Sup Forums BTFO
so is that consent then?
how could i rape her if she's ok with it
>she wants to be raped
Completely ruining the fun desu.
What's the point now?
>free sex
The bobbies don't do their job in the UK now ? why isn't she sued 4 public scandal? Could be childrens there...
all the feminist activism seems to revolve around wanting to be abused/degraded
poor girl. probably grew up with a libcuck dad who never put her in her place.
Christians: 1
Women: 0
I kekd
I would rape her. For king and country.
> Nobody rapes her despite the circumstances
> Somehow proves rape culture exists
Does this finally mean she's asking for it?
>Nobody rapes her because Muslims are banned from public pools
You'd have to start raping her first. If she said no, then you'd have to stop or you would be guilty of a crime.
Someone should of slipped a $1 into her bra strap. It's probably a feeling she's used to anyway.
I'd do it if STDs didn't exist
>take her coffee because she is blindfolded and can't see me
>leave with free coffee
>Puts up a "Rape Me" sign
>Men ignore her
>She then writes an article how men have high standards and refuse to rape her.
Someone should pee on her drink since she's not seeing it.
I hope someone told her she was too fat for Trump to approve and that she would need to drop at least two waist sizes first.
because muslims are disgusted by pigs*
more likely these women are the result of single mothers and never grew up with a dad at all except possibly the revolving door their whore mothers brought in, many of whom diddled her as well.
Note the fat dripping of the side of her pants. She's gained weight but not yet accepted it, still squeezing into a smaller sized jean. In two years time she won't be able to fit into that desk either.
you can't rape the willing
This is one of those riddles isn't it? Like you need to cause a paradox to avoid the spooky ghost.
>You're walking down the street when a demon pops out. He tells you to make a statement, if it is true he will pull out your heart, if it is false he will decapitate you. What do you say?
That's what it is isn't it? Some spooky riddle bullshit.
I ask for consent before having sex with her regardless of the answer. Either I rape her by literal terms or I deny her sign and muddy the sex with weird twisted consensual non-consent.
>Rating someone based on their physical looks is the same as raping someone
both of the posts in this image are just to gain attention. women love attention - that is the only truth in this world.