Are people asking why MEPs have this immunity yet?
Kayden Edwards
>victimize the right-wing >what could go wrong
Liam Morgan
>Are people asking why MEPs have this immunity yet? to prevent political purges
Cooper Hill
A politician should be able to say whatever they want, no matter how vulgar it seems to some people. As soon as you restrict their speech, you're basically restricting the will of the people.
Aiden Green
(((They))) are idiots. Complacency?
Noah Nguyen
So why is this illegal exactly?
Dominic Hill
redpills are illegal
Jaxson Gutierrez
It's illegal in France to publicize this kind of material.
Brody Robinson
(((people))) got triggered
Adam Gutierrez
Good fuck this right-wing radical.
> France deserves better desu.
Brody Gomez
I firmly believe if Le Pen doesn't win, someone even more right wing will stand up in the next elections and they will win.
Hudson Long
This is just going to be seen as:
>EU globalists try to purge Le Pen before election.
It will only boost her chances. Idiots.
Kevin Hughes
>MEPs have immunity to protect free discourse and exchange of ideas >except for the nasty far-right nazis (i.e. anyone slightly critical of immigration or the EU) who can expect to always have it withdrawn titivates the old almonds, doesn't it
Tyler Taylor
Yes, give her time to write a book from jail.
Jose Jenkins
>prosecutors can pursue her for the offence of "publishing violent images" >publishing violent images >those images were related to isis >saying the truth is against the law
Xavier Gray
>three-year prison term for 'publishing violent images' Wtf i hope france fucking burns
Andrew Walker
Do you mean Tourism pics?
Gavin Brooks
Telling people about Islamic terrorism or crime statistics of refugee's is illegal in Europe
Nolan Lee
Is holocaust material legal to disseminate?Shouldn't all the photographs of hungry campers be considered violent images?
Landon Morris
And this same thing will keep happening.
The EU is officially reorganizing the fucking Gestapo with shit like this.
They are so terrified of a Trump style populist uprising they are politicizing law enforcement and using it against any politician that poses a threat.
In the future they'll either rig elections against them or polonium them.
Dominic Powell
>tfw French think they're the bastion of freedom
The French Revolution was far more authoritarian than monarchism.
Hudson Parker
What op said: publishing violent images. It's kindergarten level.
Carson Adams
The average Franc would invite the fire as it makes the population darker.
Zachary Walker
why are meps immune? why is it illegal to post pictures of terrorist attacks?
Nicholas Fisher
All people should be immune to tweeter charges
Leo Cooper
Exactly. This will only work in her favor, but only if she doesn't actually get jailed (obviously). It's really the same as with Wilders after he was fund guilty of group insult and incitement to discrimination. His poll numbers only went up after it because people felt like it was a political trial (which it was). I'm sure something similar will happen to Le Pen.
Camden Young
Is that an actual written law?
What the hell, these videos were on the news here
Isaiah Watson
>Gestapo You mean the Stasi. Stop using Nazis as the default for tyranny, that's exactly what they want. To have all this shit pinned on the right wing and erase the crimes of their precious communism. They want to portray that far right as the aggressor and the far left as acting in self defense when it's literally the opposite and always has been.
Starting to think this whole thing is orchestrated
Ryan Reed
Progressives never cease to one-up their own stupidity. She's borderline Joane of Arc.
Xavier Gray
top kek
Exactly. It's really only a matter of time before that happens, if we allow it to happen now.
William Howard
Different name, same great taste.
You got the gist of what I was saying.
And honestly, using the left's ingrained conditioning against them is whats worked so well for us so far.
Turn the conditioned against the conditioner using the conditioning.
Undo the conditioning afterward.
Jaxon Kelly
>Is that an actual written law? No. I'm not a lawyer but the best they can do is accusing her to "promote a terrorist ideology", which was of course not the case.
Julian Walker
In a Dutch article it says it's illegal. I don't see how they would be able to lift her immunity over it otherwise.
Evan Ward
So, in Europe, it would be illegal to publish these? How does the news function on that continent? No wonder people think ISIS are just silly guys sayin' mean things.
Jeremiah Hill
No, there's no law to prevent you to post gore on internet.
Anthony Bennett
It isn't illegal everywhere. And also this French user says it's not illegal to post those pictures. So if that's the case they are really trying to get rid of Le Pen.
Elijah Anderson
Not in Europe, but in France.
Adam Brooks
The French government and the European leaders are doing literally everything they can to stop her, along with any other opponent that could potentially stop Macron. They REALLY want him to win, and since it's obvious he's been groomed for this for a long while, they don't want to fuck it up.
