Styx is Kill

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Can I get a quick rundown on this?


RIP in Peace Twigz

>Styx gets cuck
>Styx gets dumped
>That's about all
>Peace Out

He committed suicide recently. Recent memories brought up over the whole Milo drama.

>Nude pics of Styx gets out
>Styx can't handle it and leaves

He said he'd be back.

>Styx gets cuck
Is there a source on this? I know he said he's having relationship problems but where are you getting this cuck stuff?

Apparently he got cucked by his gf and quit youtubing for a while. I doubt he'll be gone for long, will probably come back more pissed off and focused than before. Nothing builds creativity and clarity of thought like a breakup.

>Is there a source on this?
Yes. spidy cuck knows from experience.

I'm not a spook you disgusting pedophile.