Merchant Exchange

Last one got shoad by SHAREBLUE mods
lets starts a new one



















>"Can I help you go- uhh I mean, Hero?"



JIDF mods monitoring this thread boys

Post your best merchandise












What should you do when a Jew tries to hijack your motorbike?

Give it some gas.





How does a kike celebrate Christmas?

By installing a parking meter on the roof.












Anyone have the jews controlling reptiloids controlling aliens controlling americans meme?




hardly politics related, sage

Oy veh!!!


Found the Jew, lads.




not an argument




Go drink your mother's dirty mikvah water you oven-dodging snipdick.

you're only making yourselves look more ridiculous












good kafirs, keep hating Israel, the arab world's number one enemy


Das raciss!

Leave the Jews alone!


If the first one truly depicts a jew...That would be even more hilarious.....
Has anybody a source or background of the aegyption one?





>Watcha doin' Rabbi?










