Who did the Brits treat worse?
Who did the Brits treat worse?
>One shits on the streets
>One dies of Potato shortage
Haha like four million of those shitskin faggots died
>rape, enslave, genocide, and all around fuck with the potatoniggers throughout Ireland's entire history
>bring civilization to a bunch of street shitters
really joggin the noggin
Anglos did nothing wrong.
We will preserve the beauty of Anglo teeth in return.
We didn't do shit to the Ivory Coast
>implying they are different people
>bring civilisation to a bunch of street shitters
>bring civilisation to a bunch of bog shitters
Hey you fucking take that back! The Irish are a proud people of sheep herders and potato soup eaters! Their culture is rich beyond anything we can comprehend! Richer than their potato soup at least...
Neither. They both played themselves.
they are both slaves to the superior ANGLO
why is your id nigger music cd 5?
They literally didn't have shoes until we showed up.
>not having callused feet
Soft plebs, the lot of you! Now apologize to the potatoes!
>Life expectancy of india doubled from 25 to 50
>Life expectancy of ireland went to about 75%
Egypt knows what's up.
We litteraly din du nuffin
The British stole India's resources, killed our people, destabilized the entire region through partition before they gave us independence. Fuck the brits.
Your Welcome mate
the Irish were Brits. many great British heroes like Arthur Wellesleyand Jonathan Swift came from Ireland.
I don't think Irish nationalism as a meme really became relevant until the advent of romantic nationalism.
You have to go back pajeet.
reminder that the irish were forced to grow potatoes by british law. they werent "potatoniggers" until the british invaded and forced them to only be able to grow potatoes.
I came here legally Paco, I'm not a wall jumper.
they gave you shitskins modernity, infrastructure and secularism, and fucking toilets. do the right thing, thank a brit next time you see one.
We made you. We're the only reason you're seen as above Africans.
They were not ethnic Irish though and were Anglos. Nationalism has been around for centuries in Ireland.
The damage they did was far more than any "modernity" that they brought us.
What did you do for us other than steal our stuff?
Reminder the Irish asked us to invade them.
This Britain oppressed catholics not Irish.
Don't let me catch you near my house nigger or i will send you to hell fucking fast.
Irish Potato Famine was a British black op.
>implying there is a difference between catholics and irish
Stole your resources? The same stolen resources that were used to build your infrastructure?
Those stolen resources? Or the resources that were grown on land that was bought by our wealth generated by our other holdings? Wealth that was spent on employing Indians to farm Tea etc? Which then went back into the pockets of the Indians to better themselves, to build houses, hospitals, schools etc?
Those resources you're talking about? I think it is you Indians who have stolen from us, we want our investments back, with interest. Pay up paki shit.
literally what damage fool? your population went up drastically because of british rule
Says a fucking mexican
Yes because we would deliberately shoot ourselves in the foot by sabotaging our food source at that time.
Go get blown up by a pressure cooker you faggot.
Give back kohinoor cumskin
What did we steal and what damage did we do?
Go on, explain in detail and not sweeping statements. Go on, you have my attention now.
The Kor I Noor? You mean the reward for our conquest of Punjab? Nah you're not getting that back, unless you want to pay for it.
How fucking deformed are you?
Even Alexander the Great talked about India's problem with street shitting.
Disgusting animals.
bait post
Irish life expectancy down by 75% due to us
This is music to my EARS
>discovered 0
fucking top kek
away and shit on the street you subhuman
>What were the british plantations?
Oh yeah they really wanted all those english lords to take over the land and hold onto it even today
Ireland is a post Catholic nation now , and all the better for it
oh it's the british when they've done something bad, but the english when it's good.
notice that's a bit odd?
the british aren't anglo saxons, and the saxons aren't natives.
>Culls population of 8 million to 4 million, exporting our food and sectarian penal laws that destroyed lives and local economy
>Your welcome mate
for king and country
How the hell did you get a freebie flight to australia scotch boy? no wonder auzzies are turning into sissys.
Not deformed like your micro penis
anglos don't belong in the british isles - never have, never will send them back into the sea where they belong!
Learn to read retard
Dude just shut the fuck up and go back to your fucking designated shitting street, ugly motherfucker, even niggers can be good looking next to a streetshitter.
Why don't you just fuck off to USA and clean poophole of whites.
this is like CRIPPLE FIGHT but for subhumans
How dare you insult an deceased member of parliment
You really are a nation of football hooligans and chavs
I'm firmly on the mexican side in this case.
