Homosexuelle Plage

Wie können wir diese psychisch Gestörten aufhalten liebe Kameraden?

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Sorry Muhammad but we don't speak arabic.

Our country is cucked, I get it.

Le Kurrent Jahr

>DUDE love is love
these people are sick

Help me out here, what is aufhalten?

Started learning German this year, still can't speak it well tho :/

basically "jemanden aufhalten" is "to stop someone"

Keep them from cucking the country

Thanks, I really appreciate it, hopefully I can speak German well by the end of 2017

Now, onto your question, is homosexuality really a priority concern in Germany right now?
I honestly don't see an issue, but that's just me.

Semi related, do the refugees not chop off gay heads? (Serious question, I haven't heard of them attacking gays much so I'm unsure if the media is covering it up or they're just not)

why would you learn a dying language? serious question.

Marriage between two people of the same sex is not allowed in Germany
but if Schulz becomes Chancellor it probably will be,
which we have to stop.

Updated for our Muslim brethren and their intolerant hosts.

You're pathetic, insult that slav like the lesser human being he is, you cuck.

>love is love

if homos just wanted to live in peace and quiet with their bfs, no-one would mind.

The problem is that so many of them are like

Wich candidate has spoken against Merkel's policies??


Denkt ihr Deutschen ueber Flucht aus Deutschland oder werden sie alles das jetzt gescheht ausleiden?


>no goat

What are you doing Ahmed?

I have a lot of German friends, I'd like to speak their language. Not to mention German is fairly easy and as of now I only speak English, and, at least in the US, being bilingual looks amazing on your resume when you're applying for jobs.

I get what you're coming from, but doesn't Germany have bigger problems? I just don't see how gay marriage is on the forefront of German politics when the refugee crisis is happening all around you.

Honestly, if Schulz is good (I don't know much about Schulz) then having gay marriage would be worth other policies. In politics, you always have to compromise. In America, we call elections "criminal A or criminal B". But if Schulz is actually just shitty all around then nevermind fuck Schulz.

Schulz is worse than Merkel, believe me

He wants to "rework" Agenda 2010 which has helped Germany to significantly lower the unemployment rate etc.

sauce on that pic?

Nein leider nicht muss noch Abi machen usw

Its only dying because of the mindset of cucks like you. German speakers will go innawoods, wait out the collapse, and build a 5th Reich.

Love is love but im not allowed to love an underage.

Salad (Sarada Masaki)

Does AFD not have a chance?

Also, what exactly is Agenda 2010, mind explaining? Sorry, for bugging you, I'm not familiar with German politics and I just want to be more informed.

Motherfuckers... Here in Peru they want to teach and normalize homosexuality too. Those conspiracies, the Kalergi plan and the Overton Window seems less crazy to me by now.

1.Homosexuality isn't a big topic,except they want to push it into the church for years.But the churches obviously say "no".

Also we don't have enough hardcore christians like you with political power.

2.Schulz is even worse than Mutti Merkel.First of all he was nearly 30 years in the Eu systems.He literally is what most european right wingers hate nowadays.He is a big engineer of recent events.Also his party kicked the other guy under the bus and acts like Schulz is the new jesus and would fix all problems,when in reality he got us here in the first place.

3.AfD has no chance,atleast the next voiting period.As you may know because of our history everything patriotic or conservative is evil Nazi thinking.Also you need a majority to rule,which means you have to team up with a party for example CDU+SPD-


Cleaned up version

Wir müssen absolut sicher sein das keine Eier schlüpfen!



>Also, what exactly is Agenda 2010, mind explaining?

job market and welfare reform, started in early 2000s, named after 2010 because it was planned to be completed by then i think

most importantly, it simplified the welfare system and lowered the amount of unemployment benefit that long-time unemployed people get. it also reorganized and restructured a bunch of bureaucratic structures, but the biggest part (and most hated by the left) is the reduced unemployment benefit for long-time unemployed people.

I'm going to assume Mormonism until I see a goat in there.

When you speak English as a first language practicality isn't much a concern when choosing other languages to learn. It has to be muh heritage or culturebooism of some sort.

niiiiiice thanks bud

ye what was mentioned above +
it was done by a leftist government because nobody else dared to do it (because they'd lose voters ofc).

That's why the SPD has suffered so much of losing voters

Schulz is trying to undo all these things to get those voters back.

In den Sumpf werfen.

My god, is every country going through this. I can't believe they've started that propaganda in 2nd world nations too.. I wonder how well it's going to work in Latin America. You have a lot of Socialists there.. Don't be like us Peru. Learn from Western Nations to the north. Don't fucking follow in our footsteps by god.


Should I convert right now and travel to Utah?

>wie kann man gesellschaftlichen Krebs aufhalten?

Started in Russia as well but Putin banned homosexual propaganda.

I always thought the USSR was against homosexuality. I figured they only promoted it abroad as a way to destabilize and plant Socialist party agents and educators through spy programs in the West. Kind of a situation of causing Chaos and infighting throughout the Democratic West.

bin grade mitten im studium und hab daher kein geld... wenn ich ne millionen hätte würd ich auswandern

Getting rid of Jews in our society! How often until you fools will finally listen to Hitler, for Christ sake!
But nooo, we all know better. The Fuck you know!
You are getting your bill for that treachery now so don't come whining to us!! YOU MADE THIS MESS POSSIBLE!

Good to there are still some decent Germans around.


lol, calm down mate.
Hitler was a cool guy, and I would totaly support him. However he is not the only way.
Read Nietzsche, you will then understand how it is possible to admire Hitler and other authoriterian figures who fought for their ideals with your whole heart, while sharing completly different views on the state.

You should either stay and fight or flee to Hungary and plan the Wiedereroberung.

Some Hans, R8 my Kartoffelsuppe
I made the mistake of using dark beer instead of crear, but it still was creamy with a scent of beer, the bacon added just the perfect saltines

Nah Utah sucks, its cold and full of mormons

kann ja nicht jeder n hartzer sein wie du


He's literally right in what he's saying though. National Socialism didn't fail because it was flawed, it "failed" because the system was too perfect and a threat to the (((banks))). On the other hand (((Communism))) has failed more times than I can count and it's pushed on a continuous basis. I wonder (((who))) would benefit from (((Communism))).

9/10 would taste. Did you use the beer to deglaze the base vegetables or did you just let some simmer a bit? All that's missing is some nice, fresh German bread

being gay is neither dumb nor inhuman. it's just degenerate and i hate degenerate behaviour.