Isn't that retard that thinks Hispanic is a race and he got some mestizo mexican whore bitch then he declared all Hispanics, even the white spanish ones were mestizo mexicans?
Chase Morgan
>Moly used to fight for freedom, but has become increasingly statist- he's compromising with the enemy- his morality is no longer PURE FREEDOM. And your statement is pure non-agrument
Ian Gomez
so molly finally has swallowed the nihilist pill? Man I wonder what will happen once he comes out of it. The people who choose the nihilism pill usually only choose two things. Life or death.
Death with drugs, or direct suicide. Or just lack of will to live and make keeds.
Or life, like many right wing nihilists here chose, who chose to battle the jew and all the variables that are bad for the white race.
Christopher Morales
That's because most political systems were created with white people in mind. I'm not a libertarian, but if the system could work, it could only work in a homogeneous society. Once you bring race into it, the system collapses, because different races have their own beliefs, cultures, loyalties and intellectual abilities. That's why we need borders and some form of government. We need to protect our interests from people who aren't compatible with our way of life.
Elijah Brooks
only 1% of pol has read Atlas Shrugged
Kevin Martin
I bet it's higher- like 5%
Chase Hughes
He has been always retarded.
>Hank Rearden would not let even 1% impurity in Rearden Metal- so why would you let even 1% impurity into your moral system? Cringe
Brody Howard
I like the book, never understood the hate, it's decent fiction.
Liam Reyes
Less than 1% of men develop penile cancer in their lifetime.