The problem is, it's becoming a little too obvious. People here are beginning to harshly criticize the lack of independance of our judicial system, along with the complete shilling of the MSM in favor of Macron, and their refusal to relay any information that could hurt him.
Camden Sanchez
>hess what a buffet of manliness
Dylan Reyes
Buying into their frame can be fun to troll (what leftists are you trolling on Sup Forums?) but weakens us in the long run. No, dems are not "the real racists" and antifa are not "the real fascists." They're communists and terrorists, doing what terrorist commies have always done which is endanger ordinary people until /we/ have no choice but to become the real fascists.
Caleb Parker
Def. they are just trying so snatch her with whatever they can...
But we also know these things may raise her popularity...
Which means... people in the legal system might be just supporting her....dude...
Grayson Evans
That's fucking mental that they lifted her immunity over those pictures then. I don't see how anyone would think anything other than that the EU is trying to get rid of her by playing dirty games. This will only boost her popularity.
Jack Gomez
>They're really trying to get her to go away aren't they? I think they're scared of her. What do you think Sup Forums?
French police asked the EU to lift her immunity so that the French could properly investigate possible crimes committed by her.
This is the French taking back power from the EU - its basically exactly what Le Pen wants.. except when it hurts her of course.
Noah Lewis
Its not buying into it. Its turning their greatest and most successful weapon against them, firing it and then dismantling it afterward.
They paint all things WW2 era Germany as "evil". Rather than trying to ice skate uphill by presenting facts theyre conditioned from preschool age to ignore, use said conditioning to draw the parallels to what the globalist left is doing.
Ethan Foster
Last fragment of sanity.
Carson Cook
Yeah, and it so happens they do it right before the election. WHAT A COINCIDENCE
Mason Phillips
To be precise the law says "no violence", but a corpse doesn't fit the definition of violence, the execution would. Anyway, this is not their goal, their goal is to force her to go to the convocation of the judge on another affair (the parliament employees, a blury case).
Charles Ward
>Lifting her immunity means prosecutors can pursue her for the offence of "publishing violent images", which can carry a penalty of three years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros (£61,000).
literally only to prosecute her for publishing violent images. What the fuck are they on about? This is clearly to get rid of her, or at least that's how most people will see it.
Joseph Richardson
That is because Twitter is a SFW site. You can't post gory images.
Jaxon Baker
True, but I think you're being naive about the nature of media narrative control. The goal is never to make people buy into the narrative en-masse. Sure they love when that happens, but it very rarely has in all the decades they've been doing it.
No, what matters is not popular opinion but (paradoxically) popular opinion about popular opinion. 70% of the country may agree with Le Pen, but if you systematically silence those people through shaming (outright censorship is usually a last resort) and give a platform to the loudest who disagree with her, you can isolate that 70% into smaller and more manageable splinters. Without any access to the big picture, they're easily gaslit to believe that the majority is against them, at which point everyone in the country either believes Le Pen is unpopular or desperately wants her to be. Then when you rig the election against her, just who is going challenge the result?
Mason Long
Even if she can't run Marion will take over
William White
forgot south africa in that pic
Levi Harris
That's interesting. If it's such a blurry case, why are they going through all this trouble to get her there?
>Graphic content: You may not use pornographic or excessively violent media in your profile image or header image. Twitter may allow some forms of graphic content in Tweets marked as sensitive media. When content crosses the line into gratuitous images of death, Twitter may ask that you remove the content out of respect for the deceased. Seems like it's fine as long as the person's relatives don't mind.
That's literally what they're doing to Wilders right now but it's only working in his favor.
Parker Nguyen
Daniel Watson
Not really immunity if they can take it away is it?
Jaxson Collins
They sure are going all out to protect the pedo ring.
Jace Johnson
>why are they going through all this trouble to get her there? To make her appear "criminal" in the media of course. This affair is 2 years old, they find what they can to fight her. This is pure interference by a foreign power in our elections.
Ian Peterson
I don't think it's good if immunity can't be taken away, but it shouldn't be taken by the EU. They're simply too undemocratic for that. The people have too little a say in the EU for them to have that power.
Angel Gomez
oy vey goy you just can't say shit like "radical Islamic terrorism". Even Trump's new NSA guy McMaster agrees
Jason Williams
It's increasing his support. I don't think I ever denied that being a thing that happens.
What you need to watch for is attempts to convince his supporters that they're the minority. If they see both the need and the opportunity to steal the election, they'll take it. Brexit and Trump were the wakeup call for the (((elites))) and they've gone much further than simple election rigging in the past - just ask Pim Fortuyn.
