Why are the regions with lots of white people a perfect ring around the globe? Was this intentional?


All that fucking land and whites are still only 8% of the world pop.

>turkey white
>iran and caucuses not white

Literally gtfo



it's only a ring because there's nothing but water in the central pacific.

>The jungles of Colombia and Venezuela

Hawaii is about 25% white, about 20% Half White Half Asian.

Gee. I wonder why there's more white people in colder climates. That's a tough one.

>Deep South
>South Africa


Pick one

People closer to the equator are darker via evolution.

Cyprus is White too

temperate and sub-tropical weather, mate

what about Eskimos then?

what's a eskimo?

Eskimos (Actually called Inuit) are native people that live in Northern Canada and Alaska (plus some Russia)

>united states

>A respectable cuckntry

What shit map is that?

Rio de Janeiro is not white

Polar or sub-polar I believe


Wow Spain is white again in !! let's party and siesta

why are they dark and squinty?

Biggest joke in this topic.

Because is ring has the best habitats to sustain life, and it just so happens white Christians were the best at everything so the colonized and inhabited the best places to live

>half white