Can you guys please explain to me why you think you're the good guys, or good people in general?

Can you guys please explain to me why you think you're the good guys, or good people in general?

I don't understand this place at all. It seems like it's just full of people who revel in making the world shittier.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I don't understand this place at all.
Then fucking leave or lurk more you faggot.

allahu akbar see you when the world ends goyim


Pokemon Go to the polls.

Sup Forums is a board of peace

I've lurked here since 2012. It's just made me dislike you more and more.

I don't want to leave because I'll still constantly have that internal conflict, knowing this place exists and continues spouting and rationalizing hateful drivel to itself, even pushing its propaganda into the mainstream.

Sup Forums is full of horrible, horrible people.

Leave while you can. It's brimful of sore, bitter losers that have cultivated their hatred and projected it on society around here

>people who revel in making the world shittier

Awwwww, ass still sore from Nov 8 huh? :(


Shittier for whom? If it's shittier for you, maybe you're the bad guy

hey fuck off op
i dont go into your home shitting on the carpet

Shitskins immigrating and outbreeding Whites is what's making the world shittier.

All races have people who are good for their own people and don't care about what happens in foreign societies, and other races call them nearly two hundred different words for "patriot" in as many languages. Whites are the only ones who have that urge demonized in us. We stand against that demonization.

>I don't understand this place at all.
First of all I hope you realize that Sup Forums is 100% unsatirical. Newfags seem to think we're joking sometimes. No one here is joking.
Either Sup Forums is 100% satire or none of it is.

being "good" is a spook

>Can you guys please explain to me why you think you're the good guys, or good people in general?
I'm uniting with like minded White people to save the White race from those who want to destroy it.

Frankly, I don't give a fuck if anyone else thinks we're the "good" or "bad" guys.

>I don't understand this place at all.
That's because you haven't been redpilled.

>It seems like it's just full of people who revel in making the world shittier.
You mean that you supporting beliefs and policies that will cause the extinction of the White race is making the world a better place?

>Sup Forums is full of horrible, horrible people.
People that want to save the White race from genocide are horrible?

Kid we're the bad guys, the world is just so fucked up we are the good guys by comparison

>I've lurked here since 2012. It's just made me dislike you more and more.
>I don't want to leave because I'll still constantly have that internal conflict, knowing this place exists and continues spouting and rationalizing hateful drivel to itself, even pushing its propaganda into the mainstream.

Yea no. That's obviously bullshit. Sage

Obama funded ISIS through Al Qaeda and other groups, who murdered 2500,000+ people, including children. Thousands now live in slavery/sex slavery, and millions live under brutal Sharia law. Christians are targetted men, women, and children for torture and death. I bet you know next to nothing about it because you are a low iq normie retard FAGGOT.

>good and bad are relevant
It troubles me deeply that you are allowed to vote.
Thanks for fucking everything up, Jackson

ah yes cozying up to islamic terrorists is the true road to take here

why are we so evil, regret voting drumpf now...

You probably would if you could.

>People that want to save the White race from genocide are horrible?
People that want to genocide Jews, Muslims, gays, and transsexuals are horrible. I don't care if you want to marry a white woman and have white children, but if you spout and support hateful, violent ideology, you are a horrible person.

who the fuck said we are the good guys?
its just that we know who the bad guys
are and are hard up for a laugh. hence trump is president and the jew is sweating. kek

a-are we the bad guys?

I'd guess your moral compass is fucked. Stuck on degenerate equality.

>Lets import third world garbage that will turn the western world into a islamic shithole like lebanon

Uhh yeah i think you are just wrong

send me your address cunt, so i can shit on your carpet

[email protected]

This isn't about immigration. It's about advocating violence.

>People that want to genocide Jews, Muslims, gays, and transsexuals are horrible.
But you supporting the people who want to genocide Whites is acceptable?

>I don't care if you want to marry a white woman and have white children,
And yet you call us racist nazi white supremacists for voicing that belief and wanting it to be considered normal.

>but if you spout and support hateful, violent ideology, you are a horrible person.
You mean like saying all Whites must have White guilt, can have no pride in their people, have no right to preserve their race/culture/homelands, must allow massive non-White immigration into their countries, must accept diversity, must accept multiculturalism etc etc etc etc.

We're necessary evil.

We aren't equal. Whites are the master race. Hitler did nothing wrong. Humanity won't get over its Earthly problems until we come to terms with the necessity of eugenics like adults.

go suck a pistol bitch

>This isn't about immigration. It's about advocating violence.
Advocating mass non-White immigration into White countries and only White countries is advocating violence against Whites.

>making the world shittier.
shittier for who? niggers? should we just be cucks and let them make our world shit... ?

Who the fuck wants to genocide whites? How much Kool-Aid have you been drinking?

>And yet you call us racist nazi white supremacists for voicing that belief and wanting it to be considered normal.
I don't call you racist nazi white supremacists for voicing that belief. That belief *is* normal. I call you racist nazi white supremacists for calling for Jews to be gassed, Arabs to be glassed, and trannies and fags to be beaten.

