Which is the greater evil, feminism or zionism? If you could remove either feminism or zionism completely...

Which is the greater evil, feminism or zionism? If you could remove either feminism or zionism completely, which would you pick?

deus vult

(((they))) created feminism.

remove (((them))) and we have no (((feminism))) anymore.

Archonian Zionism, that's not even a proper question. Gas the motherfuckers.

Zionism doesn't affect me directly, while feminism thrusts its tendrils into every aspect of life.

I strongly suspect is right though.


Israel will be wiped off the map eventually. It's only a matter of time until Iran nukes them into oblivion.

feminism is a symptom of a greater problem. zionism.... well fuck man come on of course.

are you guys fucking retarded? trump is literally a hardcore zionist.

sometimes i don't even know why I come here anymore.

Is this a bot-post? You're literally the only person here who mentioned anything about Trump.

Zionism simply seeks for the establishment of homeland in Israel, how is this bad, seriously?