Obama is going to jail
Let's see it happen.
On one hand, this would be amazing to see. On the other, it'll just feed into the liberal delusion of America being under fascism.
interesting. i can see them using the right to revolt to counter, though most likely would fail
Hopefully enough to spark a civil war
If Bush never went to jail for blatanly lieing about going to war and there not being any WMDs, as well as mass surveilance, nothing will happen to Obama
I don't beleive dubya was ever in it. Cheney and rumsfeld advised and he listened. He's too much of an idiot to plot anything.
Id love to see that nigger reduced to shit in an orange jumpsuit on the 6 o clock news.
this would never happen because Obama has the support of the people who rallied to elect him President twice because America had too much white trash in the presidency for centuries