So you guys are just hypocrites, then?

We need to be "good" and signal our virtue.

The desperate need to feel like they're heroes is a SJW/leftist problem, not ours.

While we want to make the world better, we're under no delusions that we're good people. We know and accept that we're bad people and we revel in it.

Sup Forums are the good guys because they're the only ones openly opposing the satanic shadow government and its blatant attempts to destroy western civilization, morals, and the God-given rights of all people.

>It seems like it's just full of people who revel in making the world shittier.

Nah, that would be refugees and the people who welcome them.

The elites have made people desperate. In their desperation, they turned to a man they don't truly understand.

That's never what I see on this board. I see people who want to destroy the rights of others.

We ain't this.

RWSS dis bitch.

>good/bad dichotomy
I wish I could be a small child again

Most of us here just want to mind our own fucking business.

>I've lurked here since 2012. It's just made me dislike you more and more.
Pop quiz. Who is the Jewdge?
If you can't answer that correctly, then you're lying about being here since 2012.

>Even pushing its propaganda into the mainstream

>Mainstream opinions must remain the same, forever, and preferably pro-marxist!
>Theres NO chance that hundreds of MILLIONS of people, ordinary, everyday people, are sick of champagne journalists and virtue signalling politicians shitting on them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Protip faggot, the world isn't changing because of a Tibetan yak milk recipe forum. But it is cute seeing Huffpo talk about EBIL NATSI ALT-RITE MEMES

Shareblue getting shellshocked in the meme war. Many such cases. Sad!

Don't be acuck, real life isn't a fucking anime.

>Who the fuck wants to genocide whites?
Jews. Liberals. Anti-Whites. Diversity/Multiculturalism lovers.

>How much Kool-Aid have you been drinking?
Said the person that thinks being pro-White is evil...

>I don't call you racist nazi white supremacists for voicing that belief.
You call us racist nazi white supremacists because we aren't inherently anti-White.

> I call you racist nazi white supremacists for calling for Jews to be gassed
1. The holocaust didn't happen.
2. The Jews wouldn't need to be gassed if they all fucked off back to Israel.
3. If the Jews do get gassed (for reals this time) it will be well deserved. It's like you're thinking the Jews are poor oppressed people that dinnt du nuffings.

>Arabs to be glassed,
Arabs need to fuck off back to durkadurkastan.
Only reason people hate Arabs is because the Jewish media has made them enemy #1. Only reason we're in the M.E. is to destabilize it to protect Israel and oil interests.

>and trannies and fags to be beaten.
They need to be sent to the mental hospitals. Them flaunting their fudgepacking in public is what gets them beaten.
They're mentally ill and promoted/normalized by the Jewish media.

>So you guys are just hypocrites, then?
We're the honest ones. You're the one saying "racism is bad!" while hating Whites.

It's all angry losers, man. People who would never dare to say all the shit they spout here out loud to anyone on their faces.

And the rest is just trolling and banter.

If you want to have faith in this place a bit, check when they have their country to visit or heritage threads, people seem much nicer there once they get to know each other a bit more.

>People that want to genocide Jews, gays, and transsexuals are horrible.
so ur anti muslim? I'm confused...

>I see people who want to destroy the rights of others.
What rights would that be?

The only reason muds, faggots and kikes have "rights" in White countries is thanks to the kike/commie scheming.

nobody want to genocide anybody. Both sides pick and choose identity groups to favor. Libs favor minorities and jews, /pol favors whites. How is /pol wrong?

I wonder how many shills they lose to attrition. Are they all working at rows of computers and occasionally someone will just get redpilled and snap, start screaming 14/88 and security has to remove them from the building?

I cant speak for everyone here but my personal belief is that having a world view based in reality and being willing to discuss anything and actually solve problems is virtuous while the lefts complete denial if facts and kicking the can down the road for future generations is egoistical and evil.

>Who the fuck wants to genocide whites?
Black Twitter, Salon, Buzzfeed, the DNC

I have been posting since day one of Sup Forums and I have no clue what you're talking about

guess I never visited whatever thread you are referencing

also op is a faggot

>I have been posting since day one of Sup Forums
no you haven't

Anyone that holds the pillar of free speech is the good guy

Even if he calls you a nigger chink tranny spic; especially if he does

Judaism and Islam are religious virus. Eventually replacing everything or dying. You just have to stop lying to yourself.

Leftist most certainly want to genocide anyone who doesn't adhere to their beliefs.

>nobody want to genocide anybody.
Problem is that the anti-Whites are most likely going to leave Whites with no other choice.

The anti-Whites started this war but Whites, by God, are going to finish it.

>nov 8
i live under a rock, explain?

kek yes I have
tell me who katsungyo was
or better yet, who "timebro" was

You're clearly not from here.

They probably get a dumbbell to the back of the head workout if you nomsayin

Don't worry, your balls will drop eventually.

