Why are all of you so against clean energy and eco-friendly power sources...

Why are all of you so against clean energy and eco-friendly power sources? I mean you people don't just dismiss it or ignore it. You literally hate with a passion. It doesn't make any sense?

Look at this picture. All the examples in it are real. Our world is being destroyed by pollution and it's disgusting. The only time our human population was even challenged was the 2004 Asian earthquake when 250,000 people suddenly died and our population STILL went up that year.

But overpopulation doesn't matter, living in peace and harmony with the world doesn't matter, we don't have to be all leftie peace and love. All that matters is the idea that you don't shit where you eat. You don't seem to get that concept?

And it does not require hellish communist-style schemes. The free market can do it! In fact free market was the one pushing the innovation all along. It's getting even more competitive than ever, with companies fighting each other for the chance to build clean energy sources. It's the future!

If we harnessed the power of the sun, no more filth-spewing factories.
If we harnessed the power of the earth, no more wretched oil spills.
If we harnessed the power of the sea, no more ticking time-bomb nuclear reactors.

Just give it up. Start rooting for green energy. And if you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for your children.

I'm not against any of that I just hate non-whites in my country.

We're not.

Why are you against nuclear power?

I'm not against it. If it works then start a business and sell it. Tax payers funding your R&D so you can become a billionaire is bullshit.

>Tax payers funding your R&D so you can become a billionaire is bullshit
tell that to elon musk, idiot

I hate leftists solutions (regulation, solar and wind energy, primitivism).

Climate Change will be solved by technology, specifically Nuclear energy and GMO's used to pull GHGs out of the environment. The left hates both of those, and that's because they don't allow for the expansion of the government. Real climate change solutions are more likely to accidentally result from the right than intentionally result from the left.

If proponents of clean energy cared about emissions so much, they would make it much easier to utilize nuclear energy.

Unfortunately, most of them think in terms of ideal solutions, instead of trade-offs, which makes it difficult for practical alternatives to arise in the market that don'the match their insane standards.

>Why are all of you so against clean energy and eco-friendly power sources?

Because oil companies payed the MSM to feed us nice environment hate propaganda and we sucked it all up like the good Goys we are.

"Clean" energy is a load of shit pushed by the nouveau elite. The old elites already have a white knuckle grip on oil so they made up clean energy to force an opening into the massively wealthy club.

>the nouveau elite

The what?

You just made that up yourself, didn't you?
Like all the billionaire researchers claims to exist.