Will you save 3 white children Sup Forums?


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bump just because they dont deserve 35 combined years

This case seems so fucked up, i listened to them mentioning it on TRS. My condolences usa.

They shouldn't have done it but 35 years is really non-sensible, that's not justice. I don't know how in the fuck that happened

The Jewish judge most likely

Stop defending this scum. I've heard on the news they pointed a shotgun at a boy who was celebrating his 8th birthday.

Activist judge that's how.
Murica land of the free.

Nigs can murder someone and get less time

The white juries will also fuck over the white defendant any and every time. All hope is lost.

The juries usually are scared of the judge, and take the cues from the judge which way to vote.

If the defendant is judged to be 'racist' in any way, the jury has to vote guilty, regardless of the facts, to escape being 'racist' themselves. (this only goes for whites of course)

That's not really a very good reason.