Why is Eastern Europe so fucking poor, did communism screw them over that bad

Why is Eastern Europe so fucking poor, did communism screw them over that bad

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Historically they were never as wealthy either, the Southeastern part was always fighting off Ottoman invasions and shit so it couldn't focus on building civilization, technology, etc. as much as Western Europe, and Northeastern Europe never had as many people through most of its history as Western Europe so there weren't as many cities which are necessary for doing research, advancement, etc. but communism didn't help.

No. It's because they have low iq's and we are superior intellectually

Estonia has a higher average IQ than most of Northern/Western Europe's and Poland's is about similar.

Why is the entirety of Central and South America so poor. Did the United States screw them over that bad?

We're leading better lives than you ameripoor

Yes, but the non-Russian parts are not so poor.

Actually, Chile started getting richer after the American backed coup.

small states situated between large states, easy to conquer and destroy

Yet both are shitholes

tfw shithole

No, it is because of socialist cancer, the South American country that had the most ruthless dictatorship (actually killed plenty of commies) is today the best in living standard, on par with first world countries
>Helicopter rides for commies actually were sound investment

Which lends credit to the hypothesis that communism and historical factors are the reason it's shit compared to Northern/Western Europe and not its people being shitty or stupid.

The allies and especially the UK screwed them over.

>did communism screw them over that bad


Read a fucking book.


>did communism screw them over that bad
Partially yes, partially due to the fact that there has never been a strong, independent state here(outside of Polish-Luthuanian Commonwealth some long time ago). It's just a land for colonial exploitation - in the past by various empires, including USSR, and now by EU.

Mostly because of its History. It was and it is a semi-periphery in the world economic system without historical colonies, and naval power.

However before 1492 East-Central Europe was stronger because of the influence of the silk road and Venice.

I think the best part was being Austria-Hungary in the late 19th century, that time we were part of the world economic center. (Then whites rule almost the entire world too.)

Even if they weren't subjected to communism for the better half of a century they would still be piss-poor because they're slavs.

Communism is fucking terrible
>Let's none of us try to be rich
>Let the state worry about all the capital we used to have
>Oh no our shitty system with no innovation or motivation collapsed
>Where'd all the money go

Communism and slavs


Poland not.

Poles are the brazilians of Europe.

If the Soviets just backed off, then they wouldn't have been fucked over.

what's your obsession with poland, paco?
every time I see it mentioned I see some brazillian fucker chimping out on it - and I suspect it's you every time. So what up? What is it with you and the superior master race of arian polish sarmatian ubermenschen?

The Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth was pretty successful and fine in its day though. If anything Poles are by far the most competent of all Slavic groups, they aren't insanely ethnically divided and in conflict like the Balkans and they aren't retarded subhumans like Ukrainians or Russians.

No... If the U.S. didn't get a lot of western Europe out of the slumps they were in after wwII in the name of Democracy, they'd be completely fucked too. They'd also be communist destroyed shit holes like the East... Maybe not the UK because of the fact that the damage wasn't as extensive as say, France (yet they got the most American aid).

Some places were better off before 1989 AFAIK

>tfw common border with Hungary never ever

it was the beady eyed people off the coast of europe


This event literally lead to death of millions of Serbs, planted roots of second Yugoslavia's inevitable bloody dissolution and another savage bombing by beady eyed people at the end of xx century.

Pinochet was actually mild compared to Videla and Duvalier.

To be fair Eastern Europe was pretty far behind before communism too. That's partially why they fell for the communism meme.

The Soviet Union actually had a lot of growth and innovation.

not sure how but i'm sure we are to blame somehow

Actually, ending communism is what screwed them that bad.

>subhumans like Ukrainians or Russians.

you can purge the smart people of a country only so often till you're left with human potato.

(seriously though, their main problems nowadays stem from failed transition into capitalism in the 90s - unlike the poles who finnished their shock therapy)


> they fell for the communism meme
They didn't "fall for" communism, it wasn't a populist revolt or anything, it happened in Russia as a coup among a select elite few intellectuals with financial backing from wealthy Germans. They then conquered Ukraine after that without the consent of the Ukrainians and tried to do the same thing to Poland but Pilsudsky barely beat them. Then after WWII they steamrolled into Eastern Europe and forced it on everybody. They didn't want to be communist. Besides, the Eastern European economies are catching up now anyway as less developed economies tend to and will be pretty close to parity with Western Europe sometime in the near future, especially the V4 countries.


Lack of Multiculturalism. Whites alone cannot sustain a nation. History proves it every time.

Look up Soviet inventions. There's tons.

You're deceiving yourself if you don't think lots of people fell for it. Lenin was pretty popular and generations grew up thinking of Stalin as more of a father than their biological fathers.

Good goy. You're the best example.
>went to the moon
>best country ever

> After a guy gets into power and takes over the entire central apparatus of power of a country and turns it into a state worshiping cult of personality glorifying him people like him a lot and see him positively
You don't say... Btw after the Bolshevik Revolution in the immediate aftermath life became much, much worse for most Russians. GDP plummeted, as did wealth, productivity, etc. Russia was industrializing very rapidly at the time the Bolshevik Revolution happened and had it reformed would have likely become the dominant military and economic power in Europe without communism or expansionism or any drastic geopolitical events like WWII.

>they're slavs
You're the same people though goy. Trust me, I studied you all very well.

I know about Soviet history, mi amigo. You don't need to tell me.


>Russia was industrializing rapidly before the Bolshevik takeover
Wrong. Most of the population were illiterate farmers, though the urban areas were growing.
>living standards decreased after the revolution
Maybe, just maybe that might have had something to do with the Civil War there that claimed millions of lives and devastated the economy?

Yes. Even ww2 did

Writing prompt one-posts are not legitimate content, they are an attempt to control leaks by overwhelming the board with volume.

you replied to a diaspora kike and you know it.

these tards are trying to make the whole western world into wymar germany and have no idea what is coming.

I wonder if you apes will take them in or not. Most of these rats are cancer.

> Most of the population were illiterate farmers, though the urban areas were growing
> What is industrialization
> Maybe, just maybe that might have had something to do with the Civil War there that claimed millions of lives and devastated the economy?
Still a consequence of the Bolshevik takeover so it doesn't disprove anything.

Lmfao fuck off faggot

yeah because we communists threw people at those inventions like it was some pay to play shit

thats all we were in the eyes of communism, just some pawn to to use up completely till they got what they wanted

but hey we were all equal*

*not including military higher ups, politicans, party members