How can nordcucks even compete?
How can nordcucks even compete?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nords are biggest cucks
>b-but we wuz Vikings n' shit
Vikings were destructive white niggers who had no respect for anything.
Aryan Conquest theory
But before 650AD Persians were white
They simply cannot.
Not gonna lie, former nordcuck here. It's funny watching them crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let them get a hold of the nuclear codes.
pls no
not this
my national pride cant take it
what have they done to our nation
I have a rune next to my house. Those are just scripts on a stones, not art.
Epic story on uncracked stone book vs cracked decadent stone bull (persian dude probably made it as a present to his wifes bull) sculpture without horns.
I'll take the story, thanks.