>it's all about race!!!11
>ashkenazi and sephardi jews belong to the same group
It's all about race!!!11
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You used to be so based Germany.
Now you swallow the propaganda whole.
Cant blame you, your country doesnt have freedom of speech anymore.
>Reeee he expects logical consistency
>Shut him down!!
I agree btw
Germany is a shithole
Spencer never claimed that they are not different breeds. He put them in the same category in the same way that you would put christian Europeans in the same group. They are christians, but not all are the same race.
He operates with the distinction of "European peoples," in which he includes most whites and even some of aryan decent in the middle east (certain iranians)
There are different breeds of whites, but he puts all of them in the European category.
As far as what ive seen of him he is consistent for the most part.
He appears to flip flop from racial identity to historical identity to some weird amalgamation of the two whenever it suits his narrative.
What is his narrative?
>flip flops between racial identity and historical identity
I disagree with this. Most of his stuff is about race, and about how history and culture is closely linked to your race and people. The point he tries to make is that you cannot talk about history and culture without mentioning the impact of race.
>What is his narrative?
Identity is the product of race and culture, but culture is also a product of race. As such the fundemental core to society is race.
Narrative may have been a bad choice of words. Ideology might be better. It seems to me that he has a very particular idea of how he would like the world to look like that isn't all that logical. He appears to flip flop on his stances and principles in order for his post hoc rationalisation to not fall apart.
How do you explain his take on the jews then?
The ashkenazi are arguably to a large extend european and differ very much from the sephardi. Whenever this is brought up he goes full muh history mode.
He seems to lean towards national socialism or a Scandinavian model with only white people in it.
A model which combines the best elements of socialism and capitalism into one. The government keeps the market in check to prevent vulture capitalism and monopolies by providing a state option, and the market keeps the state efficient by competing to deliver better services and provide opportunity for individuals to earn their own keep.
Jude ist Jude!
Hasn't it been proven genetically that Ashkenazi are about 50% Italian gentile in their ancestry and that that primarily comes through the female side, blowing out of the water their claims of matrillineal descent from the Ancient Israelites?
Ashkenazi are smarter than average jews because ashekazi have more European genes and they kept breeding only internally with people that did mostly intellectual work and with European nobility.
(banking etc was banned for christians, but not for jews in the middle ages)
The other breeds of jews are mostly mixed with middle easterners, and more often tended to do other professions.
There are different breeds of jews, but they are still all jews.
Yes, that appears to be where he's going. Still, his ideas on race seem to be less based on the actual science or some other rational principle rather than just how he would like the people to look (think 14 words, beauty of the aryan woman and so on).
This is what I mean by post hoc rationalisation.
He included aryan iranians in his definition of European peoples, even tho most of them have somewhat darker skin than most Europeans.
You also have to understand that he comes from an American perspective.
Americans are often a mixture of many elements, and as such he is less of a purist in certain areas.
>He included aryan iranians
But has he? Last time I heard him be asked about the topic, he called it a "fringe case" and didn't make a definitive statement on it.
Whats with Ulfric Wolfdick wielding Shadowmourne in Egyptian space?
They're not as smart as people believe. In North America they are smart on average because only the wealthy and educated were capable of arranging the migration there. Those who stayed behind were more working class and ended up in Israel for the most part. The average IQ of Israel is lower (in the low 90s) than virtually all european countries. Jews who still live in europe generally have a lower IQ than their fellow citizens in those countries.
The translatlantic migration doesn't seem to have been intelligence-selective for them alone. Episcopalians, Unitarians, Presbyterians and some other protestant groups who live on the north-eastern seaboard and who are descended from people who travelled there in early colonial days when the journey and demands of surviving and prospering were tougher are also high IQ populations with average IQs around 110 which is not far below the 115 figure that is often bandied about for north american jews.
Blizzard stole 80% of their game universes from warhammer and warhammer 40k.
Warhammer 40k is the shit. Humanity has only one goal, to purge xeno scum and restore order to the universe.
The Iranians became very mongrelised after the Mongolian genocide of them when they invaded. It's estimated they killed 90% of the native population of the Iranian plateau. There's no way you recover from that racially. The Mongols didn't slaughter most of the population then not rape the remaining young women and then there would have been no Iranian men around to knock the kids on the head.
Which is why is calling them a fringe case.
East asians are still the highest IQ in the world, even higher than Ashkenazis
There are certain white sub-groups that have higher IQs than South Koreans who we can take as the highest in NE Asia currently.
New Englander and New Yorker protestants, Ashkenazi jews in N. America, Northern Italians. Also people native to Edinburgh have an average IQ of 106 which is roughly the same as Koreans.
What's worth remembering too is that the genetic potential for intelligence (that which is not affected by education or environment) for whites has almost certainly been decreasing over the last few centuries due to our tremendous success and consequent ability to remove selective presssures from our populations.
In the same period the genetic potential for intelligence of east Asians has probably been increasing due to hardship and dysfunctional governence and no social welfare to speak of until more recently.
This means that although they probably are a bit more intelligent than us on average now, the situation was probably the reverse a few centuries ago.
>This means that although they probably are a bit more intelligent than us on average now, the situation was probably the reverse a few centuries ago.
Interesting. Shame we will probably never know for sure.
sephardics are not shitskinned arabs
you think mizrahi
Charles Murray has done some interesting research into it. He had analysed the rate of significant technological innovations per billion people in existance over time. He concluded that the rate in the west increased from 1400 to about 1800 but has been declining since. He concludes this mirrors the decline of IQ because opportunities haven't reduced in that time. Richard Lynn and Michael Woodlley have also done some interesting stuff in this area.
Charles Murray's 'Human Accomplishment' is a great book, it also shows how few of the most important contributors to western science and art were jewish (not deliberatley, i just noticed that while I wass reading it)
This is an intersting clip on the topic if you're not one of the people who can't Stand Molyneux to the point of being unable to wathc him. I don't mind him most of the time personally although I can see why some find his personality irritating.
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