Poland: 99% white, 3rd world shithole

>Poland: 99% white, 3rd world shithole
>Germany: 80% white, Europe's biggest economic power
>USA: 56%, world's biggest economy, world's most powerful military

I'm starting to see a pattern here, Sup Forums

yeah, Poland is better

>zimbabwe 99.99% nigger, tenth world shit hole

non-white people flock to rich countries for gibsmedats?

Rather live in Poland than live in a nigger infested nation like my country.
Also get back in the oven and stop being a parasite to the German people you fucking KIKE NEET

its not the % of whites, its the number of whites. poland 38 million whites, germany 75 million whites, usa 224 million whites

this, also:
Poland - full-blown communism
Germany - half country communist, half no
USA - no communism

I've heard Poland is doing very well economically these days.

population size
country size

Fuck you nigger...go get raped by a turk immigrant scumbag