Is Italy unironically the best country in the world? I went to Rome the other day after missing for some years, and the sheer beauty of that city still floors me every time.

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If there was no mafia

I hear Rome is like 60% african migrant now

Interesting, I went there recently and found it to be an enriched shithole

Italy is a legacy place. It thrives from what it achieved during the Roman Empire, the Renaissance and the post-WW2 economic boom.

Italy nowadays is, with exception of the North, a second world country that is slowly turning into a third world country. 50% youth unemployment, approaching 150% government debt, dying out due to low birth rates, etc.

Not that Germany today is much better.


Milan and Northern Italy were much better than Rome from what I can remember when I was in Italy.

London is unironically a shit city, apart from the parks everything is fucking unremarkable there

>visit one city


I'm Italian retard

Rome is a shithole. Dirty, polluted and filled with niggers selling handbags and other cheap crap. I don't know why tourists flock there. There are far more beautiful places in Italy.

Literally nobody in this country would disagree with you, Mario.

As I stood in that very spot back in January, a violinist was playing "Moon River". Right at that moment, I fell apart and started crying, because I realized that Africans would never be able to create such beauty. All the talk about "equality" and "diversity" I realized then and there was a total lie.

desu La grande bellezza is one of the most beautiful films I have seen no homo

You need to get a new Cincinnatus to lead you back to your glory days

Your entire country is unremarkable and completely irrelevant

like verona

The only thing sadder is the fact that whites themselves are too stupid/oblivious to see this.

come on akmed you know that's not true

Fucking 5 Stars Movement revoking LePen immunity!

Grillo you are tool!

I also saw many fewer degenerates there. I only saw one homosexual and I was shocked at how much better Florence was then my hometown of Birmingham. Florence has a wonderful train station as well. I felt that it was a country to be proud of. Also, the quality of the food was so much higher than it is here.
I know. From what I gathered over in Italy though, the people are pretty redpilled, it's just that their government is hopelessly cucked.

Nobody is arguing that Italy is a beautiful country. But what exactly have you people achieved in the past 400 years? Basically nothing when compared to your Northern European counterparts.

eternal Anglo strikes again

Fuck that truly is depressing to realize that

many things, including the microprocessor, tensor calculus, the PC, etc.., look it up abdallah

can confirm

Would choose it over this shithole any day. Fucking around on some Italian vineyard, that's life right there my dude


I went to Italy in 2007. Hands down the best place i've ever been to in my life. Great people, great food, and beautiful architecture. Mountanous countryside south of Alessandro > Florence > Venice > Rome, only because Rome had so many homeless. Still, the first day I got there and walked out of the metro, only to turn around and see the Colosseum, still standing in it's ancient glory, was one of the most exhilarating moments of my life.

>t. Italian-American

The microprocessor was not invented in Italy, you dumb fucking cunt. Or, the PC, or tensor calculus, The sand nigger was saying what has Italy invented, not white people.

Everything you used to type your shit message was invented by Americans. All you bring to the table is kid touching Catholic priests. Your entire country has been shit since Mussolini.

Naples and Palermo are quite a sight to behold too. Visit the south next time

It was invented by an Italian, Federico Faggin. Not our fault you are so subhuman you can only import brains.
Tensor calculus was pioneered by Tullio Levi Civita and Ricci Curbastro.
The personal computer was invented by Olivetti engineer PIergiorgio Perotto.

Now go get shot you mongrel abomination.

Didn't the "refugees" not stay very long in italy? I remembered them coming there just to go to germany but is there still a lot there?