How do you act around working class people?

How do you act around working class people?

I fucking can't stand Josh gad

I speak like more of a redneck. I say "yep" and "man" more

I try to be sincere and to the point, because I've done shit jobs so I know a bit what its like.

I laugh at them while I throw my free neetbux in their face

why the fuck did she get those stupid tattoos? are they supposed to mean something?

Grew up around them. I act like myself. Why do you have to act differently around working class people? They are like the last people who will judge you. You have to act differently around rich folk but working class people are the best

>saying yep is redneck

What the fuck

I don't. The working class makes me physically ill.

I act like myself

Yes, they mean "I'm a vapid attention whore"

This. I just joke around a lot

Everybody on Sup Forums is working class
>mfw you think there is a "middle" class
top meme

this I am working class

t. guy who gets his knowledge of rednecks from King of the Hill

Yeah bro, banter with working class people is always the best too. Working class people know how to be fun and don't give a fuck about what others think. I'm more surrounded by haughty rich people now and I hate it

I can't believe there's people who think you need to act a certain way around working class people. Just don't act like a nigger and you'll be cool seriously

everyone is "working class". If you work at McDonalds or are some college educated prick with a good job, we all work, we are all the same. I don't act differently around anyone

>How do you act around working class people?

I generally try to avoid small talk with them, just give some polite chuckles and smiles.

Only tip in 5's.

NEETs arent

Well dont be a stiff.

Kind of a requirement. Like an actual stick in the mud.

Yeah that too, have a personality or else working class folk will break you of your shell

NEETs think a lot, they are failed professors and public intellectuals

I get judged for being rich and dressing nicely. Literally was nicknamed "Starbucks" at a party I went to because I had a Starbucks coffee cup in my hand. I was the only male that dressed nice with button up and sweater, the women were in short dresses, and the rest of the "men" were in basketball shorts and T-Shirts. Literally had to suffocate my brain with Bach when I got home that night, nearly broke up with my girlfriend because of it too. It was literally the first time my girlfriend heard me use the word nigger among other profanities.

I act like myself. I understand their problems better than most since I deal with them every day. They have every reason to dislike me and when I come across as likable it disarms them.

There is a reason they are working class and I am not.

I keep my hands in my pocket, making sure I have a firm grasp of my wallet and phone.

did they spill beer on your briefcase? you should have took your overcoat and left when your pocket watch read half past nine

Totally normal but I get really nervous and finger my knife when I'm stuck in a room full of fucking yuppies.

> Poor kid from a poor family in a poor state.

most of my friends are working class even tho im an ivy league researcher. They're more fun and often more open minded than white collar snobs. With them it feels like you build an actual bond instead of just a fake empty relationship. So I act normally.

Pretend to be interested in the weather, lottery or sports is the easiest way. Make sure you throw in the word "six pack" or hint you abuse pain killers.

>hey bud, u catch the game last night???
>rain again huh, this weather sucks ey sport?
>gonna swing by the gas station and pick up some scratchems and some bud, sounds like a weekend to me!!!


>being so bootyblasted that people were shooting the shit with you that you hurl racial epithets around your girlfriend

>basketball shorts
Were you in Mississippi? We wear jeans like normal people.

I fell intensely uncomfortable in nice neighborhoods

I'm a welfare baby so the same

I can't wait till the moment the Upper Class and the Lower Class in this country become so polarized we get another French Revolution.

Nothing would make me happier than seeing all the snooty ass rich people who thought they were better than everyone and crony ass politicians and in D.C. get the guillotine.

I feel uncomfortable in nice neighborhoods too...

They certainly ruffled my fedora.

it's more like autism, not being able to read social situations and showing up to a house party full of young people and being upset that everyone else isn't wearing business casual. Nothing wrong with dressing nice, or dressing down, but if you don't know when to do each, you just might have Aspergers.

