How do we deal with the New Yorker problem?
They're literally worse than Cubans, and unlike Cubans they are all over the state and not just DADE county.
You can't mention pizza around these fools. You can't talk about how you like the quiet because then they're all "YO BACK IN NEW YOOOARK IT WAS ALWAUS LOUD YO"

What the fuck do we do. They're everywhere. I'm pretty sure there's more New Yorkers in Florida than in fucking New York at this point.

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feed them to the alligators at Disney world like you do with your children

I send every fucking New Yorker I meet to Publix. I fucking hate that overpriced, shit hole of a company so much.

They destroyed Ft Lauderdale. Looks like fucking Jersey now.

You don't know how many of them are there there aren't enough gators.

Who are the New Yorkers of Japan?

Lots of newyorkers in dade as well

Okay you are worse than a New Yorker u u fucking turncoat

People from Tokyo

Fucking kikebags

Are you from Tokyo?

I've met a few folks from Kyoto and they were great.