Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that.

Enjoy arguing with Gaytheists, enjoy watching them squabble and show they have the theological knowledge of a 12 year old. Enjoy them failing again and again. Enjoy this because you are better than them Sup Forums, and you always will be.

Deus Vult.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Daily reminder that /pol/ is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that./country/GB/type/op/page/11/

It's a Pagan board. Reminder that before Christianity ruined Rome, we were polytheists.

Gr8 b8 m8, but not politics related. Bye bye!

>Christianity ruined Rome

Atheists, everybody. I sometimes wonder if they're intentionally dishonest, or just don't know any history except what they learned from (((Family Guy))).

The idea that Christianity caused or significantly contributed to the fall of the Western Empire has long since been rejected by modern historians. It clearly wasn't a significant factor, since while the Western Empire collapsed, the equally (or even more) Christian Eastern Empire continued for another 1000 years without collapsing and without any "Dark Age".

And isn't it funny how every polytheistic cult died away once people saw the true divinity of Christ.

Anyway, back to /Reddit with you.

Sup Forums is a satanic board.

You must be new here faggots. Here's your home.

>Promoting paganism
All that text and you identified yourself as a retard in the first 5 words.

His father from Rome.

>Christianity ruined Rome

I hate Voltaire with an extreme passion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a fanatic. I don't believe you are truly living unless you find something you would die for.

Right-wing Atheist here, you have my sword

>just please let me skip church after the Great Cleansing
>i like to sleep in on Sundays

>theological knowledge of a 12
Do you seriously believe you are an expert in theology? How so?
Bible interpretations are the reason why there have been many schisms.

Pagans don't exist. It's just LARPing losers. No one genuinely believes Thor is sitting in the sky throwing hammers at stuff, or that Odin is actively picking up dudes on Grindr to 'replenish' his masculinity.

>/redditor thinks religion is wrong because he's too stupid to understand simple biblical messages

You people are literally parodies at this point.

It's a shame most Sup Forumsacks are too mentally retarded to realize this is a daily bait thread. Watch as they reply to the OP

>surprised a daily reminder gets posted every day

Atheist "intellectuals", everyone.

Right wing Satanist here, you have my fist.

>if I call my bait a daily reminder it not bait anymore

You're a fucking disgrace, you post this shit everyday lusting for (you)s.

I know for a fact you don't believe in God, you do this for (You)s, you're a roleplayer.

>right wing atheist here

>Atheism is a Jewish invention it turns men into beta cucks.

Attached is voting intention by belief. Notice how atheists and Jews are virtually identical.

If you allow people to think that atheism is acceptable you get moral degradation, communism, identity politics, etc. Things that directly enables Islam.

You should fight the enemy within with the same vigour that you fight the enemy without.

You might get faggots replying to this post saying 'hurr well I'm a red pilled atheist I voted for Trump', well how is that any different from Abdul from Syria saying 'I'm not like those other muslims, I'm moderate'? Stereotypes exist for a reason, and evidence dictates atheists are social poison.

Go to church faggot.

Get out of here you edgy fuck

Atheists are the ones who said Christian's are the reason for the dark ages. When user quoted
>Christianity ruined Rome
That is what he was referring to.

He then continued to refute the accusation that Christianity was the reason that Rome fell

Finally he addressed your statement of pol being a polytheist board by saying
>And isn't it funny how every polytheistic cult died away once people saw the true divinity of Christ.

I feel like he hit all the bases.
What about you anons?

Also bust of Voltaire
Because he reminds me of a sug liberal.

>I know for a fact you don't believe in God, you do this for (You)s, you're a roleplayer.

Back to /Reddit kiddo


archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Daily reminder that /pol/ is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that./country/GB/type/op/page/11/

You've been shilling this shit since fucking October of 2015

What the fuck is your problem?

>you're an athiest if you think this is a bait thread

I believe in God, but nice assumptions.

>still surprised a daily reminder is posted every day

Honestly /Reddit, you're proof positive that autism and atheism are so closely linked.


Christianity is a parody of itself, it's lost the war to secularism. If you want to fix it you better start getting back to basics. (Pic related)

Shalom indeed, user. How does it feel having Abraham shit on the religion of your ancestors?

Deus Vult

I absolutely love evola.
Ride the tiger and men among the ruins are the only two I have read, but I feel like they have changed me as a person. Needed to take a break for school but a will start this one after my test Monday.

I'm English, and England has been a Christian country since its inception.

Just because a few of my ancestors may have been tree worshipping queers, because they had not yet seen the divinity of Christ, means nothing really.

If I'm completely honest I pity the backwards primitives. I'm sure they would be happy to know their descendents would be able to have a literal, tangible connection with God, and that's God loved them she much he came to earth and died for them.

Pretty sure that's why so many of them converted so quickly as well. It's not an every day thing, is it /Reddit?

What's Stockholm syndrome to a bastardization of a Sumerian tyrant god like?

Well it comes with eternal paradise, so pretty nice.

What do you think Hell will be like?

>My god loves me so much that he'll send me to hell if I don't give him my undying devotion.
Remind me how your god isn't a tyrant again?

You send yourself to hell, mate. God cannot accept sin and the only way to cleanse your sin is accept Jesus Christ. Otherwise he can't help you, you're just too evil to ever reach him

Christfags are all cucks LARPing as crusaders

>Honestly /Reddit, you're proof positive that autism and atheism are so closely linked.

Notice how this guy ignored the fact that I wrote I believed in God


>he does not quote direct sources

>quotes a literal kike in a book written specifically to promote homosexuality

stop being so dishonest faggot

T. Raven Kaldera

>atheist pretending to believe in God to prove a point

Is there any low you /redditors won't sink to?

If you say you believe in Him then what the fuck's your problem with a daily reminder faggot? How is it different from the Trump and Syria generals?

These threads are Sup Forums heritage and you would know that if you weren't fresh off the boat from r/the Donald.

Never stop OP.

Deus Vult.

Not an argument.

where did I say I was a pagan? I am not, but your intellectual dishonesty is just pathetic.

no fap no chips no soda
day 2
I am bored
lent is boring me
as added bonus I decided to be optimistic and my peers tell me that it creeps them out

This. Christian threads are more a part of this boards history and culture than any LARPing new-age Trump neofascists could ever be.

Daily reminder that Christcucks have failed and Islam is the light.


Can't tell if satire. Sad.

These threads are D&C