Is this true?

Is this true?

No, we're fighting the corrupt media and the ring of satanic pedophiles.

>Donald Trump is 300 Pounds of Manure in a 260 Pound Bag

Yep. Sup Forums is satire, you should know this.

Most people supported Trump ironically, knowing he is a fucking retard. Not that Hillary is much better to be honest. Bernie was the best choice though definitely far from perfect. We're all fucked to be honest

Dear news media, I know that you're reading this: why are you so fucking terrible at reporting about us? You're like reddit newfags on steroids, piss off.

>Writer and artist

No. It was reddit and 9fag.

The article was actually really well written and mostly true. Of course, being an illiterate cunt you no doubt only looked at the headline.

both are true....

Yes, but not really. They don't understand that we were raised by the CIA here. We saw their tricks coming a mile away. And we learned COINTELPRO counter ops autodidactically.