>i live under a rock, explain?
US Pres. Election. Assuming the belgiumfag is a liberal/hillary supporter.

I shouldn't have made this thread. I need to stop coming here.

I don't have a problem with being "pro-white". I have a problem with being anti-Jew, anti-Muslim, anti-black, anti-gay, anti-trans. If you can be pro-white without being those things, I have no problem with you.

Asia for the Asians. Africa for the Africans. White countries for everyone.

Diversity is code for anti white.

>why you think you're the good guys, or good people in general?
There are no good or bad people.
What is good for you is inevitably bad for others.

Take the refugee crisis here in Germany as an example, this country is flooded with violent, uneducated idiot's. This has a negative impact on a society as a whole, but a positive impact on the scum comming here.

Equality is unachievable and suffering is necessary.
Sup Forums doesn't want to make the world shittier, but the people here have realized that your life can not improve unless others are kept down.
This applies also on a global scale, a country which cares about its people can not also care for other people around the world.

The essential point of globalism is equalizing the world by make life worse for the first world and better for the third world.
For now the goals multi nation governments, controlled not by the people, but by the elites, see the EU.

We're not going to change just for you to be satisfied, you pompous ass

>I have a problem with being anti-Jew, anti-Muslim, anti-black, anti-gay, anti-trans.
These are all anti-white positions and impossible to reconcile with a pro-white position. You're contradicting yourself.

then you will have no problem with minorities going back to their homes and getting out of white countries.

>I shouldn't have made this thread. I need to stop coming here.
Is it because you're unable to debate your beliefs against our facts and logic?

>I don't have a problem with being "pro-white".
You just apparently have a problem with people expressing those beliefs and effecting change in their homelands.

>I have a problem with being anti-Jew, anti-Muslim, anti-black, anti-gay, anti-trans.
If you're pro any of those groups, you're anti-White.
Being pro-White means being anti all those groups.

> If you can be pro-white without being those things, I have no problem with you.
You don't fucking get it. Those groups are contributing to the genocide of the White race.

It's like you're trying to tell us to mix oil and water.

You're here forever.

Nobody is anti-X here but they have to be actively taken care and will only proliferate if nothing is done.

This. White countries for white people. You don't see us invading Afica.
>inb4 it's because they're poor
They have tons of natural resources. Don't give me that shit.

wow that was very obvious
time to sleep i suppose

>Is it because you're unable to debate your beliefs against our facts and logic?
No, it's because your "facts" and "logic" consist of shit like
>If you're pro any of those groups, you're anti-White.
and because it pisses me off that people like you exist.

I don't give a toss if I'm the good guy, I'm on my team and I intend to see it win. Morality doesn't factor into competition mate.

There is no good or bad. More what is necessary for myself to thrive and what isnt.

>implying Sup Forums is one person
Fuck off faggot. If you have a problem with a board that encompasses all opinions and cherishes free speech even if it hurts, then this place is really nothing for you. Back to your safe space, baby.

>iv lurked on an image board where I dislike everyone for 5 years
>I dont understand things
>im a retard


¡Viva la Muerte!

>here since 2012

>not redpilled

>thinks Sup Forums is full of hate

Lying on the Internet doesn't make you any cooler man. Take the redpill and finally realize Sup Forums is a board of peace.

Bless you, cheese maker

>implying Sup Forums is one person
Why do you people always say this, is this your way of saying you are on the spectrum?

How do you reconcile being pro-white without being against groups that threaten whites, user? It's not possible because those are two contradictory positions.

You being butthurt (something which you've expressed in pretty much every post made ITT) isn't an argument.

How is Sup Forums not full of hate? Can you explain?

>No, it's because your "facts" and "logic" consist of shit like
If that were the case then you wouldn't have to censor us on every other mainstream platform. You'd be able to debate and silence us with YOUR "facts" and/or "logic".

>and because it pisses me off that people like you exist.
You mean people who want the White race to exist and who oppose your program of White Genocide? Because that's who I am.

You know who imported the Muslims? Jews.

You know who opened the floodgates? Jews.

You know who promoted modern feminism? Jews.

You know who "empowered" the blacks? Jews.

You know who promotes and normalizes the homosexuals/trannies? Jews.

Don't believe me?

Check out this pastebin.

Yet when we call them out on it, you call us racist/nazi/antisemite

It was the start of liberal butt hurt season. Still in full swing. This is going to be a great 8 years.

We love white people

A spectrum of opinions. Yes. I realise you mean that as an insult but its a poor insult a stupid kid would make.

Did you watch the HWDU streams? Pol is like 30% white. I think a lot of it is satire but with many anons that just want to save western civilization from degeneracy and a death cult.

niggers roasties and nu males already pozzed the entire internet and turned it into a bland and useless hugbox
for fucks sake can people like me at least have one outlet for banter where we won't be yelled at by fat overbearing women for shitting on other people

You're really bad at lying. Either open your mouth and swallow the red pill dry or fuck off and don't come back