So are shill getting paid to divide us on Sup Forums?

Let's get real, guys.

There are too many posts about "I regret that I have voted for Trump".

So are shill getting paid to do this type of shit on Sup Forums? I know that we shouldn't trust anyone on this website but I can see that the thread created by shill is getting more and more on Sup Forums.

Also, do we have to be like this in the next 4 years?

Other urls found in this thread:

We can't let Jeff Sessions get the nuclear codes!

There are no shills, some of us just really regret supporting a lying russian plant. I know it might be hard for you to understand, you are in an echochamber.

It's just one, maybe a small handful of trolls posting copypasta that they know will piss off right-wingers. This trick was old when I was underageb&.

libtards post here for free
also we enjoy trolling each other


Check out these cool websites I found.

no shit

>believing this big of a conspiracy theory
Almost as bad as the flat earthers

Hey fellow shill don't say you voted Trump with your proxy on ya stupid faggot

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes,