>Press coverage of Trump in first month of office: 88 percent ‘hostile,’ says new study
>88 percent 'hostile'
>Press coverage of Trump in first month of office: 88 percent ‘hostile,’ says new study
>88 percent 'hostile'
Wow what a real shocker
no one gives a fuck, delete your thread. 100% of the media is against trump
How many media outlets are that hostile toward Trump? Roughly 14, or so?
Gas the Media, Alternative News war now
Trump is a fascist. The media is defenders of tramsparency and democracy. Nobody likes fascism, go jack off to Mussolini and Hitler fucking fashaboos!!!
Good having a bunch of bootlickers calling Obama the messiah was nauseating.
go get raped by a shitskin like every female in your country. fuck you sven
>88% hostile to Trump
>88% won't accurately report on his presidency and will instead engage in character assassination, delegitimization of him
>skips the WH correspondents dinner
>drumpf is such a child
>he's attacking the media
>fascist president