Explain this Sup Forums


None of that is in any way accurate. There are thousands of shootings every year.

shes right men are more violent but its the price you pay for test. We can prevent blacks and muslims from being in our society we cant just get rid of all men

Thousands of women are raped every year in Sweden
Only 80% involve muslims
100% involve women
But yeah, rape must be a muslim problem not a woman playing the victim problem
Tell me I'm wrong!!

Someone should shoot her

what's the color of the other 996 shooters?

yea but where are her sources. We can all spout stupid bullshit but i want facts.

so then muslims AND blacks are problems, not a shocker

wtf, I hate males now

Sandy Hook never happened so her argument is invalid.

Bloomberg nonsense


you cant deny that men commit the major of crime

My fucking sister posted this, and I wanted to go "Yeah, but over half of them were black or mexican"

But I couldn't because fucking facebook.

They mean mass shootings, and it's still wrong. The source was huffpo or some equally dumb shit.

the world may never know

you made this thread literally an hour ago. Guess what race committed the majority of those shootings?

Ask how many of them are committed by blacks and latinos per capita.

I wonder how many of the perps were black? Funny she omits that. :^)

Black people.

I'm convinced liberals do not eat, but instead synthesize responses to bait over the internet for sustenance.

>do what I say
>write my thread for me
>explain this
Okay, that's a one-post. Shills use them to slide legitimate content.

If guns were the only way to inflict violence then we would be all set. Muslims prefer bombs and trucks.

How many of them were black on black crime?

Women are incapable of physically being able to inflict harm on anyone but themselves. Sad, really.

explain this

Quick, someone post the graph that shows that blacks are responsible for a vast majority of the shootings.

I am unemployable thanks to alcohol and my own mind. I've been in and out of jail for years. Recently got fired and arrested for beating the shit out of a coworker. My life is over. I've been forced to move back in with my elderly mom. Not even McDonalds will hire someone with my record.

>gender is a social construct
>men are more prone to violence

And what's it called when a Canadian does it?

What about the San Bernardino shooting?

She sure has some nice sources for that claim.

man im sorry to hear that. shiet

I'm going to get revenge and then off myself

whats the source on this?

do male muslims count as male or muslim?


Newfags are baited too easily and don't know how filters work. Just shake your head at them and move on to one of the general threads.

Sup Forums in general likes to argue even if anons know they're being baited

It keeps all of our brains sharp and helps us reinforce our positions if we don't resort to memeing

But yeah, it's not just a Sup Forums thing

It's easy to just make up numbers. If you're gonna do that at least make it believable.

Fort Hood shooter- muzzie
Chattanooga shooter- muzzie
Garland, TX - 2 x muzzies
San Bernardino - 2 x muzzies
Orlando shooter - muzzie
Trolley Square Utah shooter - muzzie

Even the Burlington Mall shooting a couple months back - muzzie

These are all off the top of my head without even checking for more. There will be many many many more.

How many were black?

Do a flip faggot.

Men commit the majority of the majority of things, including fighting crime.

'''very''' stupid


Fort Hood was 2009, prick.

"Males" is pretty vague

I think she should've just said niggers

OK cool, didn't realise it was since Sandy Hook.

No worries, take out Ft Hood and I'll replace it with the Ft Lauderdale airport shooting a couple months back.

I'll say it again, there will be many many MANY more muslim spree killers.

Nah do this:

>Get government NEET bux
>learn how to gamble off like $5 each week (I don't know what your, whatever Canada rubles you use are worth) until you jackpot like a few thousand
>go to Mexico
>Do coke
>Fuck hookers
>go out with a bang

At least make it a story to remember, come on

Sandy Hook nose jews was a hoax.

infidels are making this too easy for us

How many involved blacks?

I'd like to see how big of a portion of them all were niggers, spics and such.


why is this relevant?


Islam is inherently incompatible with White civilization.

Non-Whites do not belong in White countries.

It doesn't matter how "good" they might be or not. They don't belong here.

Prove me wrong.

Women expelling men from america would be like Mugabe expelling whites from zimbabwe

Doesn't she mean Youths?

>My sister
So tell her in real life you cuck.

careful. we'll get into some "white/hispanic" statistics.

>oh you wanted intellectual honesty, goy?


>100% involve women
The funniest thing is this isn't true, they'll go after any hole.

52 replies
>1 post by this ID

Huh i wonder what the stats are on killing your own children

Hmm, probably pure coincedence

The reason is obvious. See the attached picture.

>only 50 replies
you are like a little baby

such fucking dumbed down bs

omg r u sayin genders exist?!?

Collectivist mindset.
Muslims have submitted to Islam, which literally means submission.
Males havent submitted to manhood.
The lefts collectivist thinking plays a huge role

998 shootings since Sandy Hook. Two involved humans. 998 involved interdimensional ayys, but yeah, must be a human problem, not an ayy problem.