Are white people welcome in India?
Do you need instructions? who am i kidding of course you do.
Shut the fuck up mohammed.
>oh it's the british when they've done something bad, but the english when it's good.
its actually the exact opposite
>the british aren't anglo saxons, and the saxons aren't natives.
Most English are only about 30% Saxon
HASHAHAHAHA you can call me mohammed if you want, I'm a white Englishman. You're unironically a subhuman and that won't change, and it isn't a meme.
Spainards arent native to Europe they are native to North Africa and the Middle East
>HASHAHAHAHA you can call me mohammed if you want
I do, mohammed.
You can't steal what you own, senpai.
Probably the Irish.
I can sit here laughing at you, because I'm objectively a white man. You, however, are probably sat there wondering if you really are a subhuman.
The answer is yes btw
Mexico is a dump though.
You have failed as a nation, despite your large country, semi-Spanish genes and large natural resources.
It's quite pathetic if we're being honest here.
Britain literally dindu nuffin.
Both the Irish and Indians are much better off for having been under the anglo yoke.
I feel bad don't worry, but we have been in constant internal wars and had to kick out everyone from day one. we will make it some day tho.
Are you black?
>Anglos steal from India
>build beautiful monuments with money made from stolen resources
>Indians mad about this
You definitely have the potential to become a functioning country with a large economy. Your governemnt needs to start disincentivising illegal immigration though to stop labour and brain drain to the US.
>Bombay in 1950
>Indians are mad about the lack of slums
How many of these fucking flagpins are there?
I see this shit everywhere in every combo you could ever think of
>look how oppressive the British were these streets have no poo on them!
Check em
we're the 11th economy, we act as a way to get to the U.S, most migrants aren't Mexicans but from other countries and they call themselves Mexicans to be deported here and not somewhere else.
>oh my god will the horror ever end?!
Don't care. Lot of our problems right now are of our own doing. We fucked up big time on governance. But that doesn't mean the british rule was by any means "force of good" as the Brits often like to say. The sole purpose was to loot & extract resources.
Today's UK doesn't realize the damage empire did to us & our psyche/society. We fucking had muslims by the throat. Marathas had defeated Mughals & a united Hindu empire was gaining ground. Then the Brits showed up & ruined us.
We really started at point ZERO after independence. The Brits even left a parting shot before leaving which I won't go into.
Anyway, India's on an upward trajectory as of now. Yes we have plenty of problems - designated shitting streets, undernourishment, neonatal deaths etc. But these problems will be fixed gradually.
On the other hand, I can't say the same for UK. I don't even know if the United Kingdom will even remain united 10 years from now. And then there's the whole Broken Britain thing & the complete degradation of its moral fabric
That whole brexit thing was IMO the final nail in UK's coffin. Leaving the world's largest/2nd largest single market was the stupidest thing to do. You have no idea how difficult it is to do business with EU if you're out of it. Trade barriers for us to do biz with EU is frustrating.
All in all, gives me great joy to see UK's misery & inevitable demise. Here's hoping Scotland votes out & remains in EU. Frankly, UK doesn't even deserve a seat at big boy's table ie UNSC permanent seat. As of now UK is just America's bitch satellite state with no independent foreign policy.
>inb4 shitskin, sand nigger, poo in the loo, designated
These kind of buildings in south Mumbai aren't maintained very well.
>oh my god these Anglo nurses coming to our country to help us want to exploit us! Heeeeeelp!!!!!
not reading your book fag
Because Indians need the Anglo to control them, without Anglo interference the Indian race can't prosper this is a fact of life. God created the Anglo so that he may civilise the more intelligent beasts God created
>Oh my god Pajeets coming to our rescue
Sikhs are bro tier, I met a Sikh who said South Africa is the only good African country because it has white people in it. Sikhs are still proud to wear Anglo red
they ain't Anglo white though
Do you think religion is a factor contributing to the country's failure ?
That's sad. I even wrote it in the language you invented. lulz.
They serve their purpose, ideally they would remain in the Raj but the Hindustanis had their temper tantrum, it's only a matter of time before British red is seen across the globe again.
No I think Indians are
The whyte niggers arrived in 1612. Really maekes yuo tink
>america's hat
Literally insignificant. Letting us into your country in huge numbers. Cucked beyond reason.
yeah, funny you have to speak my language right, very funny ha ha ha