Hates the jews

>hates the jews
>votes republican
When will you people stop contradicting yourselves.



not a shill, just want to know why you all support such a pro-israel movement.

What soes being republican jave to do with being jewish?

I'll indulge you.

1. Israel is a Jewish ethnostate. As many of us are ethnonationalists who believe that each race should have a homeland, we can support Israel.
2.Many other republican policies are agreeable.


Real question.
If you can't provide a real answer then you're a shill.

Ok, but there is a consensus it seems that many right leaning people, especially on this board are antisemitic, so how is it that one can be pro-israel and antisemitic?

Who says you can't be a republican and still hate jews? The people who wrongfully THINK they are republicans, if they have philo-semites, then there are actually Trotskites/zio-commies in denial. But you make a good point which is why most of us avoid BreiKike. After all it IS just another Hasbara operation, in the same sense as infocucks

If you can't kill them, you can put them far away from you.