but the second the results come in they'll be on their knees trying to stay in power with geert.

will he de-islamification take place after election?

Also what of te cannabis

>listen's to OPs song

not bad, OP...

it was created on Amphetamine and Weed, and Lorazepam. there are 50 other songs on channel about pol topics lol
just finished this one, still so high, not gonna sleep for a while from the amphetamine lol

hope u enjoyd bref

I pray to God that that Shit becomes illegal and Amsterdam finally loses its degeneracy.
The getting rid of kebab will be pretty difficult with cucks like the literal roach kuzu trying to make Netherlands a caliphate where insulting glorious Islam is punishable by time in jail.

I really hope he can pass his laws to ban Koran, and Hijab tax lol
that was favorite part to include in song.

Can u give me any other inside info on geert?

i pray for netherlands to kill all the faggot beglians and expand their borders then somehow conquer all of western europe except for portugal because protugal is an anglo bro

Someone should use that faggots, house of air song for the main theme of Geert of Lepen. It'd be funny for that faggots song turn into a victory song for fag haters.

I just want dutch nationalism, and removal of muslims. it's my backup location if in 2020 some super liberal bernout wins in amerca. I'd like to have geert as a leader too, very strong on islam

I hope he does so too, if the left tries to stop him from banning the book it'll only show the double standard since they banned Mein Kampf in the Netherlands and cheered when it became law.
There isn't really any inside info I know, he did prove his security to a pretty much 100% white and Dutch security team. And he'll be campaigning where I live next week so I'll go out and tell I'm grateful for his sacrifice to make the Netherlands great again.

thank you OP, I will be including this in /polder/ meme threads

Islam must be eradicated

Nigger it's the walloons who should all be gassed, the Flamish all have Dutch blood and deserve to be saved from their kike overlords.

literally none

Guys, Geert promises that road tax will be cut in half and income tax will be reduced. Why are people STILL butthurt about muh poor muslims when all they care about is money anyway?

Pls no, we must remover kebab

thank u for the infos too, i'm happy i got it to someone from netherlands, hope it helps raise the power of kek, Geert must Make The Netherlands Great Again

more truthist pls

fairly kekful thread,


Islam is cancer

Sorry mate but if you aint Dutch we dont want you in our country
Nothing Personal

The seats Greet
Hand them over

I'm bit of europe mutt, but I am 25% dutch. I come in peace

Also I bring variety red pill music and am a software dev, not a burden to society


We already have a software dev

Trust me i know the industry. companies ALWAYS need more software devs. especially ones with proven success and end to end design of products that succeeded, i am 100% sure I could get in ::)

Baudet may be meme tier, but he's unironically a good option. A shame he won't get enough votes.

As long as you're actually of European decent and able to intergrate in Dutch culture, sure.
Nobody is waiting for more American culture over here though

He will get enough votes

If I ever moved anywhere I would use their culture. I'm no shitskin. Listen to the beats senpai you think a shitskin spends time redpilling beats like that? i am 25% dutch, 25 czech ,25 german, 25 irish


We have to ensure the future of FvD zetels.

>25% dutch, 25 czech ,25 german, 25 irish

p.s. I think I've listened to 'KEKism is A Religion of Peace' at least fifty times.
Shit is so cash.

We will never stop making red pill music. Hope you enjoy friendo

>he doesn't exclusively listen to tibetan throat singing with no percussion or rythm

degenerate savage

100% fucking white males are very welcome.
Please bring 100% redpilled white girls along.