>middle management office cuck
>shitty B.S degree
>thinks he's not working class

top laff

No, I shot shits with them and they literally left the balcony we were out on. I berated my girlfriend afterwards for enjoying the "nigger party" afterwards. Was yelling at her for being degenerate, a form of control of the female mind. Welcome to life, peasant.

>tfw too intelligent to be around working class people

The party was held at my Asian friend's apartment. He dresses slick every chance he gets so I thought that was the norm, and every single girl in there was dressed for fucking prom.

West Texas.

>not defooing your GF and her friends years ago

clothes don't make the redpilled man

Same as I do here except I give off that crazy hobo look because I personally like olive drab surplus coats.

You don't have to be an animal online you can be civil. It's good practice for the normies you have to work with.

I make sure to remind them that rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.

i dont go around working class 'people'
th one on the elbow is the 'eye', lazy saturn symbol. basically shes a (((pedo))) cannibal and likely has been brutally abused and tortured by kikes her whole life, like most of (((hollywood))).

No, nice clothes make you look nice.


pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory:
I wore nice clothes simply because my Asian friend hosting the party -always- "dresses to the T."

Bro I dress really nicely all the time. But if you drink starbucks and go to parties and judge the people there for not being up to your standard you're probably just a huge faggot.

You can dress nicely and not be a total cunt faggot

I drop nigger around my girlfriend all the time she's never had an issue she just rolls her eyes or laughs

I live in Salt Lake City but I voted for Trump during the election and even became the delegate for the county of my former residence of Layton to support him.

I'm now in public office in SLC.
AFL and such.

>west texas

found the problem

Literally didn't hydge a single person there. Grabbed a cheap coffee from an inexpensive coffee shop because I normally wake at 5:30 A.M. daily, and we were out until 3:00 A.M.

You're judging me by buying liquid for a price you can't fucking afford. Get a life. Actually, wait, no. Get a fucking REAL job.

This is like some Gantz shit.


This one is a thin, beautiful piece. New girlfriend who liked Bernie Sanders. It's a slow process, but the liberalism in her has recently died. She's a fan of Trump now, too.

Women are impressionable. Always. At every point of their lives, even if they are truly 'certain' about something.

I can afford all the Starbucks I want. I'm just not a total faggot that shows up to a party with a coffee and bitches about how everyone at the party looks like a degenerate.

Faggot have you ever realized parties are degenerate? I learned this in high school and realized soon that you only go to parties unless someone important invites you to one. If you need to network go to one. If not you're just going to be bothered by the degeneracy if you're a level-headed individual

>Literally didn't judge a single person there
>hurr durr everyone was making fun of me for being a faggot and everyone was wearing t shirt so I had to complain to my girlfriend afterwards because I had a bad time

You sound like someone I would've bullied in high school

You sound like a faggot and you "gf" wanted real man dick.

Pretty obvious, you posh retard

Men that have calloused hands are far more attractive to a girl than a dolled up sissy boy.
Trust me, gym shorts don't matter, they see the man wearing them.

For you they just see the clothing wrapped around a lil bitchboi.

Yeah I know. Every now and again my girlfriend has a liberal flare up. Just tonight she tried to tell me the wage gap existed. I took it slow with her and totally took apart her argument and made sure she understood that ascribing to feminism fallacies is stupid and immediately her opinion changed within 10 minutes

>going to a party full of niggers

I found the start of your problems user!

I didn't bitch a single bit at the party, it was afterwards, and yes they all were degenerate. Most of the were the same Mexican blood that my forefathers have mastered over.

You sound like a fat internet tough kid that cries when they see a military man get hurt on youtube.

Like myself.
But I am working class so it's not hard.

You seem like you don't want any Starbucks ever, so yes I can see how it's easy for you to afford nothing.

Please take a picture of your palms faced up.

I bet your gf longs for the day areal man with rough hands ravages her puss the right way.

You're just a boy who dresses nice.

Yeah you sound like an insufferable faggot.

