Learning another language

what languages do you anons speak?
my parents came from ex-yugo but the language sounds just too weird for me.
I plan to learn french but i don't know where to start.
What are some redpilled languages to learn?

The only language that matters: American.

i already speak simplified english


زبانى فارسى
Persian is easy

American English. Why the fuck would I need another language?

learning Afrikaans now for a job, and it is pretty easy. Most of the saffers are based and afrikaans isn't a hard language to learn as a native English speaker

I speak English and to a degree, French

You should always be looking to brush up your English if your primary language is anything else. Ligua franca and all.

The red pill in terms of language is knowing what languages will broaden your horizons the most. China is and will be perhaps the most influential nation on the planet within the next couple decades. The langauge of money will shift to Mandarin in many places, so it's a great language to learn, but extremely difficult.

Further down the road, India will be the world's hotspot for growth and development. English is fine in this case, but it woudnt hurt to pick up some Hindi.

In terms of classic European langauges, its a matter of how many speakers there are world wide. Spanish, Portuguese and French in that order.

I went to high school in Switzerland. I also speak some italian but no troppo
Exactly what I expected an american to say

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