Direct democracy is a important value of Switzerland and needs to be protected. But in the recent past, it is becoming more obvious, that our political class disregards the will of the people.

After the "mass immigration initiative" (Feb.2014 Switzerland votes Yes to stop massimigration) and they government failed attempt to implement the law changes within 3 years, it is clear: Direct democracy is not executed and the will of the populous disrespected.


For this purpose a rally named: "We Are Direct Democracy" will be held on March 18th on the "Bundeshausplatz" in Berne in front of the main Government Building. Invited are all those who want to stand up with us for direct democracy.

Date: March 18th 2017
Time: 3 p.m.
Location: Bundesplatz, 3000 Berne


Leftists wanted to hold a counter demo, but they did not get a permission for that day.
However, they are expected to try to sabotage the rally. As they have announced themselves on their commie page here:


Other urls found in this thread:


If direct democracy works in Switzerland, that's fine, but I personally despise the idea.

If we had it in America, only GIBS ME DATS would ever win. Tail wags the dog.

it works because we're not stupid

If you have a homogenous society its the best system i can imagine. If the people don't like a law they can change it.

bump for forcing the government to stick to their promises and to follow the will of the people
shit like this and stuff like the people suggesting that the UK government ignore the result of the brexit vote makes my fucking blood boil
I have family in Switzerland, so I wish you the best of luck

Tell us more.

Does one country need to have a confederate government to make direct democracy work ? Or does central government only make it worse ?

I mean the purpose of direct democracy is to make people vote their own laws, but can they force national laws to other cantons ?

>30 percent from a foreign background
>literally a million albanians

leftists are scum: translate.google.ch/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://xn--revolutionr-u8a.ch/&prev=search

yes its disgusting! See, there are also leftists in Switzerland.

Direct democracy is eurotrash cancer. Keep that shit in the burning garbage dump you call a continent

Tell me why.

Difficult question. There are pros and cons to federalism.

>only GIBS ME DATS would ever win.
>Country becomes poor
>No immigrants want to move there
>The now poor white start to reproduce because they aren't worried about muh retirement and gibs for themselves
>America becomes rich again

gibs are a minority. and all my gibs friends vote right wing. there you go





I don't know. Three SVP back-benchers, one of them barely adult.

It's a big problem of the liberal-conservatives (the term "liberal" has a very different connotation in Switz.) here: Literally none of the leaders actually vouche for direct democracy anymore.
Such a movement should be lead by a well known figure and not by a 21ys. old well-intentioned nobody.

Don't get me wrong, I support the cause, but...

This "rally" is going to be a mere gathering of some political lightweights. It's gonna be easy for the press to a) ignore it entirely or b) spin it as if a fringe alt-right loser convention is looking for trouble.

democracy was a mistake
pls mountain yids make a switch to ancapistan of whatever flavour

OP is not calling for direct democracy everywhere
The Swiss government has not implemented the decision of the people to stop mass immigration into Switzerland.

Are they calling for violence against police officers? And even trying to argue that it's morally justifiable?
Seems like they're communist as well, or at least starkly anti-capitalist. Commies are the worst- it's always the same old tired shit with them, never anything new. The same old worn out arguments and stale rhetoric.

I liked your alps.

They don't have voting rights though, need citizenship for that.

For whatever reason, your leadership are left wing cucks like the rest of Europe (and USA/Australia)

Tell the truth, they never kept out a rapefugee, and your military exercises force you to role-play fighting AGAINST right-wingers trying to keep out refugee scum.

>MFW the soldiers break the conditioning and arm and support the right wing patriots in the drill.

according to this, Switzerland is a representative democracy

>I don't want freedom
Dumb american 56% scum