Josiah Flores
>oxymoron You can't parenthesise people
Ian Sanchez
Right. Thanks for elaborating user. I however still think the fact that the EU is going after her instead of France itself, will only work in her favor.
Landon Reed
It's BS, the violent images is just the best excuse they could find.
They want to lift it because she is currently being investigated in France and they want to bring her down. Hollande and his team (who are working with Macron and his campaign) are likely behind it and want to do the same thing to Le Pen that they did to Fillon.
Kayden Anderson
I agree, and if they manage to get her off the presidential race, they will just turn her into a martyr.
Grayson Sullivan
I'm reading the comment on different medias, few people defend this move from the EU, even those who don't like Le Pen.
Ryan Wood
The media tries to convince the people that Wilders voters are the minority all the time. The people aren't being fooled though because he is still ahead in the polls. Not even to mention the fact that most people who will vote for Wilders are afraid to admit that. I think you're absolutely right though. They will steal the election at any chance they get.
Brayden Turner
I have $500 on her so far to win just over $800 (on Bovada). She'll win.
Nicholas Ramirez
Oy vey keep them in the dark. Believe me if it wasn't for the internet, I would have absolutely no clue to what the IS is doing to it's victims and the amazingly large number of it, that's French """"media"""" for you
* But you still hear about those poor baby refugees fleeing the terrible Russian bombs and the oppression of Butcher Al Assad daily Fuck all those kikes running this circus
Austin Wood
That's true.
That's good.
Ryan Perez
Fucking hang the traitors responsible for this.
Gabriel Hughes
Daniel Carter
The internet won it for Trump; it will win it for Marine. USA and France have long been revolutionary brothers. I'll meme for you, Pepe. Cheers.
Andrew Sanders
The EU money shit didn't even touch her polls. This shit on the other hand is so ridiculous and obvious it can only boost her numbers. Once again, the EU cucks fuck themselves over.
Gabriel Turner
Because it's an effective power tool to persecute political enemies. It only works if the public accepts it though. Fortunately they already normalized getting people arrested for political opinions. People won't care so much.
Daniel Anderson
s..she's not going to jail, r..right?
Isaac Gutierrez
>when the hillary memes backfire
Gavin Bennett
People and politicians are jailed for political criticism for years now. Why do you care only now when it's already too late to stop it?
Lincoln Gomez
The EU has just signed for their own death. In 6 months, this rotten organisation won't be a thing.
Liam Nguyen
Fucking hell, that's nothing compared to, say, the Saigon execution photo, or the monk who set himself on fire, or probably any number of photos you could find in any school history book.
Austin Baker
Obviously no (a fucking picture lol), this is just an attempt to affect her campaign. But people are sick of the diktat of the EU.
Jaxson James
good, this shit will definitely boost her numbers it exposes the EJew for what it is
John Foster
Also pic related was never condemned for unknown reasons...
Jack Adams
I sincerely hope so.
Jose Gomez
While she is in prison she should write a book. She could even call it "mon combat"
Zachary Rivera
The soviet union was circling the drain for decades before it collapsed. I doubt that this will go any faster
Dominic Martinez
>EU helping to jail political opponents
Adrian Harris
The 2 cases can't be compared. The EU is administratively way more fragile.
Jackson Robinson
>Are people asking why ONLY MEPs have this immunity yet? FTFY.
This is retarded. Unless she incites immediate lawless action or it's child porn, who cares? And even in the case of the former, it'd be hard to find her culpable, unless it's an image saying "Kill/harm this person" and someone goes and does it.
Ryder Rogers
You can smell the desperation.
What about the picture of the covered up child after the truck of peace incident?
Logan Garcia
Well true, but culturally its more ingrained, and the lip service given to nationalism has prevented any fracturing that was caused in the USSR to appear in a larger scale.
Communism was a horrible idea that was easily dissected and its flaws presented. The idea of EU however is so convoluted its hard to explain why its not needed.
Brandon Garcia
I'm curious. Would'nt it be possible to figure out who made these videos(regie,camera,cut) by comparing them to public movies? I mean, they look professional. Not unlikely that said filmmakers are producing regular stuff aswell. Everyone has a watermark and with deep learning recognition, we already have the tools to discern them
Lucas Clark
checked. A french user said it'only illegal to post content that shows violence, so that picture wouldn't be illegal.
Eli Garcia
le suburban and rural retards
Ian Barnes
but why don't all people have freedom of speech? We have this freedom in America, as well as the freedom to post what the fuck we want online. Fuck the rest of the world, wow, you guys are seriously peasants