I was sympathetic because they were wearing basketball shorts which is usually a pretty bad sign, but then you just kept on opening your mouth and now Im 100% youre a massive cunt.

>I didn't bitch a single bit at the party, it was afterwards, and yes they all were degenerate. Most of the were the same Mexican blood that my forefathers have mastered over

So you're such an idiot that you went to some party without any idea of what type of people would be going there? That's like going to some dive bar and expecting high class people to go there and then complaining that the place sucked. You made the conscious decision to go you fucking tool.

Also, you wouldn't have. Your family wouldn't have even been able to afford private schooling.

>being around working class people
They act enough for everyone in the room.
Fucking frauds

Are you reading fucking anything I'm saying????

Let me copy paste one of my last posts.

"The party was held at my Asian friend's apartment. He dresses slick every chance he gets so I thought that was the norm, and every single girl in there was dressed for fucking prom."

Do I need to copy/paste that for you again, or do you see it now??

>You seem like you don't want any Starbucks ever

You're not even a fucking man if you drink that shit, you're basically a fucking teenage high school girl. I don't support Starbucks because the whole company is nothing but a fucking liberal, virtue signalling cuck corporation that employs fucking refugees.

Enjoy your garbage fucking coffee brewed by either some filthy hippy or a sand nigger who put cyanide in it.

He literally sounds like Holden Caulfield. He needs to get fucking beat sounds like someone with no friends

Nice to see you like to look at pictures on Sup Forums without reading a single word. Go back to your movies, TV shows, and video games, you cuck.

Yeah I got this. Still don't see how this triggered you so badly you needed to leave and bitch about how bad it was. It was a fucking party what did you expect you annoying faggot all parties are degenerate

>tfw upper-middle class
>tfw I am comfortable around all races and religious groups
>tfw top 10% of any group is better than the median person from the best group
>tfw feel very unsafe around poor people
>tfw my black bf is actually scared of poor people

Poor people are way too intimate. You will know the name of every member of their extended family and all their problems on your first conversation. They are 100% people focused and will never want to talk about business if they can shoot the shit instead. I also hate how the make terribly inappropriate jokes without even attempting to read the room.

Here are some tips. I have found help me interact with them.

>pretend that you get really drunk on the weekends, the love it
>they hate formalities, but love honorifics like sir and ma'am (atleast the older ones)
>tell them upfront that you literally cant name one player on any local team (they have an autistic knowledge of this and will catch you faking)
>never talk about the price of a meal even when talking about your appreciation for a restaurant
>Literally say nothing even slightly negative about their children they will fight you (no it doesnt matter that it is OBJECTIVELY not a good idea to let a drug addict watch their child)
>Simplify your vocabulary to be on par with theirs
>dont point out references you dont think they will understand even if they are making a fool of themselves
>dont talk about books your reading
>always tip
>assume they are religious and act accordingly
>never relax around their undisciplined children.

Oh look, a poor person.

I don't support them either, but I'm a capitalist. The refugee shit just made me buy more stock.

If you can create the "Hitler Was Right Cafe" and make it as efficient and delicious, I will happily switch my morning energy providers.

We can sniff one of you fake shits a mile away

The public school I went to was much better than even the fucking 10,000 dollar a year private school in my hometown. It's high school you moron it doesn't mean anything it's a preliminary to college

>caring about how he paid for high school
Are you really such a fucking faggot that paying for and getting through high school at some private institution is somehow an accomplishment to you? I feel like I'm talking to Elliot Rodger here you sound like such a fag

Another 'like myself, I am working class' comment.

