Sup Forums will laugh at this poor woman

>Sup Forums will laugh at this poor woman

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This is sad. I bet her standards were too high.

>February 2015
What are you sliding with this ancient bait thread?

>30 years old
For fuck sakes she probably had the AIDS by then. Complete trash.

>Sup Forums will laugh
>/not /r9k/
Go there and stay there.

she still had a good 10 years to keep trying, what a dumby. what a shame.

I blame the Jews and their porn for fucking with men's sex drive so nobody would get with this sexy female.

You burn the coal you pay the toll.

"oh woe is me im pretty and almost 30 no children me mum is kill , ew get off me pervert i want a 100/10 chad to be the father not you avg goyim" i dont feel sorry for retards. go away china