Mfw I am a man of African descent who is a Trump supporter, and wishes that the white race prevails

>mfw I am a man of African descent who is a Trump supporter, and wishes that the white race prevails

The best part is people get mad at me and think I will taint white genes. Jokes one them, I only like white boy butt and hate girls.

Thank you for being gay

np Hans. Make sure to keep the white race alive.

Why would you rather live under the thumb of the white race rather than see us overrun by your kin?

Eat a dick, nigger.

I'm not delusional enough to think blacks will change any time soon.

>I'm a subhuman pervert


good enough.

what if a girl looked exactally like a guy? would you be attracted to her?

How do you feel about Rhodesia?

gape my fashy ass user

Why are you choosing to be gay? There are literally white women who wants your big black cock?


Tfw two smart to chose to be gay or black

why you encouraging race mixing on Sup Forums you fucking cuck

I wish I were gay. I just love titties too much. I don't even like vag. It doesn't feel remotely as good as my hand, it's ugly and it fucking smells. I've been with enough women to know that I'm never going to appreciate it, and I've come to terms with that. But fucking TITTIES, man.



Racists aren't human.

It doesn't matter the race of the racist. White, black, Jew, Asian, it's irrelevant. Racists should all be gassed.

Then go to Sweden Tyrone, it'll be paradise for you. The government will pay for you to live like a kang and you'll have more Swedish sissy-fag slaves than you'll know what to do with.

And i thought I was a uncle tom wew lad nigger theres a fine line between defending the current. Social bais and kissing ass but it aint no thng do you op.

Are you a Hotep user?

Thats racistist.

Racistist aren't human.

It doesn't matter the racist of the racistist. Nazi, Kang, Jew, SuperPooper by 2020, it's irrelevant. Racistist should all be gassed.

>Trump supporting blacks are the top 10% of blacks
We have the best blacks.

You sound cool. I like you.

Not enough to let you fug my anus but I like you.



Nigga u gay

>all this negative hate for me being gay

desu I am classy about it and don't act all flamboyant like a lot of them do.


>mfw i am part black and a trump supporter
niether ya'll or the low-key racist libs will take me sierously

>white genocide is real