How the fuck is it ok for her to get railroaded like this? This is political assassination.

What can the French do to stop this??

Fuck the EU

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=le pen news

Europe doesn't give a fuck all the media has to do is yell
>muh nazis
and the goyim all nod in agreement that she deserves it.

>Even the black lady looking up JUST KNOWS this is going to be all over the media.
Is Le Pen actually TRYING to get railroaded?
Bad enough her party has to look outside the EU for funding (guaranteed Russia) due to every institution "reserving the right to refuse" them everything.
She should fucking know better.

French people will do nothing.
People supporting the FN keep it to themselves, the social pressure is unbelievable. Openly supporting her would be a personal suicide, in some cases you can also kiss your job goodbye

We have to give Le Pen all of our energy when the time is right.

Just claim it's satire and you don't mean it when and if confronted.

Hmmmm sounds familiar. Get out and vote for her Frenchbros

Its not ok, but remember that the legal system is not there to protect you. Its there to guarantee that the people in power stay in power, thats why such vague things like "hate crimes" that can be applied to almost anything exist

Seems familiar.

>Macron the only untarnished candidate
>Former Rothschild banker
Pure coincidence.

Macron would be a disaster he is a pure globalist product.

Wait, what's going on with Le Pen now?

Her supporters do not give a single shit about her stealing money from the eu. If anything it makes them like her even more. I'll vote for her no matter what, plenty will. In this election and the next.

The same tactics they use every time, only in France it is focused solely on her, like Trump. Just glad we had two Brexit groups campaigning so they had to target multiple people, Boris and Nigel being the main targets they threw shit at constantly.

Nothing specific though?

Does it matter? Everytime they do shit like this they just push more people away from the EU

She posted ISIS beheading videos on twitter and has taken her maximum EU allocation. So apparently that's reason enough to shut her down.

I'm not seeing anything in the press about recent events involving her though.

Her immunity has been removed by the European parlement so she can be prosecuted in France for tweet made in December 2015

It's like the people who want to vote for him have never even heard the words to La Marseillaise.

You're supposed to drench the fields with foreign blood, not drench your women's wombs with foreign semen.

She tweeted some graphic pics of ISIS when someone said she was as extreme as then (basically saying fuck you, THIS is how extreme ISIS is)
Apparently this is illegal in France.
As an MEP she was immune from prosecution. The EU has now decided to revoke that immunity.
Note: not repeal the law granting immunity, but to specifically revoke the immunity of Le Pen, and only Le Pen.

It's the most transparent attempt at taking out a political opponent that I have ever seen. It's even more transparent than the Dems attempts to fuck with President Trumps cabinet.

Which doesn't deserve to be prosecuted btw

Brexiteers want more "commonwealth" immigration as opposed to Europeans. The establishment never tried to shut them down, retard. Stop comparing pajeet-loving Farage with based Le Pen, it's embarrassing.

lmgtfy.com/?q=le pen news

Right. At least one leftist commentator in Britain is saying it's only going to make her victory more certain, because it makes it clear that the establishment fears her.


found your problem friend

Memetic warfare thread also here Overload.

Fucking overload your media with disturbing images of Islamist behavior. Bataclan theatre, Nice are the good start. Beheadings and so on too.

Farage would never get in power, he initially set out to move the Tories to the right of centre on immigration and that he achieved by them lifting the Tier 2 sponsorship limit to £30k this April, up from £23k at the moment, along with educational certification requirements that mean even Alan Donald (Saffer fast bowler) can't get a visa without getting his level 3 badges.

We are getting a Aussie style points system whether you acknowledge it or not.

> Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons

This need to be taken into the context of the time song was written.

The blood in question is the people's blood considered unclean/impure in comparison to the noble people's blood that is pure because of the nobility.

Taking into the context this sing a war chant, it means the people were ready to die for what they believe in.

Bataclan théâtre massacre photos or any terrorist attacks photos are actively removed from the Internet, insisting in posting such photos could bring a Frenchman to jail.

Now they even do not want to risk get fined for what they believe in...


>along with educational certification requirements
That only stops white people from functional countries from getting in. Pajeet can still produce is PhD from Bandapoorjoyuwallambda University and the Home Office will accept it as evidence.

Nobody wants to stop shitskin migration to Britain, not even UKIP whether you acknowledge it or not.

So serve your time.
Will they fine or imprison all LePen supporters?
Are you living free country or tyrannical dystopian shithole? Test it.

This law is retarded.