I work

>you're poor if you don't drink my favorite cuck coffee and support a liberal corporation

Also, you do realize you're talking about STARBUCKS right? Starbucks coffee isn't even expensive. You're not proving anything by drinking a four dollar cup of coffee and if the coffee you drink somehow makes you feel better about yourself I really wonder how sad your fucking life it

Just end it with the rope, pal. I think everyone around you would appreciate it

Get awkward and and obviously uncomfortable and feel guilty that I had advantages they didn't

liberal btw

this thread was a little surprising. are other people here not poor? does everyone just larp as upper middle class? do >you feel that >you get judged for being sheltered and generally sort of physically incapable and introverted, without a lot in common with these type of people? i myself have been around upper middle class people and working type people and don't feel totally comfortable among either, but i think i definitely mesh better with the latter

Im a working person and can afford starbucks. I dont drink it cause it tastes like absolute shit. If a place's coffee doesnt taste good black its because they use bad coffee. Starbucks uses bad coffee. Store bought is literally better than starbucks. You could spend a dollar or more less on local roasters and get way better coffee. You sound like a materialist moron with well off parents.

>Ill just mention stocks
>buying starbucks stock and not simply high-low selling a reliable stock like google which cycles annually in a predictable pattern

Quit pretending youve invested more than a few grand in stocks faggot

Did your public school launch you into a group rich stock market manipulators that have the power to completely shit on any of the tiny companies they own through stock?

Did your public school give you the wonderful connections to start investing millions of dollars that don't even belong to you, to make tens of millions?

Far more than 10k a year for this school, friend. How does it feel to be near the bottom of the food chain? I pay people like you to stunt scenes in restaurants and other public venues.

I forgot about


They dont care about the balance of power in the house of representatives or know what article 50 is.

Their version of politics is conspiracy theories about the "elites" which is apparently everyone in government and for some reason also doctors and lawyers.

Atleast they dont get upset if you call bullshit on their theories like my friends do if you call bullshit on their politics, but they will never trust you if you dont think politicians are evil and not just corrupt.

>Literally had to suffocate my brain with Bach when I got home that night
Listening to Bach feels like running a comb through your messy hair, but for your mental state. I swear I can honestly feel my neurons untangle when I listen to Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor.

>tfw it gets stuck in your head and plays through out the day
pure bliss.

>you're poor if you don't drink my favorite cuck coffee and support a liberal corporation

When did I say this?

Poor people hate their enemies, the smart and powerful become great friends with theirs.

Again, I will state "
If you can create the "Hitler Was Right Cafe" and make it as efficient and delicious, I will happily switch my morning energy providers."

It does not matter which side I'm on, the pendulum always shifts with greater strength. I have more influence on the left to swing the pendulum right.

I act as their king.

Yeah but if you provide some light education on factual matters in a non-condescending they sometimes appreciate it. At worst they'll get intimidated.

"You're not proving anything by drinking a four dollar cup of coffee "

Actually, I am. I own a large number of stock with Starbucks. So in reality, I'm paying into myself. How stupid are you?

This bloke gets it.

Im hurt

Also politicians are evil like 9/10. It takes a particularly defunct type of mind to go into the business of regulating other people.

And the SWIM tattoo, which is used to mean "someone who isn't me". Probably an MKULTRA victim.

Jesus Christ stop fucking LARPing it honestly hurts to read how much of a fag you are. You're not a millionaire. Millionaires don't spend time talking about cool they are on a fucking image board. You're just a typical LARPing faggot but somehow I don't think you're trolling and I think you're genuinely this insufferable IRL.

I doubt you will end up more successful than me honestly. I grew up working class and am now in grad school in a top 14 law school. Guess what, I never went to a private school and half the idiots who did pay money for fucking HIGH SCHOOL in my hometown aren't doing shit with their life right now

Why post just to prove my point?

Like a human being.

I am working class people


This, kek.

Hopefully not for much longer though.

I lurk and your insufferable faggotry forced me to post.
Babby's living off daddy's glory, I would run through a little bitch like you.

Don't forget y'all ya yank

>trusting politicians

I trust a politician like Id trust a genital itch.

Scratch that, a gentical itch would let me know when its acting up, unlike a politician.

you politely tell them the job that needs to be done, and upon completion you pay them.